Monday, March 31st, 2025

Holidays gifts for a Baseball Mom

December 9, 2013 by  
Filed under Misc


Ok, men.  This time of year can be pretty tough for us.  Us guys really don’t care what we get for Christmas.  At least I don’t.  But for the women in our lives … well, let’s just say this is one of those holidays you have to get right.

Let’s face it.  The women in our lives put up with a lot of stuff.  Dirty uniforms, smelly spikes, quick meals on the fly, our grumpy moods after loses, TV games every single night, lost weekends, hours spent – often in horrible weather – watching our games, and driving an endless amount of miles hustling between school, work, games, and practices.  Sound familiar?

And there was a reason why my wife called herself a Baseball Widow during the season.

So, in the spirit of giving, here are some baseball related gift suggestions for making that Baseball Mom, girlfriend, etc. feel pretty special … or at least provide something useful for when baseball season comes around.

  • A more comfy folding chair to watch games in like the one HERE from Ming’s Mark.  One with magazine pockets, a drink holder, etc.
  • A fold up stadium seat like the one HERE.  Butts get pretty cold on metal stands!
  • Create a Baseball Game Survival Kit.  Stuff a girly duffel bag, shoulder bag, or cooler bag with sunscreen, magazines, water bottles, small umbrella, first aid kit, her favorite snacks, a nice pen and pad of paper, etc.
  • A GPS system for the car so she can find where all the fields are located.
  • A beautiful travel mug for the hot coffee or hot chocolate she will need to stay warm.
  • A great pair of sunglasses.
  • A packable, breathable rain jacket.
  • Boots for rain or treks across wet grass.  I bought my wife these HERE.  They are from Bogs.
  • A very soft throw blanket to wrap herself in when she is sitting in her new chair sipping on her new travel mug!
  • A scorekeeping app for her smart phone to keep stats.
  • A Life is Good baseball cap like these HERE.  Is there anything better than a girl in a baseball cap?
  • Great tickets to a Major League or Minor League game.  Date night!  Leave the children at home.
  • A charm for her bracelet like the one HERE.
  • A women’s baseball T-shirt like the one HERE.  (Note: I don’t think the model comes with the shirt.)
  • Game jersey of her favorite MLB team.  
  • Get some old baseballs and make her a baseball wreath.  Click HERE to see directions.
  • A spa certificate for a day out with her girlfriends.
  • A few good books so she has something to do between innings or at-bats.
  • A folding wagon for all her new stuff.  This was probably the single BEST purchase I made all year!  See one HERE.

and finally … click HERE.  Don’t thank me, I’m just doing my job.

Happy shopping!  Don’t forget to access the Amazon box for this stuff and anything else you may want to buy in the future.  Every bit helps!




One comment on “Holidays gifts for a Baseball Mom

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