Thursday, March 27th, 2025

95 Pitching, Outfield, and Base Running Drills

November 17, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching, Outfield, Pitching


“Thanks for the drills Coach! Perfect to keep on my clipboard during practice.

Will save me lots of time with planning.”

That’s an email I got from a reader a few days ago!  

This past week subscribers received the latest offer of baseball drills.  The deal includes 40 Pitching Drills that range from basic to advanced.  I also throw in 25 Outfield Drills and 30 Base Running Drills absolutely FREE!  That’s 95 drills total!  Every drill lists what the drill works on and provides step by step directions on how to do the drill.

Click HERE for purchasing info!

If you have purchased, thank you so much for supporting Baseball By The Yard! If you are on the fence, here are some ways to get the most out of the resource:

1. Organize skill stations during indoor or outdoor practices and place a drill in each station. Have each drill work on something different. Check off the drills you use. Bring out others to keep your practices fast moving and fresh.

2. Assign targeted homework for players by giving them a drill that focuses on specific things they need to address.

3. Provide a list of your favorite drills to coaches on levels below you so when players get to your team they are already familiar with the drills.

Remember … there is nothing worse as a player than drudging through a poorly organized practice!

Two more free resources you might find helpful to guide your planning: (Click the links)

1. Indoor practice tips – a post that included some basic things to consider when organizing an indoor practice.
2. Killer indoor practices eBook – all the info you need to run an efficient, well organized, and fun indoor practice. Follow the link and then click the Free Download button


Best of luck everyone and thanks to all those who continue to support Baseball By The Yard!

Coach McCreary

2 comments on “95 Pitching, Outfield, and Base Running Drills

  1. Jim Sullivan on said:

    I ordered the drills but have not received anything.

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