Monday, March 31st, 2025

Greater Philadelphia Area Coaches Clinic

December 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Misc

For those living in the Philadelphia area, the Greater Philadelphia Area Coaches Clinic at the Grand Slam facility in Malvern will be on February 1 and 2.  I will be presenting a seminar titled “An indoor and outdoor approach to developing outfielders.”  My seminar will be leading off Saturday morning at 9:00am.  

I am excited to put that seminar together because in the colder climates, outfielders usually get the short end of the stick when it comes to indoor workouts.  I will be showing a number of great outfield drills that can be done in a normal high school size gym.  

If you’d like to see the entire schedule of speakers that will be at the clinics and their topics, click HERE.  Register soon!  Spots are limited!

Hope to see you there.  For those who cannot attend, I will try my best to videotape the seminar so that I can post it on my site in the future.

Is there anything specific you’d like to know about developing outfielders?  Drills?  Mechanics?  If so, leave a comment!  Maybe I can address it in the seminar!

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