Friday, February 28th, 2025

Pitching – Making the switch to the bullpen

February 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Make Up, Mental Side, Pitching

On a high school baseball message board I check every now and then, a college player asked what he needs to know now that he has gone from a starting pitcher in high school to a reliever in college.  It’s a common switch that many high school pitchers have to go through early on in […]

Mental Toughness – Cliff Lee

February 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Make Up, Mental Side, Pitching

About a year ago I conducted a seminar for teachers about how concepts and strategies within sports psychology can help underachieving students in the classroom.  One thing I talked about was mental toughness.  To give an example of mental toughness, I used an ESPN clip of Cliff Lee speaking after his phenomenal 1-0 win over […]

Infielder tips for shallow fly balls

February 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Infield, Outfield, Second Base, Shortstop

We’ve all seen these plays … An infielder goes out on a shallow fly ball and collides with an outfielder charging in to make the catch.    or An infielder goes out, both the outfielder and infielder call for it, everyone stops, and the ball drops in between them. Communication is always important in baseball […]

Don’t be this kid.

January 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Make Up, Mental Side, Misc

Pitchout tips for Catchers

January 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Catching, Coaching

Yesterday’s post described why a pitchout, even if the runner does not steal on the pitch, can be valuable and what pitchers can do to make their pitchouts more effective.  Today I offer four tips for catchers on pitchouts. Make sure this guy is not looking in to steal your signs.(Photo by Computeress) Peek at […]

Pitchout tips for pitchers

January 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Catching, Pitching

One of the things that pitchers and catchers rarely practice is pitchouts.  Pitchouts can be very effective even if the runner does not steal.  Obviously, if the runner goes the catcher has a better chance of throwing the runner out.  Even if the runner doesn’t go, it still puts the pitchout in the mind of […]

Sacrifice bunting – square up for success

January 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

Spring training is right around the corner for pitchers and catchers in the Major Leagues.  There are many things I love about this and one of them is you start to see photos and video clips of baseball again.  Since the pitchers arrive first, many of the pictures show bullpen sessions, drills like covering first […]

Rundowns – two priorities

January 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Infield, Practice

If you are ever looking for a good indoor drill with your team, it’s rundowns.  With or without runners, rundowns are as simple as creating some lines of guys about 90 feet from each other.  First guy up has the ball and runs to the other line, tosses the ball to the first guy in […]

Funniest manager / umpire interaction?

January 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Misc

Studio 42 on the MLB Network had a show on the other night about umpiring.  Lots of great stories about the sometimes funny, sometimes turbulent interactions between managers and umpires.  Here are my two best true stories involving a manager and an umpire. First Place This story involves a minor league manager. I became the pitching […]

Off-season hitting – an overlooked drill

January 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Off-Season, Practice

This time of year, hitters are gearing up for the upcoming season probably by focusing on their hitting mechanics and taking a ton of swings.  One valuable drill that tends to be overlooked is standing-in on pitchers.  “Standing-in” involves a hitter standing in the batters box and doing everything they normally would do during an at-bat except […]

Spring training – Focusing on the "little things."

January 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season, Practice

I came across this article the other day in one of my files.  I gave it out to my players a couple years ago.  The article is dated March, 2006 but it certainly has relavence today for any player or coach preparing for the upcoming season.  It also goes a long way to explain the Twins’ […]

Tips for Long-tossing and/or "Long-throwing"

January 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Infield, Off-Season, Outfield, Pitching, Practice

Disclaimer There is an on-going debate in baseball circles about the value of long-tossing. I know it’s shocking to think that anything in baseball is debated.   (Yes, that’s sarcasm if you weren’t sure.) Some love it, some hate it.  This post does not get into that argument. I’m in the “love long-tossing” camp and […]

Protecting pitchers

January 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Pitching

Today’s post is a continuation of yesterday’s in which I described the problems and a remedy for not finishing your pitches correctly.  Today I focus on what picthers can do to better prepare themselves for a ball hit directly back to them.  Below are three important tips to keep pitchers safer on the mound. Finish […]

Pitching mechanics – finish before you field!

January 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

Photo 1: A common Little League finish. When pitchers are young, they are commonly told to “throw the pitch and get right into the fielding position.”  This advice is not as much of a problem at the Little League level for the following reasons: The distance from the mound to the plate is shorter. Young players are still developing the skills […]

Batting stance – the importance of a good base

January 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

**Sorry, I believe some of the pictures did not appear correctly.  Hopefully it works now. ** When teaching hitting, I’m a believer in taking a ground up approach.  That is, start with the feet and gradually move up.  It really won’t matter how strong the player is or how quick his hands are unless his […]

Four seam fastball grip

January 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

Here’s a tip for anyone looking to improve their four-seam fastball, especially if the player is younger and now has a hand big enough to do more advanced grips on the ball.Have a player hold a four seam grip in front of them so they can clearly see the seams.  The seams on the ball […]

How to tag base runners

January 17, 2011 by  
Filed under Infield, Second Base, Shortstop, Third Base

On the surface, it seems pretty basic.  Catch the ball and make the tag.  However, like everything else in baseball, there’s a lot of little things going on under the surface if you dig a little deeper.  Here are 10 tips to make sure your tagging of runners is more successful.  Juan Uribe positions himself […]

Best mound conversation ever

January 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Mental Side, Misc

The other day a friend asked me “what do coaches tell pitchers when they go to the mound?”  It reminded me of the best mound conversation I ever heard.  First, here’s some background on the story.I was playing shortstop at the time but because I had pitched in college as well, I always was interested […]

How to throw more strikes

January 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Mental Side, Pitching

How many kids have heard their coach, parent, etc say “Come on Johnny, throw strikes!” while on the mound?  The body language of the kid shouts “Gee Coach, I didn’t know that.  All this time I was out here trying to throw balls until now.  Thanks for the advice!”The point is, every pitcher tries to throw […]

Professional baseball scouting – an interview

January 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Interviews, Make Up, Scouting

In many of my previous posts I mention scouts or scouting with regards to what they look for or how they think.  I thought it would be appropriate to hear things straight from the mouth of a real professional baseball scout.     Rex DeLaNuez is currently a full-time scout for the Cincinnati Reds organization.   Prior to […]

Indoor drills for outfielders

January 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Indoor, Off-Season, Outfield, Practice

Of all the positions on the field, the outfield positions tend to get shafted the most with regards to indoor practice.  I’m based outside of Philadelphia so we routinely have to spend many practice days indoors because of rain or snow.  Farther up north is certainly worse so don’t feel the need to shed tears for me.If […]

Covering first base correctly

January 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching, Practice

 (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)Left foot = Wrong!  (Photo by J. Meric/Getty Images)Right foot = Correct! Go to any spring training practice and you are bound to see a drill in which pitchers cover first base on balls hit to their left.  It continually amazes me that this play can be screwed up with the […]

The importance of a good catcher

January 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Catching, Make Up, Pitching

If you have not seen this article from, it’s worth the time.  Especially if you are a catcher or know someone who is.  Click on the title.  Below the picture are links to a few other sites that catchers and coaches might find useful.  “A relationship that’s extremely important“  (Photo: Howard Smith/US Presswire)As if […]

Batting tee drills … that don’t involve hitting!

January 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Practice

The batting tee is my pick for the Worlds Greatest Baseball Training Invention Award.   …and not just for hitting!  Here are some other uses: Shortstop – Across the Bag Drill: One of the mistakes that I mentioned in the shortstop mistakes post was that many shortstops unnecessarily catch a double play feed directly over the […]

My favorite bunting drill

January 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Practice

I mentioned in a post about hitting mistakes that many good high school and college hitters fail to set aside time to practice with the future in mind.  I noted that players that keep moving up beyond high school and college tend to hit in the 3, 4, or 5 spot in the batting order.  Because […]

Adjustments for a better change-up (Part 2)

January 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching, Practice

Today is the second half of my ten adjustments for a better change-up. Try adjusting the pinky finger placement. 6. Move your pinky finger.  Many times a change-up is held with the pinky finger on the side of the ball (right photo).  Try moving the pinky finger up on top of the ball next to […]

Adjustments for a better change-up (Part 1)

January 6, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching, Practice

In yesterday’s post I recommended that pitchers schedule time to “play around” or “tinker” with their pitches, grips, etc.  I’m a huge fan of the change-up so the next 2 posts are dedicated to adjustments specific to developing a better change-up.  Both posts will have five adjustments – ten total.  Try them all! 1. Increase arm […]

Off-season pitching tips

January 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season, Pitching, Practice

After the holidays is when many pitchers start to throw off the mound and work on pitches.  Here are 10 tips to get the most out of an off-season pitching program: Build velocity slowly.  Many high school (and above) pitchers have been spending time lifting and possibly long-tossing since games ended in the Summer or Fall.  […]

Shortstop mistakes / footwork (Part 2)

January 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Shortstop

In a previous post that listed four common mistakes by shortstops, I talked about the footwork shortstops need to have when approaching a ground ball.  I said that in most cases, the fielder’s last two steps before catching the ball are right foot then left foot.  As I explained, this puts the ball back in […]

All you need is a ball and a wall

January 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Indoor, Off-Season, Practice

My elementary school playground.There is no telling how many hours I spent there practicing by myself. I was fortunate to grow up in a house right next to an elementary school.  Anytime I got bored I would walk up and throw a ball against one of the brick walls that were part of the school.  The […]

Breaking in a new glove

January 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Infield, Misc

I’m sure many players received a new glove for the holidays and now are itching to get outside and try it out.  Here are some tips for breaking in your new glove correctly and how to care for it afterwards.Put away the oil.  Remember smearing glove oil all over your brand new glove to help […]

The mental side of the game

January 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Make Up, Mental Side

Happy New Year!I think it was Jack Nicklaus who said that 90% of golf was mental.So the question for baseball players and coaches is …How much of baseball success is mental? My guess is that your answer is probably anywhere from 75% – 90%.So here is the next question to ponder …If baseball is (insert […]

Base running tips for the indoor off-season

As winter kicks into gear, many players around the country are stuck indoors for much of their practice routine.  Hopefully this includes some base running as well.  Here are five tips to get the most out of your indoor running. A base runner’s off-season best friend. Run distance and sprints.  Using a stationary bike and/or […]

Show up, suit up, shut up, and play hard!

December 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Make Up, Mental Side, Misc

The motto “Show up, suit up, shut up, and play hard” is a good guide for success on and off the field.  I first saw this motto on the blackboard of my father’s high school wrestling room.  He was a longtime teacher and coached baseball and wrestling at the high school and college levels.  I […]

What is meant by a player’s "make up?"

December 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Make Up, Mental Side, Scouting

 Ask any scout and they will tell you that a player’s “make-up” is extremely important.  So what is it and why do they care about it so much? How a scout answers the following questions will go a long way in determining a player’s “make-up.” 1.    How does he handle adversity like striking out, making […]

Practicing in the off-season months

December 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Coaching, Misc, Off-Season

Looking outside and seeing practically blizzard conditions outside of Philadelphia brings back memories of practicing baseball when I was younger.  I recognized early on that if I wanted to play professional baseball my competition was not just the kids in my neighborhood or just my school.  It was not even going to be the kids […]

Off-season shoulder exercises

December 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Off-Season

The following video demonstrates what are referred to as the “Jobes Arm Exercises.”  These exercises target the smaller muscles in the shoulder like the rotator cuff that are the source of many injuries in baseball.  These exercises are a must for any player!  Watch the video and then read my tips in order to get […]

Bench Player Mistakes

December 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Mental Side, Misc

Possibly the hardest job in baseball. The final post in the common mistakes players make series.Failure to accept their role.  I have never met a baseball player who was happy that they were not playing in the game.  As you move up in levels, the game gets tougher and the players get more competitive.  Telling […]

Base Runner Mistakes

December 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Base Running

The 11th of 12 posts related to common mistakes players make by position. Playing base to base. This involves the mentality that affects many base runners especially those who do not have much running speed.  When runners know that foot speed is not their strength, they frequently fear taking any risks at all on the […]

Hitting Mistakes

December 23, 2010 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

A wide, strong foundationby Albert Pujols. The 10th of 12 posts related to common mistakes players make by position. Poor foundation. When instructing hitters, many coaches take a “ground up” approach.  This means nothing is worked on until a batter has created a good, strong foundation with his feet.  In sports, the “athletic position” is […]

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