Friday, March 28th, 2025

The common sense of George Brett

April 3, 2015 by  
Filed under Hitting


Hall of Famer, George Brett

When I was a senior in college at Villanova, our spring break took us to the Orlando, FL area for workouts and games.  One of the places we played at several times was the old Boardwalk and Baseball complex which, at the time, was the home of the Kansas City Royals for spring training.  Our pitching coach that year at school was a great man named Tony Gubicza.  He was also the father of the very successful MLB pitcher for the Royals Mark Gubicza.

One game when we were playing at the complex, I remember coming into the dugout and seeing Coach Gubicza talking to a guy in plain clothes at the other end of the dugout.  Coach grabbed me and said, “Hey Bob, I want you to meet someone.  This is George Brett.”  I think I almost fainted.  I don’t know what I said to him but it was probably something stupid.

George Brett is one of the good guys in baseball.  I think he is also one of the smartest, most down to earth guys as well.  I found this video clip of him talking about modern hitters.  It’s right on target.

To see the video, click HERE.

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