Friday, March 28th, 2025

Range is more important than velocity – Part 1

April 26, 2022 by  
Filed under Pitching

If you ask any Major League hitter this question …

“Would you rather face a pitcher who throws every pitch 90-94mph or face a guy who throws anywhere from 70-90mph?”

… you most likely will get the following answer …

“Give me the 90-93 guy any day of the week!”

Of course, there will always be exceptions to this but every hitter I have ever posed that question to has answered it the same way.  That’s because it is MUCH more difficult to hit when the guy on the mound can vary speeds by 15-20mph compared to maybe 5mph.

The biggest challenge with a “low-range” pitcher (a pitcher that doesn’t vary speed much) is getting the timing down.  But once you do, things are relatively straight forward.  Just get the barrel to the ball in time.

The “high-range” guys are different.  There is no way to effectively time these guys.  They drive hitters nuts because they never know what speed is coming.  Look fastball at 90, get a 70mph straight change-up, and you get screwed into the ground.  Look off-speed and the 90mph fastball now looks like 105mph.

Because of what kids see on TV, too many young pitchers are solely working on increasing their velocity.  On the surface, that’s fine.  High velocity can certainly make pitching easier.  However, 99% of young players who play the game are not going to be able to raise their velocity enough to where they can continually blow the ball past hitters on a regular basis.  They should be looking to increase their range of velocity instead.

Unfortunately, this is VERY difficult work.  Developing range in velocity takes a lot of hard work over a long period of time.  Work that a lot of young players (and many coaches as well!) do not have the patience, time, and/or the knowledge to do.

Stay tuned!  Part 2 will include information and tips on how to get your young pitchers to do this!

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