Monday, March 31st, 2025

Getting a ton of infield reps – Part 2

April 8, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Infield

In Part 1 I explained how to get a bunch of reps pretty quickly for your infielders.  I usually did it at the start of practices but it could certainly be done anytime you see fit.  Today I’ll show how this basic concept can be expanded into a full-blown infield activity that 

Organize it right and get a ton of reps in no time!

Organize it right and get a ton of reps in no time!

works on a ton of game-like skills in a short period of time.

Each one of the phases below can last as long as you wish.  I tried to keep each phase to about 2-3 minutes each so that the sum of all the phases lasted between 20-30 minutes.  Keeping it short forces players to focus and move quickly.

Here are the phases I used.  Tweak them based on your needs.

Phase 1:  All balls are hit at the fielders.  Throws are returned to the fungo guy or his catch-up guy.

Phase 2: Third basemen field and make a throw to first base.  Shortstops and second basemen continue to field balls and return the throw as normal.

Phase 3: Shortstops field and throw to first base.  Third basemen and second basemen field and return the throw as normal.

Phase 4: Second basemen field and throw to first base.  Shortstops and third basemen can field and throw back as normal OR practice the 6-5 play where a runner incorrectly tries to go to third on a ball hit to the shortstop.

Phase 5: First basemen field and throw to the shortstop covering second base as if starting a double play.  First basemen should field some in front of the bag (as in holding runners on & shuffling off), even with the bag, and behind the runner.  The shortstop can either throw back to first to complete the double play or return to the fungo guy.  Third basemen and second basemen field grounders and return the throws as normal.

Phase 6: The third basemen field grounders and start a 5-4-3 double play.  Shortstop work on fielding backhands (these grounders are more easily rolled than batted).

Phase 7: Shortstops field grounders and start a 6-4-3 double play.  Third basemen work on backhands, slow rollers, pop-ups in foul territory, or work on the 5-2 force/tag play at home plate (using catchers is optional)

Phase 8: Second basemen field grounders and start the 4-6-3 double play.  Third basemen do the same options as Phase 7.

Phase 9: First basemen field grounders and start a 3-6-3 double play (or 3-6-1 if you use pitchers).  Second basemen can do forehands and return the throws as normal.  Third basemen continue with the same options.

Other notes / tips:

  • Moving through all the phases can tax arms so I recommend that throwers not air out more than just a couple.  It’s more about footwork anyway.  First basemen can move hallway towards second base to shorten double play throws coming from second base if needed.
  • Proper footwork and timing is a must so if your players get exhausted then just pause or allow for a quick water break.  You don’t want them to get into bad habits.
  • If you want to bring the outfielders, catchers, and pitchers into the phases then you can expand the drill even more.  I wrote about that HERE (one of my more popular posts in terms of readership).

Tomorrow’s post:  Mr. and Mrs. Parent

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