Monday, March 31st, 2025


March 14, 2016 by  
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One comment on “KneeKick

  1. An excellent piece of pitching advice for pitchers when preparing themselves at the rubber, preparation is very important in order for pitchers to set up the initiation of their first move which is most important to properly executing their series of sequenced,timed, chain reactive body movements up through the kinetic chain. I like to stress the turning in/closing off of the knee at the parallel position due to the fact that by doing so sets the hips/front hip out in front of the upper torso all preset and ready to first lead the body’s way at least {12}frames away from the rubber, what I observe from the majority of pitchers is at the peak of their knee lift their first move is to omit their initial hip movement by initiating their leg kick/stride foot movement leading their hips, the hips should lead the way, never should the stride foot and leg lead the hips during the first move away from the rubber. When any part of the kinetic chain is broken the body neglects to carry on it’s duties/physical body movements and sadly, the arm is left to pick up those duties/physical body movements which adds tremendous stress and strain to the arm and all other body parts involved during the very violent action of the arms throwing/pitching movement.”LET THE HIPS LEAD THE BODY’S WAY” away from the rubber.
    Great Base Ball-N to all.
    Don Ervin

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