Saturday, March 29th, 2025

It’s time for functional fitness!

January 11, 2022 by  
Filed under Off-Season

First of all, Happy New Year everyone! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Well, it’s January and you know what that means … baseball is right around the corner!

If you are a player getting ready for the upcoming season, it is time to start transitioning into more functional strength activities. This means that instead of focussing on pure strength and power through simple motions (bench press, curls, etc.) it is now time to mix in some more strength exercises that require more athletic movements. This does not mean that you stop bench pressing, doing curls, etc. It just means you have to start preparing your body for the baseball movements that will be required soon.

One post is not nearly enough to list all the ways that functional movements can be incorporated into your workouts. However, the video below provides some examples using kettlebells – a very overlooked piece of equipment that is phenomenal for strength, stamina, and functional movements. For other videos like it, go to YouTube and search for “kettlebell swings.” Watch and try some of the exercises. You won’t regret it!

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