Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

2018 North Penn Coaching Clinic – Opening address

March 5, 2018 by  
Filed under Coaching, Practice

A week or so ago, I spoke at my high school’s baseball coaching clinic for area youth coaches and parents.  The head coach of North Penn High School – Mr. Kevin Manero – started things off with his views on the state of youth baseball and some valuable tips related to organizing a well-run practice as well as ways to create a winning baseball program at any level.

One comment on “2018 North Penn Coaching Clinic – Opening address

  1. Bob Sopko on said:

    Bob, I can’t thank you enough for posting this. This is spot on. There’s a reason why the NP program is in the good shape it’s in because of the philosophy that is set. It all starts with the youth programs and with development. Development of coaches and players. You guys have been doing it right for years. All too often, we have a culture that “fun” is a 3 letter word and it’s spelled “w-I-n” (and yes, I capitalized the I for a reason). All too often, kids at the lower levels that do not posess the best skill sets get pushed aside because they are seen as not being the ones that will help the team win – NOW. The kids are years old. Typically at the Recreation Level, the parents are the coaches and they remain with those same players as they move up the levels. Usually, the same kids play all the time and the same kids sit all the time. Lots of games are scheduled but very few practices and WINNING is the priority. The scoreboard seems to dictate what is “fun” and what is not. Don’t get me wrong, there is a time and a place for winning and losing and the rewards and consequences each bring. That’s all part of learning about the great game of life. I just feel Coach Manero hit it out of the park with his introductional presentation to the youth coaches at the clinic. Setting priorities on development, keeping kids engaged in the sport, and not giving up on the kid who might struggle early on in the development process. Well done!
    And for record, I don’t have any kids but I do coach for the same reason guys like Coach Manero preach.
    All my best,

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