Monday, March 31st, 2025

Hey Jared Weaver, it will never work

September 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Pitching

Time: 1992.  

Place: Little League field, Simi Valley, CA

Probable Conversation: Youth coach and a 10 year old Jared Weaver

“Look Jared, I see your pitching mechanics and we’ve got to change some things.  You’ve got a great arm but you lean back on your delivery which is going to throw everything out of whack. You throw across your body way too much which is going to screw up your control and velocity.  And you tilt your head and eyes back which cannot possibly allow you to see the plate well.  You’re a pretty good athlete but you are never going anywhere with those mechanics.  Trust me, Jared, I know.  Fix them or your career will be over pretty quickly after high school.”

Time:  2012

Place:  Arlington, TX

Probable conversation:  “Congratulations on your 20th big league victory this year!”

Moral of the story:  Never say never

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