Monday, March 31st, 2025

Seminar – Basics of Pitching (Part 1)

February 26, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

This is the second of seven videos from a coaching clinic I participated in at North Penn High School in Lansdale, PA. The clinics were presented to mostly Little League coaches.  The purpose was to pass on a basic foundation of the game to all the coaches.  I am posting all of the seminars – even those I didn’t give.  Coaches who attended can see the videos in case they forgot something.  My readers can hopefully benefit from them as well.  In the near future I will be posting all seven to the VIDEO page of the site for more convenient viewing.

Today’s seminar on the Basics of Pitching (Part 1) was given by Kevin Manero, the head coach of North Penn High School.

One comment on “Seminar – Basics of Pitching (Part 1)

  1. In the above video presentation on pitching you mention “MUSCLE MEMORY”‘ The fact is,there is no such thing as “MUSCLE MEMORY,” The brain with assistance from one’s eyes is one’s incoming and out going control center, one’s muscles have no memory capabilities, also as the knee reaches it’s peak during it’s lift it should turn in as you stated, which sets the hip into a position leading one’s upper torso which allows the drive legs large muscles, the hips and ones body core to execute the first accelerated body move away from the rubber,into and through weight shift on to a decelerated, soft knee stabilized stride foot touch, plant down followed by a very stabilized Stride foot and leg.For the body/hips and core to be allowed to first lead the way the stride foot and leg must remain compact until the front hip has slid forward at least {12} frames then the stride foot and leg execute their movement to touch/plant down, the hips must first lead the way, the stride foot and leg must never, ever first lead the way away from the rubber.
    Great Base Ball-N
    Don Ervin

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