Monday, March 31st, 2025

World Series Game 5 insights

November 2, 2015 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching, Infield

The Royals are World Champs!  Unfortunately, because of a bet, I have to make my son’s bed for a week.World-Series-primary-590x647

Clearly the better team won.  If you are a fan of baseball then watching the Royals was a pleasure.  They did everything right.  The Mets? … not so much.

Like the previous World Series posts, I list some insights in no particular order and link to posts and videos I have done on the subject.

It’s tough to get mad at young players when you see Major Leaguers making mistakes.  I wrote about that HERE.  You win championships with good defense and it all starts with training your feet to be where they are supposed to be like I wrote HERE.  In fact, I did a whole seminar on defense with Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE.  Both starters threw exceptionally well and now begins the criticism about taking pitchers out.  That’s never easy but HERE is a post on noticing when pitchers are hurting. Who allowed Cespedes to keep wearing a neon green arm covering?  HERE is a post on How to wear a uniform if you had forgotten.  Some great two-strike at-bats.  If you need to improve in that area, click HERE and HERE.  Royal base runners were very aggressive until they got to second base.  HERE is one reason why.

I’ll be addressing more World Series stuff in the future but the links above should keep you busy for a while!

Have a great week!

2 comments on “World Series Game 5 insights

  1. Coach Frank on said:

    Although it was only 5 games, it was one of the most enjoyable Series I have seen in a long time because of the way that the Royals played. My son and I had a great time watching and talking about the great baseball we saw.

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