Monday, March 31st, 2025

The season is a marathon …

October 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Misc

… and the playoffs are a sprint.

Going into the playoffs, the best teams in baseball were the Phillies and the Yankees.  Both were built to be successful over the course of 162 games and their records proved that they were.  But playoffs are different.  The 5 game playoff series is a sprint.  It’s just not the same.  It would be like taking the best marathon runners of the year and then making them run a 100 meter sprint to determine the best one.   It just doesn’t seem fair.  

But that’s baseball.

The Phillies and the Yankees had terrific seasons.  They should be very proud of what they accomplished.  Unfortunately, both the teams and their fan base expected a lot more.

Play it or watch it long enough and the game of baseball will break your heart.

One comment on “The season is a marathon …

  1. PlayBall14 on said:

    No broken heart here. I am a fan of "The Greatest Game" first. Then a Yankee fan(AL), Then then a Phille fan NL, then an Astro fan. All for good reason but too long to explain here. This game is amazing, the ultimate team sport where the individual has to perform in singular full Monty. ARod could not pass his bat to someone else in the 7th or 9th. Roy Halladay, alone on the mound could throw 125 good pitches and lose by 1 run. In Moneyball terms, A team ranked 10th, 11th, 13th, or 17th in team salaries will win the "World Series". This game will always throw you a "Curvaball" Nothing beats it. Being a "Fan of the Game" first is good for the heart.

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