Monday, March 31st, 2025

Pitchers – Are you a head-snap or glove guy?

April 1, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Pitching, Video Posts

A huge part of being a great base stealer is being able to quickly recognize opportunities that increase your chances to be safe.  Examples include a catcher with a weak arm, middle infielders that are positioned too far from the bag, and a slow delivery to home plate.  Another big example involves what the pitcher does when he transitions between checking a runner at first or second base and starting his delivery to home plate.  Some pitchers will do a head-snap and others will pick up the catchers mitt first.

If you are a base stealer, look for the glove guys.  If you are a pitcher, don’t be a glove guy.

The video below shows what both look like.

Tomorrow’s post:  A lot can be seen in one play at first base

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