Wednesday, March 12th, 2025

How to use a scuffed ball

July 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Pitching

Happy 4th of July everyone!  As a high school social studies teacher, I’m more than a little partial to this holiday and not just

because it’s in the middle of baseball season.

Many 4th of July parties will include a good game of Whiffle Ball.  Did you know that throwing a scuffed baseball and throwing a curve with a Whiffle Ball work on the same principle?  Here’s how both work.

When the Whiffle Ball pitcher holds the ball with the holes on the left, the ball curves to the right.  If he holds the holes to the right, the ball breaks left.  The same is true for a scuffed ball.  Hold the ball so the scuff is on the right side of the ball and the fastball will move a little to the left.  Hold it so the scuff is on the left side of the ball and the pitch will tail to the right.

Holes to the right, curve to the left

Scuff to the right, movement to the left

Those of us that had/have very little (if any) movement on the ball can get some by utilizing the scuffs that will appear on the baseball through normal use.  Of course, there are ways to put your own scuff

on the ball too.  That will have to be a subject for another post.  If you are a younger pitcher (below high school), you may not have enough velocity to get much movement with a scuff.  Give it a shot though.  You never know.

If you are a catcher, be sure to read THIS POST about your end of the deal!

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