Monday, March 31st, 2025

See you soon!

August 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Misc

Hello everyone!

With summer coming to a close and school starting up soon, I will need to take a break from posting for a little while.  I hope you are enjoying the posts and are finding them useful.  

As you might have seen in my bio, I have been fortunate to have been surrounded by some good baseball people and learned a lot.  My goal for this website was to pass on as much information about how to play the game to those who were not as lucky as I was to have been raised in the game of baseball.  Hopefully, I am accomplishing that.

I expect to continue posting in September so I won’t be too long with my break.  If you are a daily reader (Thank you by the way!), go back and reread some of your favorite posts.  If you are relatively new to the site (Thank you too!), use this break to go back and check out some of the old posts you may have missed.

Have a great end to your summer!  Keep those emails coming with questions and comments about the site and how I’m doing!  I love reading them and respond to every one!

Coach McCreary

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