Monday, March 31st, 2025

The Belly Button hitting drill

February 12, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

A big thank you for all of you who have supported the site by purchasing my latest eBook Time to hit!  50 drills to improve your hitting.  You purchases go a long way in keeping the site ad free!  If you still would like to, you can access purchasing information HERE.  Info will always be on my eBooks page as well.

One of the drills in the eBook is called the Belly Button Drill.  I received a question about this drill a while back and decided to do a video on it.  As you may have seen in the eBook, this drill is a good one for teaching hitters how to .. and the importance of .. keeping your hands inside the ball.  It also gives hitters more confidence in their ability to hit inside pitches.

Here is the video.  Enjoy and keep sending your questions!

Tomorrow’s post:  Know what an eight looks like

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