Monday, March 31st, 2025

FYI’s and Resources page

November 18, 2015 by  
Filed under Misc

I just wanted to use today’s post to give all of you a heads-up about a few things that are happening at

  • The response to the Winter Seminar Survey has been great!  Thanks so much for all the comments and suggestions.  I hope to have several of the seminars made and ready to go after the holidays.  If you have not yet taken the survey, you may access it by clicking HERE.  Below is a screenshot of the results so far …


  • I added a Resource page on the top menu bar of the website.  I compiled a listing of resources I think would be helpful to coaches and placed them on a single page.  Check the page often because I will be adding more stuff constantly.  If you have websites or other resources you think coaches, players, and/or parents should know about, please send them my way.  I’ll check them out and possibly add them to the list.  (Note: For some reason I cannot get rid of one of the “Home” tabs on the menu bar. Sorry for the clutter.  I’m working on it!)
  • I’m starting to book several camps, clinics, and speaking engagements for the winter months so if you are interested in having me at one of your functions, email me and we’ll see if I can work it out.

As always, if I can be of any assistance to you, just shoot me an email at 

Coach McCreary

One comment on “FYI’s and Resources page

  1. Coach Frank on said:

    Now I have another reason to visit this site besides your great blog entries. Thanks!

    Coach Frank

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