Monday, March 31st, 2025

The cornerstone of any pitching program

November 14, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

I don’t care if you are teaching a player in his first year of kid-pitch or if you are a pitching coach of a major league team, the cornerstone of your program that should guide all instruction and advice is command of the fastball.

Command of your fastball is job #1

Command of your fastball is priority #1

 There are certainly many other facets of pitching that are important but none of them even comes close to being able to command the fastball.  Of course, the definition of “command” will depend on the age level of the players involved.  Command in Little League obviously is not the same as command at the college or pro levels.

After the holidays is usually when pitchers start their heavier throwing routines again.  Whether you are a player setting goals for yourself or a coach setting goals for your entire staff, make command of the fastball your top priority.  

Consistently winning becomes almost impossible without it.

NOTE:  The offer presented to subscribers ends Saturday at midnight!  I’m sending out another email reminder with info tomorrow so if you subscribed in the past couple days, you’ll get it too!  

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