Monday, March 31st, 2025

Happy Holidays!

December 13, 2013 by  
Filed under Misc

Today will be my last post until Monday, January 6, 2014.  Things are getting pretty hectic with school, the holidays, family gatherings, and such so I just won’t have time to create quality posts.  Here are some things to look forward to in the near future:

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!


I will be posting another interview shortly after I come back.  It is with a high school guidance counselor who specializes in NCAA information.  Grades, the NCAA Clearinghouse, Core Courses that need to be taken, selecting a college if you are a player, and much more is discussed.

I was able to film the College Baseball Information Night I wrote about the other day.  Some great stuff from all those on the panel.  Hopefully I will find a way to put all the footage on the site.  Here is just a preview of what was said by the coaches:

“I get about 25 emails a day from the recruiting services out there who are paid to promote players.  I delete every single one of them.  I don’t even look at them first.”

“The first thing I ask a high school coach about is the player’s grades and character.”

“I love high school players who play other sports.”

I am putting the finishing touches on another eBook.  This one will include 50 hitting drills!  I will be charging for this one.

The eBook “Stuck Inside: A coach’s guide to KILLER indoor practices” will be made public to everyone after the new year.  For those on my subscriber list who got it already, I hope you have found it useful.  I’d love to hear any feedback!

As always, thank you for being a reader of Baseball By The Yard!

I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and a new year filled with health and prosperity!

Coach McCreary

2 comments on “Happy Holidays!

  1. Gerry Mann on said:

    Thanks for the indoor practice e-book. I dread poor weather and moving inside. I always walk out of practice thinking that we could’ve done more. Some position, usually the outfielders, get short shrift on those days. I feel like I’m in a better position now than before.
    I don’t even remember how I found your site but it’s been invaluable to me. I’m a high school coach in Virginia and I’m trying to rid our program of the “losing” culture that had become ingrained in it prior to me taking over so I really look for your articles on the mental component of the game and try to apply those to our practices. I’m always looking for that edge that we can incorporate into our teams mental make-up. Interested in team-building activities that you may have done and whether you have run into similar circumstances.
    Thanks again for the ebook and the website. Good luck to you and Merry Christmas.

  2. Thanks Coach! I have some mental side posts planned for after the holidays so stay tuned.

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