Monday, March 31st, 2025

What is your hitting routine?

March 6, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting

Two circles with the bat. Deep breathe. Bring it!

Take a pitch.

Step out.

Adjust the left batting glove.

Adjust the right batting glove.

Tap the right foot with the bat.

Tap the left foot with the bat.

Step into the box and dig in with the right foot.

Step in and dig in with the left.

One slow deep breathe.

Ready to hit.

What you just read is an example of a deliberate routine for a hitter to replicate after every single pitch.  If you do not have such a routine, develop one ASAP. 

Every major league hitter has a routine.  You should too.  It’s very important.  

The next several posts will all be related to this topic of a personalized hitting routine that calms you down and gets you focused on the right stuff – at the right time – for the right amount of time.


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