Monday, March 31st, 2025

Anatomy of a pitch

March 27, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

I saw this link yesterday on ESPN/MLB and just had to share it.  The link is below.  Click on a pitcher and run through all the video of the featured pitchers from the Diamonbacks and watch their deliveries.  Even more important, listen to their explanations as to what their own keys need to be for them to be effective.  You’ll probably notice some patterns.  If I was coaching, this would be mandatory watching for all my pitchers.  Daily!

There is so much great stuff in these videos I could write for days.  Tomorrow I will break down some of it and identify/explain some of the things that jumped out at me.

Click here:  ESPN/MLB – Anatomy of a pitch

Tomorrow’s post: Breaking down Anatomy of a pitch

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