Monday, March 31st, 2025

Weekly pitching routine

April 17, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

At the younger levels (up to and including college) the likely pattern a pitcher is going to evolve into is the “once a week” appearance.  Of course, a relief pitcher may throw more than once a week but for starters, once a week is usually pretty standard until they get into pro ball.  The question that many coaches and pitchers struggle with is … what does a pitcher do on the days he is not pitching?

There is no “one size fits all” answer to this question.  Every pitcher is different and will need to tailor an off-day program that meets their individual needs.  That being said, below is an example of a program that is required at a Philadelphia area college.  I am posting it because I believe it is a good model to use or to at least start with and tweak over time.  For younger players, all that is expected in this program may not be doable since younger players usually play other positions on non-pitching days.  It’s much easier to follow the program below if all you do is pitch.  The general point is that pitchers should not just focus on pitching when it is their turn to pitch.  There are things they should be doing on a daily basis to both help them recover from a pitching appearance and prepare for the next one.

As I said earlier, there is no program that is best for everyone.  The program below should be tweaked according to the individual needs of the pitcher.

Weekly Pitching Routine based on one start a week

Day 1: Pitching start –   Post-game light lifting routine using full range of motion.

Day 2: Run (combo of distance and sprints), bike, and/or swim

Day 3: Light catch using flat-ground pitching mechanics

Day 4: Long-toss routine

Day 5: Bullpen session (30 total pitches – 15 stretch / 15 windup) Note: some pitchers may actually throw an inning or two in a mid-week game instead.

Day 6: Sprints, plyometrics, and/or medicine ball routine

Day 7: Light bullpen session – 10-12 pitches just to get a feel for your pitches; flat ground or mound

Day 8: Next pitching start

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