Monday, March 31st, 2025

Baseball By The Yard bats 1.000!

October 10, 2014 by  
Filed under Misc

Actually … it’s not 1.000 but 1,000 as in 1,000 POSTS!!  That’s right, today’s post is my 1,000th post for Baseball By The Yard.

Way back on Sunday, December 12, 2010, I hit “Publish” for the very first time with a post called First impressions.  To see it click HERE.  I also published my second post on that same day where I explained why the site is called Baseball By The Yard.  That post was called By the yard? and can be seen HERE.  These two posts along with many others after that were on the site when it looked like this …



I later added the following site to go along with the original one …




My original idea for “Baseball By The Yard” involved writing a book.  However, the thought of sitting down and writing an entire book felt pretty daunting and to be quite honest, I wasn’t sure if anyone would actually buy it which would have been a waste of time.  I decided to just create a free blog and write a little bit at a time.  

Well … 1000 “little bits at a time” later and here I am!

My goal for the site has always been to help explain some of the finer points of playing and coaching the game in a way that even beginners can understand it.  Hopefully I’ve done that.  I’ve heard from a lot of readers who seem to think I do.  

On that note, I cannot thank those of you enough who are avid readers and correspond with me with questions and comments.  I will say that there are days where my kids are driving me up a tree, my stack of papers to grade for school is huge, and I don’t particularly feel like writing a blog post.  But then I’ll think of an email I may have received from a beginning coach or even a veteran coach saying how much they appreciate what I am doing.  And then I start typing.

Baseball is a game filled with ups and downs and the people who succeed in it are the ones who just keep at it and try to move a little farther forward every day.  That’s the attitude I’ve taken with the website – just keeping moving forward a few paragraphs at a time.

Thanks again for reading.  I don’t know if I have another thousand posts in me but as long as I think I have something useful to say about how to play the game, I’ll keep typing.

Have a nice weekend and I’ll see you back here on Monday!

3 comments on “Baseball By The Yard bats 1.000!

  1. steve combs on said:

    I have coached for 30 plus years at the youth level and school ball for 12 years and for 4 years I have had a batting center and have followed your blog, I tell all of the parents about it and it helps alot, so thanks alot!

    I am having alot of trouble with kids starting too early and hitting everything out front(mostly the ones moving up to the big feild) do you have any awnsers or drills to help with this matter? I have tried several things and will keep trying but have only corrected a few ( 10%)

    Again thanks for your blog I read it eveyday.

    • Hi Coach and thanks for the comments! Your problem is a very common one that is not so easily fixed. Many times it fixes itself as players get more accustomed to the larger fields and the bigger distance and get more at-bats. Slowing down your batting practice speed can work by forcing kids to learn to wait longer. Work on hitting the ball to the opposite field. That can help them let the ball get deeper. There are others too. I’ll have to do a post on that. Thanks again!

  2. Mike G. on said:

    I appreciate this site. I try to visit it a few times a week and keep up to date with the articles.

    During the baseball season, I give these articles to my players to read for homework. I have them respond to the article in writing so I know they are reading them.

    Thanks for BBTY!

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