Thursday, March 27th, 2025

A baseball lesson from election day

November 6, 2014 by  
Filed under Make Up, Mental Side

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Now, back to today’s post!

As a social studies teacher I take a keen interest in the political process.  When I see the percentage of Americans who turnout to vote on election day, I wish more people around the country would take an interest in it as well.  It makes me sad that so many Americans do not feel the desire to take part in electing the people

Your future in life or the game should never depend on who is in charge

Your future in life or the game should never depend on who is in charge

who are to represent us.  That being said, I think what is even more sad is how many people feel as if their happiness, standard of living, financial future, etc. and that of their families depends on who is in office and what political party is in control.  That’s sort of like a baseball player thinking that his future in the game depends on who his coach is in Little League and/or high school.  

A coach can be a valuable asset but do you really think every major leaguer had a great coach at every level they played?  Certainly not.  In fact, I guarantee most if not all would say that they had some horrible coaches in their careers.

The point is … no matter where you are in your baseball career at this moment, your future in the game is solely dependent on you and nobody else.  Accept that basic point and no matter what obstacle is placed in your path, you will figure out a way over it, around it, or through it.  Expect others to do those things for you and you probably will not be maximizing your potential anytime soon.

Success in baseball and in life just doesn’t work that way.

Tomorrow’s post:  There is no top of the ladder 

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