Monday, March 31st, 2025

Fill-In-The-Blank for parents

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Misc

Ever play Mad Libs?  Of course you have!  Well, here is one for parents at the end of this season.  Just fill in the blanks with a word or phrase that fits.  Be kind or be harsh.  Your choice!

But be careful, there is another coming shortly for coaches!



Dear  ___________________,

I am contacting you because I wanted to tell you how much I ______________ my son’s current baseball coach.  His ________________ coaching style is truly ________________.  My _________________ son is so unbelievably ____________________ that I could not understand why the coach didn’t ____________________ him more.  Clearly the coach is showing his unique ability to ___________________.  Over the course of this season, the coach consistently & ________________ treated my son as if he was __________________.  It really was quite __________________.  Although I do not have the baseball experience of his coach, I believe it is obvious that his coach is a real _________________ and should be _____________.   

My ___________________ and I have always tried to teach our son to be a _______________. We are confident that we __________________ in that goal.  All the _________________ that know him would say that our son is a true __________________ as well.

As for next year, we hope that the ________________ coach and his staff are _______________ involved.  They are so ______________________ when it comes to the strategy and fundamentals of the game.  We are so _____________________ that our son will be ___________________ to work with Coach _________________________ again.

Thank you for your time and ________________.

Mr./Mrs. ___________________

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