Monday, March 31st, 2025

800 posts and counting!

November 22, 2013 by  
Filed under Misc

Hello everyone!  Little bit of a milestone today.  It’s the 800th post for Baseball By The Yard.  Wow.  It seems like yesterday I clicked “publish” for the very first time.  For those who are avid readers and viewers of the site, I am very grateful.  For those who are new to the site, I hope that I am providing good, usable content so that you stay on board.

To celebrate the 800th post, I am giving away a FREE eBook called “Stuck Inside: A baseball coach’s guide to KILLER indoor practices.”   


The only catch is that you have to be a subscriber to the site in order to get it.  At least if you want it soon!  If you are not a subscriber and would like to be, go to the top right area of the site to become one.  I will be sending out the eBook probably on Sunday so if you subscribe before then, you’re all set!  If you do not wish to be a subscriber, be patient!  I’ll make it available to the public eventually!

Note:  If you have subscribed in the past and changed your email address, you may want to subscribe again with your new one. 

Thanks again for being a reader of Baseball By The Yard.  I hope I’m making the site worth your time!

Have a great weekend!

Next post: What’s with the hoodies?

5 comments on “800 posts and counting!

  1. Thanks for all the great tips. I think I have read all 800 post.

  2. Jim Sullivan on said:

    I really enjoy reading your posts. You are providing a great service and I still am amazed that it is free.

  3. “Stuck Inside” is another great tool that coaches must have in their library. It really helps to use the trial and error from others. A fresh combination of drills and tips to teach the kids really keeps their attention and motivation.

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