Saturday, March 29th, 2025

eBook: A 4-week guide to preparing pitchers

February 15, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season, Pitching

A couple weeks ago I launched a course/seminar called Game Charts: The ultimate coaching tool 4Weekfor baseball coaches.  Subscribers who purchased the seminar in the first week also got a free bonus eBook called Off-Season Pitching Guide: A four-week plan for developing pitchers for game #1.

I received a lot of great feedback about both the seminar and the eBook.  A number of people also asked if I was going to offer the bonus eBook by itself in the future.

The answer is YES and I’m happy to say it is now available to everyone!

The eBook contains four templates (one for each week) that guide pitchers through the last four weeks of their off-season to get them ready for the season.  It provides a sequence of pitches to throw from both the stretch and the windup the not only builds up arm strength in a safe manner but helps pitchers (and their catchers) answer the following questions:

  • What are my strengths and weaknesses as a pitcher?
  • Which pitch is my “out-pitch” and which is my “get me over” pitch?
  • How do I set up hitters?
  • How do I prevent throwing too little or too much in the off-season?

Here is the Introduction to the eBook …

Over the six years I have been running, I have received tons of questions from readers which have turned into written posts and videos.  Some, however, involve a much more in-depth explanation and therefore are not very suitable for a 2-3 paragraph post or a 3-4 minute video.  The topic of this eBook comes from one of those questions.  The emails I have received typically go something like this …

“Hi Coach.  Like many coaches, a primary need I have is to make sure my pitchers are ready to go at the start of the season.  Do you have any guides or advice on how to properly do that?  I was never a pitcher so I’m sure there are things I am missing.”

In my reply, I typically will give a couple tips to help the coach get by but then follow up by saying that I’ll have to do a more extensive guide in the future on this topic in order to do it justice.

Well, this eBook is it!

Below are the links to purchase and/or get more information on the Seminar and the eBook.  If you have any questions, just let me know.

Click HERE for the Game Charts seminar. ($67.00)

Click HERE for the Off-Season Pitching Templates eBook ($6.99)

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