Tuesday, March 25th, 2025

New eBook! Hitting IQ: A smart hitter’s path to a better approach at the plate

Hello! My new book is now available! Learning how to swing at bat is not the same as learning how to hit!  Coach Bob McCreary, founder of BaseballByTheYard.com and a former professional player and... 

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Range is more important than velocity – Part 3

In Part 1 of this series I explained what “range of velocity” means for pitchers as well as why it is so important.  In Part 2 I revisited a concept I’ve written about in the past called “Perfect... 

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Range is more important than velocity – Part 2

In Range is more important than velocity – Part 1, I talked about why “high range” pitchers are more difficult to hit.  I also mentioned how hard it is to teach a pitcher how to increase their range of... 

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Range is more important than velocity – Part 1

If you ask any Major League hitter this question … “Would you rather face a pitcher who throws every pitch 90-94mph or face a guy who throws anywhere from 70-90mph?” … you most likely will get... 

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The last thing to do before entering the batter’s box

I love practical tools that players can use in the moment to improve something in their physical and/or mental game.   The human brain is fascinating.  The complex operations of the brain even during simple tasks... 

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If your only goal is to have fun then go to the beach

Hanging out with friends is fun.  Attending a birthday party is fun.  Playing on the playground is fun. Playing a team sport can, at times, be fun. However, “fun” should not be the top priority. I understand... 

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Podcast Episode 10: The six core principles of pitching

No matter who you are or how hard you throw, if you do not implement these six core principles of pitching then you will eventually hit a wall. Unfortunately, in today’s game, the emphasis is to get young pitchers to throw... 

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What is your in-season hobby?

I remember standing in front of a mirror practicing my swing in a hotel room in North Carolina.  It was 1991.  I was in the Southern League (AA) at the time and it was a rare off-day on the road.  It was a... 

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Three ways to do every drill in baseball

I’ll get right to the point by saying that there are only three ways to do any drill in baseball. It doesn’t matter if you are a pitcher, fielder, base runner, or hitter, every drill known to man falls into one or... 

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Podcast episode #9 – Advice I gave to a high school team

In today’s episode, I share one of the things I spoke about at a local high school baseball program’s First Dinner. Special thanks to Coach Rick Harrison and the Spring-Ford High School baseball program in Royersford,... 

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In-season lifting: FAQ’s and options

Note: This is an updated version of an article I posted back in 2012. Many players understand the importance of off-season weight training to prepare their bodies for the rigors of a long season.  Back when I played,... 

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Win the Free-90 game!

Try this experiment. Look at every box score on a given day (MLB, college, high school, or Little League) and answer this question: How many times did the winning team score an equal number of runs or more runs in one... 

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Why are you doing this drill?

One of the things I love about MLB Spring Training is the interviews with players on the field during their workouts. In the batting cage or out on the field, players are frequently asked what their approach is when they... 

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It rains on elite players too

A couple weeks ago I spoke to a high school team at their “First Dinner” event to kick off their season.  One of the themes of my talk was about the need to be different in your behaviors and mindset if you want... 

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Is it ok to field with one hand?

I learned long ago that there are (almost) no absolutes in baseball.  Tell a player that he absolutely cannot/should not do something and that player will undoubtedly see a guy on TV successfully doing what you said cannot/should... 

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Defensive Positioning book now available

A player cannot be a spectator on defense!  On every play, there is somewhere to be. Coaches who can get their players on the field to be in the right place at the right time immediately improve their team’s... 

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Marines and baseball players

A couple of weeks ago I was asked to speak at a local high school baseball team’s “First Dinner” to start off their new season.  I talked about a number of things but one of them was a story I was told... 

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Skinny Lane Tee Drill

When I work with young hitters, I usually break down the swing into three basic parts for ease of understanding. Part 1 is getting the barrel to the contact point, Part 2 is getting the hands/barrel through the ball, and Part... 

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New book launch alert!

As any coach knows, getting your players to be in the right place at the right time on defense is more than half the battle. Unfortunately, too many players end up being spectators. On Monday I launch a new book from Baseball... 

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Why too many players avoid their mental game

For the past 20 years I have done coaching clinics (in person and now online too) just about every year. Very often several each year. At least once a year I ask a basic question to the coaches who are in attendance. The question... 

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There is no such thing as a bad drill

I am a firm believer that there is no such thing as a bad drill.  “Is this drill good or bad?” is not the best question to ask.  Better questions include: –Is this drill good for ME? or Is this good... 

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Master the first 20 minutes of practice

Every good coach looks for ideas to better manage their practices. Getting more done in a shorter period of time is something they always strive to do. This is especially true early in the season when a team has so much to... 

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Podcast Episode 008: Five tips for infielders when runners are on base

In today’s episode, Coach Bob McCreary explains five things that infielder must be aware of and do when there are runners on base.  Unfortunately, infielders at all levels are often not taught several of these... 

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Bullpen HORSE game

I hope where you are reading this that the weather is sunny and 75 degrees. If so, then I’m very jealous. Southeastern Pennsylvania won’t smell consistently nice weather until about mid-May. Until then, wind,... 

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High IQ teams do this for their pitchers

In today’s video tip, Coach Bob McCreary, the founder of BaseballByTheYard.com, explains a way that high IQ hitters and teams can help their pitchers when they are at bat. The game is filled with many of these little things... 

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Podcast Episode 007 – Pitchability

In today’s episode, Coach Bob McCreary explains what the term “pitchability” means.  He breaks down ten things that go into the term and uses explanations, examples, and stories of how quality pitchers... 

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Coaching clinic sample – Progression Drills

This is the time of year when I start to get requests from organizations looking for speakers at their pre-season coaching clinics. One small benefit of our COVID reality has been the use of virtual meets for these types... 

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Never let a scout leave without seeing your arm

On my most recent podcast episode called Seven habits of highly effective infielders, I mentioned a story about something a scout said to my father at one of my college games. I used the story as part of one of the seven... 

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Podcast Episode 006: Seven habits of highly effective infielders

In this episode, Coach Bob McCreary lists several behaviors that high level infielders do on a consistent basis that separate them from average players.  He also provides some exciting news about a new product coming from Baseball... 

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Wednesday Wisdom

If you liked this post, please SHARE and SUBSCRIBE to Baseball By The Yard!  Coach McCreary’s Bio Page: https://www.BaseballByTheYard.com/bio  Coach McCreary’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/meachrm The... 

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Team practices are the minimum

It’s becoming that time of year when teams across America start up their regular in-season activities and workouts.  Energy and optimism for a new season are high and most players and coaches cannot wait to start. ... 

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Podcast Episode 005: Tryout tips for coaches and players

In this episode, Coach Bob McCreary provides valuable tips for coaches trying to organize and run a more effective tryout.  Also discussed are ways to head off some of the problems with the aftermath of tryouts.  Part... 

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Wednesday Wisdom

If you liked this post, please SHARE and SUBSCRIBE to Baseball By The Yard!  Coach McCreary’s Bio Page: https://www.BaseballByTheYard.com/bio  Coach McCreary’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/meachrm The... 

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Situation Checklists – The best resource for coaches I ever created

1,400+ blog posts and close to 300 videos is a heck of a lot of content to create but that is what I have done since I started Baseball By The Yard back in December, 2010.  My goal has always been to provide relevant, practical... 

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Do you have a swing coach or a hitting coach?

Private hitting instructors seem to be everywhere these days.  Indoor facilities, YouTube, Twitter, and many other platforms as well and all seem to promote their views on how to hit.  The good news is that players around... 

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Sometimes good baseball coaching means pulling on the reins

The beginning of February is when a lot of teams start kicking their off-season workouts into gear, if they have not already done so. It’s an exciting time of year when the baseball equipment comes back out and ball... 

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Podcast episode #004 Five pitching hacks to conserve energy and pitch longer

If you are a homeowner, energy leaks can end up costing you a lot of money. If you are a pitcher, energy leaks can cost you a lot of innings. Check out this episode of the Baseball By The Yard Podcast to learn where these leaks... 

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Four reasons for taking your time when getting into the batter’s box

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”  – Dr. Wayne Dyer I think most (if not all!) baseball people would agree that the finer points of the game are too often neglected... 

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The seven deadly sins of a ball player

In no particular order, the Seven Deadly Sins of a Ball Player according to me are listed below. Don’t like them? Make your own list! I will discuss all of them in more detail during an upcoming podcast!... 

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Ways to practice your mental game in the weight room

It is currently mid-January so, of course, baseball season is right around the corner. Not only is it time for players to adjust their physical workouts as the season approaches, players need to adjust their “mental... 

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Analytics – Are we losing the FEEL for the game?

A while back I wrote a post called “The four levels of competence for players.”  Click on the title if you want the full nuts and bolts of the levels.  When players work their way through the game... 

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It’s time for functional fitness!

First of all, Happy New Year everyone! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Well, it’s January and you know what that means … baseball is right around the corner! If you are a player getting ready for... 

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Tom Brady and self-discipline

I am by no means a Tom Brady hater. I love watching greatness so if Brady is playing on TV, I am watching. Below is a link to a tremendous article that every aspiring baseball player needs to read. It is long but it explains... 

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Born to be a baseball player?

In my day job, I teach Sociology and AP Psychology to high school students. Both are social sciences so the Nature v Nurture debate comes up frequently throughout the school year. Some human behavior is predetermined through... 

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A pickoff move all left-handers need!

In today’s video, I explain a problem that left-handed pitchers may run into if they have a good pickoff move to first base and how to fix it! If you liked this video, please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE... 

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Winter schedule at Baseball By The Yard!

Hello Baseball By The Yard fans! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods as we approach the holiday season. This time of year I typically make some changes to my posting schedule to account for the fact that most people... 

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If you are sending a runner home, they better know this!

In today’s video tip, I explain and demonstrate how runners need to round third to give them the best chance of scoring. I also point out several mistakes I typically see in young runners who do this process incorrectly. Share... 

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What is the biggest priority of the off-season?

Answer: consistency Good players consistently show up to workouts. Good players consistently compete. Good players give consistent effort in the weight room. Good players are consistently good teammates. Good... 

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Pitchers better do this when backing up bases

In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains the must-do’s when backing up bases as a pitcher. If you liked this video, please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to help others find these video tips as well!  Coach... 

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Command Bullpen Chart

In my previous written post called “Command of the strike zone (Part 2 – Pitching)” I talked about the importance of paying attention to the location of your pitches instead of simply “throwing strikes.”... 

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Don’t EVER let your pitchers do this!

There are few absolutes in baseball. However, today’s video tip gives one of them. When I watch pitchers throw, there are few things that aggravate me more than what you are about to see in today’s video tip. Don’t... 

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Command of the strike zone (Part 2 – Pitchers)

In Part 1 of this post, I talked about the importance of commanding the strike zone for hitters.  Today, it’s the pitchers’ turn! On the pitching end of things, commanding the strike zone means different things... 

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All hitters should be elevating their batting tee

In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains why all hitters should be including more elevated ball positions on their batting tees. All areas of the strike zone should be worked on by hitters but now more than ever,... 

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Most demoralizing play in baseball?

Safe at second base! When I coach teams, players at some point will typically hear a version of the following from me … usually at the beginning of the season. “Guys, there are many reasons why teams win games. ... 

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Tee drill for LIVE batting practice!

It would be nice if every young player had access to a competent batting practice thrower but that is certainly not the case. The average guy (or gal) is pretty brutal when it comes to that skill. If you want/need to improve... 

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Command of the strike zone (Part 1-Hitters)

In the summer of 1988, I was fortunate to play in the Cape Cod League (Falmouth, MA). Top players from around the country converge on the coast of Massachusetts to play some pretty high-level baseball.  The Cape was... 

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You cannot develop a change-up in the bullpen

In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains the only way a young pitcher can truly develop an effective change-up. Coach McCreary’s Bio Page: https://www.BaseballByTheYard.com/bio Coach McCreary’s... 

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Communication is overrated

For anyone who has ever seen me coach, the title of this post may seem more than a little hypocritical. That’s because I never shut up once the game starts. I don’t think I’m alone when it comes to coaches who are... 

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Who covers second base and switching it on the fly

Today’s video tip is for second basemen and shortstops and it answers the basic question of who covers second base on the steal. More importantly, however, it explains when the middle infielders have to switch that up... 

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Make him stop!

One of these days I will make a lengthy video or a series of videos on how to hold runners on base.  It would require a lot of work because there are so many little things that have to be done by multiple players simultaneously that... 

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Three things all runners MUST do when they arrive at first base

In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains and demonstrates the three things that every runner needs to do when they arrive at first base. If you like it, please share it with someone! Coach McCreary’s... 

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Train to a standard, not a number

Player: How many swings should I take per day? Me: As many as you need to. I have had that type of conversation many times with players over the years regarding swings, pitches, ground balls, running, and weight... 

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Give your 3rd base coach a chance

In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains another mental tip for base runners, this time at first base! If you liked this video, please share it with three people: one who will like it, one who needs to see it,... 

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5 Tips for Fall Ball

When I was growing up, there was no such thing as Fall-ball until I started playing in college. For most of my youth, I would get out my soccer ball after my last baseball game of the summer and put away my baseball stuff... 

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Why do first basemen point to the shortstop?

A runner gets to first base and like normal, the first baseman holds him on. While setting up, the first baseman points to the shortstop. The shortstop acknowledges but neither one says a word. What’s that all about?... 

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High IQ first basemen do this!

In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains a high baseball IQ tip for all first basemen whenever there is a passed ball or wild pitch with a runner on third and another base as well. If you liked this post,... 

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Teach third basemen these two things on bunt plays

Handling bunts is one of the tougher jobs that a third basemen has to handle. Some bunt plays involve more moving parts than others and third basemen have to know how to react to each one. Bunts when there is a runner on second... 

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Napoleon might have been a good pitcher

The quote above is said to originate from Napoleon Bonaparte. Although his 5’6″ height probably would not have generated a high ranking by Perfect Game, his mindset might have made up for it if he took the... 

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College and pro players don’t know this?

A couple years ago I conducted an informal survey of former professional players who now coach at the college or pro levels. I asked them one question and received back close to 100 responses. The questions was “what... 

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Hit like a cat, not a dog

I’m a dog lover. I had a cat once and he was great. I don’t hate cats, I just prefer dogs. When you come home, the dog rushes at you like it hasn’t seen you in 5 years. A cat is more patient and will... 

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Bet your shortstops don’t know this relay!

Today’s video tip is a more advanced one for shortstops when balls are hit down into the left field corner and a relay throw to home plate is needed. If you liked this post, please share it with three people:... 

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A “high sky” and other sky conditions in baseball

Blue skyCloudy skyNight SkyHigh SkyTwilight sky What is a “high sky”? Take a quick look above at the photo gallery of different sky conditions. In the top row you have a darker blue sky with the sun present... 

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Four ways a shortstop can make their double play feeds quicker

As you get older, the game gets faster. If you cannot keep up with the pace of the game then you are going to have to find a new hobby. Today’s video tip is for shortstops who want to make their double plays feeds to... 

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Rip currents and baseball slumps

What are rip currents? If you have ever been to the beach then you probably noticed a sign like the one pictured as you approached the beach entrance.  The sign warns people of the presence and dangers of rip currents. **... 

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Dealing with holes on the pitcher’s mound

If you have ever pitched then I’m sure you have dealt with a poorly manicured mound. The annoying hole in front of the pitching rubber. The huge hole farther down the mound in the landing spot. It’s annoying... 

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I’m back!

Hello Baseball By The Yard fans! Big news! I’m coming out of retirement! Posts (video and written) will be picking up again on Tuesday, August 3! As of now I plan on a new video to be posted every Tuesday and... 

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Extra work and prescription drills

Find time to do the drills YOU need to do! Back in October, 2016,  I wrote a post called Multivitamin vs Prescription Drills.  I talked about the difference between the two and the importance of not confusing them. Today’s... 

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Your baseball brain wants you to fail

If I asked a room full of baseball players, “Raise your hand if you tend to be your worst enemy and beat yourself up too much inside your head,”  I can guarantee that just about every hand would be up.  That’s... 

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First-move steals and pickoffs – A tip for 1st basemen

Happy New Year everyone! Today’s video tip is specifically for 1st basemen and explains what to do if they are holding the runner on and the runner steals on the pitcher’s first move.  If the first baseman does this... 

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Wrapping up the year

Well, folks, this is my last post for 2018 due to the holiday craziness to come.  My viewership traditionally decreases this time of year so it seems I’m not the only one who is a bit busy with other things.  Over the... 

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How to know when they are stealing your pitches

Today’s video post will help pitchers, catchers, and coaches determine whether or not the offensive team has been stealing your pitches during at-bats.  There are other signs that something fishy is going on but the one... 

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On path and On plane. Pretty simple

Give yourself five points if you have ever heard of William of Ockham, the English philosopher and theologian born in the 13th century.  Give yourself another 5 points if you know what “Ockham’s razor” (more... 

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What does it mean to change a batter’s eye level?

There are many aspects of successful pitching.  “Changing a batter’s eye level” once in a while is one of them.  In today’s video tip, I explain what that phrase means. Thursday’s post:  On path... 

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Forget goals. It’s about systems.

A lot of baseball players and coaches have goals but without establishing a system for success, goals are simply a wishlist. Want yourself or your team to improve during the offseason and throughout the regular season?  Start... 

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Runners, stay still at second base

Today’s video tip is for base runners at second base who don’t want their own teammates to hate them.   Monday’s post:  Forget goals.  It’s about systems ___________________________________________________________________ *To... 

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The four seconds that could have cost the Red Sox the Series

A Major League Baseball season lasts over seven months.  That is over 18 million seconds.  What would you say if I told you that the Red Sox could have very well lost the World Series because of just 4 seconds out of those 18... 

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You had a bad season. Now what?

Hopefully, players and coaches are doing some reflecting this time of year on their spring, summer, and/or fall season(s).  Of course, the goal is to do it in such a way that will produce the best results. Over the years I have... 

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The timing of giving signs to pitchers

    Thursday’s post:  You had a bad season.  Now what? ___________________________________________________________________ *To plan for the upcoming season, check out all the eBooks from Baseball By The Yard... 

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What story do you tell yourself? – Part 2

In Part 1 of this post I wrote about something called the Reticular Activation System that all brains have.  In a nutshell, this system allows us to sift through the millions of bits of information we receive from our environment... 

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What story do you tell yourself? – Part 1

We all have a story.  And we tell it to ourselves over and over and over …. Sometimes the story is a positive one and sometimes it is not.   Baseball is a game of failure so it is very easy to gravitate towards a negative... 

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Freeze on a line drive is not always good advice

“Freeze on a line drive” is phrase used on every baseball field in the world.  Do it and you’ll rarely get doubled off while on the bases.  But as kids get older, more variables come into play making the popular... 

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You don’t play defense on defense

Attack … Get after it … Be aggressive … These words and phrases are often associated with offense. A players “attacks” the ball and should always “be aggressive” when swinging the bat. ... 

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Looking v Guessing for pitches

In today’s video tip, the difference between looking for certain pitches and guessing for pitches is explained.  Some don’t see much of a difference between the two.  I do.  I believe looking for pitches has some... 

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Match the energy and focus of the next level

If you are a middle school baseball player then I hope you are finding time to watch practices being played at the high school level.  If you are at the high school level, you should be watching college practices.  Far too often... 

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When fielders tip-off pitches

Another example of how you can see a lot within the game if you know what to look for.   Monday’s post:  Match the energy and focus of the next level  Read More →

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Play for the guys on your team (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this post I talked about the importance of playing for the guys in your own dugout as opposed to people off the field.  You would think that would be a given when you are part of a team but it is certainly not.  I... 

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Play for the guys on your team (Part 1)

Major League Baseball recently came out with an ad to promote the post-season that is getting a lot of attention.  It’s basically about evolving past the “unwritten rules of the game.”  If you haven’t... 

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Players need reps not more games

Imagine this …  your local school informs parents that starting this week there will be three to five math assessments (tests) per week but no days set aside for math instruction.  Just tests.  I’m pretty confident... 

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Everything that happens on a field is a good thing

I’ve spent the last several years coaching my 11 year old son’s summer travel team.  They, along with their parents, have heard me say numerous times that anything that happens to them on a baseball field is a good... 

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Until you can’t do it the wrong way

When you get dressed today, put the other leg in your pants first.  When you brush your teeth, use your other hand to do it.  When putting on your shoes, tie them using a different set of steps. Did you have trouble?  I bet... 

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Ted Williams would only hit .280 today

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The best way to wash baseball pants

Watch and learn! https://youtu.be/sqdxglUnmJY  Read More →

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Break the glass with every pitch

I heard this tip for throwing more strikes from a coach at a camp.  He heard it from another coach which is pretty much how everything gets passed down. The tip is to “break the glass” with every pitch.  Here is how it works. A... 

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They will see it all over your face

Quick … which of these two photos shows a genuine smile and which is an example of that fake smile just given for the camera?   As you could tell almost immediately, the genuine smile is the face on the right.  Which... 

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Root for yourself

Parents root for their kids.  Fans root for the players on their side too.  So do coaches and teammates.  But all their cheering, rooting, and supporting won’t make much of a difference unless a player roots for himself. The... 

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Don’t run him off!

When I teach base running to players, I do not just cover the mechanics, techniques, and the mental side.  I also list and explain all the words and phrases the coaching staff will use to remind base runners of the situation... 

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Go to a college game (and many high school) games and you will undoubtedly hear multiple people from the defensive team yell “RUNNER!!” when a runner takes off to steal.  My son’s 11 year old team is just starting... 

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Pre-game drills for catchers

As teams get older, catching becomes more of an impact position on the field.  Having the unathletic kid strap on the equipment and kneel behind the plate in order to hide him no longer works after about the age of 9.  Throwing... 

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“Don’t look at the ball! Just run!” is bad advice

We’ve all heard a coach or parent yell the title of this post to a player who is so busy watching the ball that he does not run hard around the bases.  The problem with that statement is that it is really bad advice for... 

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Pitchers – Don’t let runners take walking leads

When base runners attempt to steal 3rd base, they will often use one of two methods at the beginning – a stationary lead or a walking lead.  A stationary lead is what you typically see at first base.  The runner gets his... 

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Fields get bigger and the game changes

You’ve coached your son’s team at the early ages and everything is pretty simple and straight forward.  Then he gets to around 11 or 12 and it seems like the entire game changes. That’s because it does. My son... 

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How to maximize your warm-ups

I’m not a fan of marathon baseball practices.  Occasionally, a two-hour practice may be needed but usually 90 minutes has been my limit for practice time from the youth levels on up to high school.  It takes a lot of pre-planning... 

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Helping young hitters get to the load-up position

Today’s video tip is mostly for young hitters who struggle to get to a better load-up position. However, even older hitters can struggle getting there too. In any case, there is a simple tip that can help any hitter get... 

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Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all those great baseball mom’s out there!!  Read More →

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Sliding at first base

Today’s video tip is about sliding at first base.  I explain the ONLY time it is ok to do so.  This only applies to older players who are allowed to slide head first.  Even then, caution should be used due to the increased... 

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Do you play or do you compete?

A lot of kids across the world play baseball.  Not as many compete.  There is a huge difference between the two. A kid who plays the game: Shows up when the coach tells him to. Practices well if a coach is watching. Is content... 

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The 10 step process for taking leads and getting back

Stupid mistakes at the bases, even at the MLB level, often are a result of one or more things that were ignored or not performed correctly.  Below are the ten steps that base runners should be working their way through on every... 

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The ball travels faster than your glove

When the game gets faster at each higher level, the smaller details of every play become magnified.  Minor flaws in a batter’s swing get exposed.  Missing your release point by a half an inch causes your curveball to hang. ... 

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Positive and Negative symptoms

In the area of psychological disorders, you will often see both “positive” and “negative” symptoms from the person suffering from the disorder.  The mistake that people (and students) make about “positive”... 

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The immortal Bartolo Colon

45 year old Bartolo Colon almost threw a perfect game last night against the World Champion Houston Astros.  “Big Sexy” finished with 7 strikeouts and gave up one hit in 7 2/3 of work.  It’s amazing that any... 

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Improving the 3-1 play

A ball is hit to the first baseman and the pitcher runs over to cover the bag.  The first baseman flips the ball to the pitcher for a routine out.  Seems pretty easy. Of course, that’s until you actually see teams try... 

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Good approaches and good swings

I had the pleasure of accompanying a high school team to South Carolina last week over the Easter Break.  It was wonderful for many reasons but mainly because I didn’t have to stress over all the things a head coach has... 

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Adding vs Subtracting steps for infielders

When I work with young infielders, I always coach them as if they are shortstops.  I do this because a shortstop typically has to have the most efficient footwork of all the fielders.  Shortstops have the longest throw to first... 

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How to organize a baseball practice

I’ve had a lot of new subscribers to the site so I don’t want to assume everyone has seen all the resources within the site.  Every year I get many questions regarding how to organize practices for every age group.... 

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Throwing inside for effect and strikes

Today’s video tip is for pitchers and catchers and involves one of the best pitch combinations in baseball. Unfortunately, It’s also one of the least used combinations as well.      *To plan for the upcoming... 

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Heading to South Carolina!

Hi everyone! The baseball team from the high school where I teach (North Penn HS) is traveling to Mryle Beach, SC, next week for a Spring trip.  They will be playing at the Ripken Complex.  I am chaperoning and will be helping... 

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Catchers, you don’t need to know who is covering

Today’s video tip is for catchers and it involved another pet-peeve of mine.     *To plan for the upcoming season, check out all the eBooks from Baseball By The Yard by clicking HERE! *My Four-Week Guide to Developing... 

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Tilting the tee for better hitting drills

I’m a gigantic fan of tee work.  So are a huge majority of major league hitters so I think I’m in good company.  It’s tough to improve upon something that has worked for so many generations but I may have found... 

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Seminar – Foundations of pitching

The following presentation was given at the 2018 North Penn HS Parents and Coaches Baseball Clinic in Lansdale, PA.  The speaker is Coach Kevin Manero – head coach of the North Penn HS Varsity Baseball team.     *To... 

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Seminar – Building a defensive foundation

  Below is the video of a seminar I gave at this year’s annual youth level coaches and parents clinic at North Penn HS in Lansdale, PA.  It is similar to one I gave there a couple years ago on the same topic.  Some... 

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2018 North Penn Coaching Clinic – Opening address

A week or so ago, I spoke at my high school’s baseball coaching clinic for area youth coaches and parents.  The head coach of North Penn High School – Mr. Kevin Manero – started things off with his views on... 

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Win the even counts

There are twelve ball/strike counts in baseball:  0-0, 0-1, 0-2, 1-0, 1-1, 1-2, 2-0, 2-1, 2-2, 3-0, 3-1, and 3-2.   All counts require focus but the success of a pitcher, both short and long-term, often will be determined by... 

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I have the advantage, not the pitcher

I’m in control. Bring it! From the time baseball players are little, they hear the following … “Baseball is a game of failure.  You can fail seven out of ten times and get to the Hall of Fame.” “The... 

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Nose til leather

Baseball is a game with tons of sayings, phrases, and cliches meant to teach or remind a player about a component of the game.  The title of this post is a phrase I heard recently from a local college coach near me. “Nose... 

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A safety tip for covering first base

Today’s video tip is for pitchers to help them be safer when they have to cover first base.  Defense starts with good footwork and therefore, making this play effectively and safely begins with the feet being at the right place... 

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Teaching players to see the game for themselves

A good defensive team does a lot of communicating.  They communicate with teammates before the ball is hit and when the play is ongoing.  They communicate between innings, before and after games, and during practice.  All... 

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Five common pitching mistakes & how to correct them

One of my favorite things to do is to speak at coaches clinics.  Below is a video of my latest coaching clinic presentation that I gave a couple weeks ago for some little league level coaches outside of Philadelphia.  I hope... 

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Balancing development with winning

One of the many challenges that youth level coaches face involves the balance between developing your players and winning games.  Many times the two go hand in hand.  The programs that develop better players tend to win more... 

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Base runners – Know the pitch and watch the flight

The best base runners on a team are often NOT the fastest.  That’s because base running involves so much more than speed.  It’s about taking good angles and turns around the bases.  It’s knowing when to take... 

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10 ways to improve your bullpen sessions

1. Have a game mindset.  A pitcher is going to have to do a lot of thinking during games so it’s in their interest to practice that same thinking during their bullpen session.  Run game-like scenarios in your head and... 

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Mastering the Stand-In Drill

The Stand-In Drill is one of the best hitting drills batters can do during the off-season to get ready for game #1. Of course, that’s if they do it right. In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains what the Stand-In... 

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Add another throw to every drill

Add another throw to every drill! I’m not sure if this is based in fact but it has always been my contention that more errors are made by bad throws as opposed to not catching the ball.  On top of that, we also see a lot of... 

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When to throw two and four seam fastballs

Today’s video tip is for pitchers and explains what the basic rules are for when to throw a two seam fastball as opposed to a four seam fastball. There are always exceptions to the rule (especially as kids get older) but today’s... 

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Do the simple things better

I recently was listening to a guy on a podcast who previously was an elite special forces type guy in the Marine Corp.  He gave a story about how his elite unit came across a unit of “grunts” out in the field who... 

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Are you doing sprints to the left?

I bet when you or your players practice sprints you only practice them one way.  I know I did. Today’s video tip explains why that isn’t always good and how to easily fix it.   The season is right around the corner!... 

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Is there a wrong way to make a player better?

Let’s say a batter is only hitting weak ground balls and comes to you for lessons with the two goals of 1) hitting with more authority and, 2) driving the ball more.  Let’s also say that you tell the kid to do A, B, and C.... 

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Positive shin angle for base runners

Today’s video tip is for base runners and even fielders who need to develop a better, more explosive first step quickness in order to steal bases or track down a ball. The tip involves a concept known as “positive shin angle.”... 

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To run faster, you have to run faster

“To run faster, you have to run faster.” Duh. On the surface, the title of this post may look pretty stupid.  However, most baseball players don’t do much running so it ends up not being so stupid after all. Like... 

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Exaggeration Drills for hitters

Happy New Year everyone! Today’s video tip involves exaggerating some of the basic mechanics of hitting. Exaggerating these movements improves the feel of the proper mechanic and also helps a hitter’s confidence while... 

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FREE eBook and other info to end 2017!

Just a heads up that this post will be the last one of 2017.  It’s been another busy baseball year at Baseball By The Yard!  I hope that all of you are still benefiting from the written posts and the videos tips! Here... 

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Footwork & timing for advanced infielders

Today’s video tip is an advanced one for infielders.  It involves better timing of the footwork on ground balls. I start by showing how the human body functions when walking forward and backward and then apply that to fielding.... 

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Happy Holidays!

Yes, we’ve reached that time of year again! Thank you so much for being a follower of Baseball By The Yard!  The site is approaching it’s 7th anniversary and I appreciate all your support! I hope you and your families... 

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The good news about fear

Fear is one of the basic features of our hard-wiring that has allowed human beings to last as long as we have.  Fear and all the physiological responses to it – increased heart rate, quick shallow breathing, the adrenaline... 

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The Fence Drill for hitters

Today’s video tip is a popular drill called the Fence Drill.  As I explain in the video, there are multiple ways to do a Fence Drill.  The video shows how I conduct the drill most of the time. Note: Although I do not mention... 

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Just don’t be timid

Don’t be the deer in headlights! Is there anything more painful to watch than a talented player who is timid on the field or in the batter’s box?  It’s frustrating because usually the timidness does not let... 

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Command of your fastball is priority #1

Home plate is 17 inches wide.  Baseballs are about 3 inches in diameter which means the strike zone is going to be about 6 baseballs wide.  In reality, it often is 7 baseballs.  At the younger levels one can argue that it... 

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What personality shows when you play?

Derek Jeter, Cal Ripken, Pete Rose, Tug McGraw, Roger Clemens, Craig Biggio, and Bob Gibson. Josh Donaldson, Justin Turner, Jose Altuve, Bryce Harper, Yasiel Puig, Dustin Pedroia, and Yadier Molina. The list of older player in... 

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Teaching launch angle is a waste of time

If you work with baseball players below the AA or AAA level (and 99% of baseball coaches do) then there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to use the term “launch angle” in your instruction. Three stories … I... 

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Like riding a bike

Keep looking down and you won’t go very far Remember when you were little and you were trying to learn how to ride a bike without training wheels?  If you were like most kids, you probably were so concerned with what your... 

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The Training Lace

Hi everyone! I don’t often promote products but the Training Lace from LaceUp is generating a lot of interest inside and outside the sporting world.  It also has a lot of versatility on the baseball side of things.  I... 

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Speak to the track coach yet?

Who would like to improve their overall running speed?   Answer = everyone. Who would like to get better jumps on steals?  Answer = everyone. Who wants to improve their first and second step quickness to improve their range?... 

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Let me see your calendar

You say you are a serious ball player with aspirations to play in college or the pro level?  Yeah? Prove it.  Let me see your calendar. Playing college or pro baseball is not something you can just wake up and decide to do when... 

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Embarrass yourself before someone else does

Ever get called out by a coach or a teammate?  Play long enough and every player will have that happen to them at least once.  It could be a teammate who jumps you for not running hard down the line.  It could be a coach jumping... 

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Don’t eat the cheese

During the fall, many players and teams use their time (and better weather!) to identify areas where they struggled during the spring and summer and work  to improve upon them.  This is especially true for those who had poor... 

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Do pitchers lead with the hip or the foot?

There are many debates in baseball that still rage on today.  One of them involves whether it is better for a pitcher to lead with his front foot or whether he should lead with his hip when he starts his movement towards home... 

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Confidently unorthodox

“When you catch the ball, use two hands.”   “On grounders, square up and get in front of the ball.” “Don’t show-off and flip the ball with your glove.  Take it out with your hand and throw... 

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The way you do anything is the way you’ll do everything

“The way you do anything is the way you’ll do everything.“ I heard this quote the other day and I think there is a lot of truth in it when it comes to life and baseball. Human beings are creatures of habit. ... 

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The Bunting Tee Drill

The batting tee is probably the most versatile tool for baseball players.  It can be used for drill work in almost every area of the game.  Today’s video tip shows how you can use a tee to practice two specific types of... 

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Stealing on first-move (Part 3)

There’s a lot going on with this simple steal attempt of second base This is the final post in a three part series on stealing first-move on a left-handed pitcher.  In Part 1, I explained what stealing first-move is and... 

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Stealing on first-move (Part 2)

Sometimes you steal on the pitcher. Other times it’s on the first baseman. In Part 1 of this series I discussed what stealing first-move means and why it can be a very good option when a left-hander is on the mound.  In... 

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Stealing on first-move (Part 1)

“He’s going!!! This is Part 1 of a three part series on stealing second base using the “first-move” method.  Today I’ll focus on what stealing “first-move” means and why a coach/runner... 

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The Jam Drill

When a batter smokes a line drive right at someone, you may hear a coach say “Don’t worry.  They’ll even out.”  What he means is that someday the hitter will get a bloop hit and the two will even out. Never... 

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A better leg kick for pitchers

Young baseball players who are just starting to pitch typically need to focus on being very efficient and under control to help them throw more strikes.  However, as kids get older and the distances of their pitch increases,... 

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How to jump over runners on double plays

Over the past several years, Major League Baseball has instituted some rule changes about sliding in order to better protect middle infielders on double plays.  However, as I state in today’s video, middle infielders no... 

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Two tips for catching low strikes

One big job for catchers is to help their pitchers get more strikes called on close pitches.  How they receive/catch the ball can play a large role in that.  In today’s video, Coach McCreary shows catchers two ways they... 

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What sport are you playing in the fall?

You can have the year-round baseball player. I’ll take the defensive back! Over the past couple decades, specializing in one sport (especially baseball) and playing it year-round has become a popular trend.  It’s... 

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The mini wind-up for pitchers

Learning how to pitch can be a difficult thing for young pitchers.  Bad balance, not staying on their line, and simply bad body control add contribute to young pitchers not being to consistently throw strikes.  Usually less... 

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Touch the front of first base!

Here is a painful reminder why a runner always needs to touch the FRONT part of the bag at first base.  No exceptions!  I’m hoping Harper’s knee injury is not serious. Touching the front gets you to first base more... 

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Tip for catchers to help their coach on close pitches

“COME ON, UMP!  WHERE’S THAT PITCH?  LET’S GO!”” Sit close to a field and you will hear a lot of variations of the phrase above.  Quite often, what follows will be the umpire calling time-out,... 

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Tips on diving back to first base

The photo to the right shows a runner properly diving back to first base on either a pick-off by the pitcher or an after-the-pitch pickoff attempt by the catcher.  Either way, the process of diving back to the bag is the same.... 

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The underrated push bunt

In my opinion, one of the most underrated plays in baseball is the push bunt from right handed hitters.  Someday I’ll make a video demonstrating how to do it properly but today we’ll just get into the benefits and... 

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You only “pitch” when you are in the stretch

How many times have you seen a pitcher warm-up before a game or throw a bullpen between starts and never (or almost never) throw any pitches from the stretch?  I lost count. Think about it … when you are pitching in a game... 

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Improve the last warm-up pitch before the inning

We’ve all seen it a thousand times … the catcher yells “Comin’ down!” before the last warm-up pitch by the pitcher.  At the higher levels, the catcher just puts his throwing arm out to the side and... 

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Three ways to quicken your transitions from catching to throwing

The photo on the right is my son about to throw a ball to a teammate in this year’s SE Pennsylvania 10u Ripken State Tournament Skills Night.  The event they are participating in was the Around-the-horn competition.  The... 

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The importance of being aggressive early at the plate

Be aggressive early! As all of my readers know, baseball is a very cerebral game.  The difference between winning and losing & succeeding and failing at the game often is more about what is going on between the ears and not... 

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The shortstop’s priority when holding runners on

There are a boatload of little things that shortstops should do in order to effectively hold runners on at second base.  However, one stands out as the top priority and that involves getting the runner (and third base coach!)... 

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Sometimes you have to pack the parachutes

I recently heard an inspiring true story from a friend/coach.   It goes like this … Captain Charlie Plumb was a fighter pilot in the 60’s during the Vietnam War.  While on a mission, his jet was shot down.  He was... 

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Good outfield jumps are mental

One of the things I always stressed to my players, especially the outfielders, is that on every foul ball, I should see all seven fielders behind the pitcher move in the direction of the foul ball.  For example, if the batter... 

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Happy July 4th week

Hi everyone! No posts this week.  I hope you and your families have a relaxing and fun 4th of July week!   Next post will be Monday.  Good luck if you are playing this week!   Coach McCreary  Read More →

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If you know a young player, make him watch this

Young American kids typically wear $80 spikes.  They use $300+ mako bats.  They play on nice fields and they carry baseball bags filled with 20 pounds of other gear.  Some are the best players in their area.  They have dreams... 

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How to improve your pitching machine

I’m not a gigantic fan of pitching machines mainly because they are so unrealistic to how a ball is going to be pitched to a batter.  Here is a picture that shows the obvious problem.   No pitch will ever shoot out... 

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Base running – A yard makes a big difference

If you have been a reader of this site then you probably know the story of why I call it Baseball By The Yard.  If you don’t, watch the video on my Home Page that explains the story and the significance. The other day I... 

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How to rub up a baseball

As a former pitcher, it bothers me every time a sparkling white, brand new baseball is thrown into a game.  If the game balls are my team’s responsibility then they will always be rubbed up.  It’s just habit. Watch... 

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How to autograph a baseball

I’m a stickler for doing things right when it comes to the game of baseball.  Right down to how to autograph a baseball. In today’s video tip, I show the wrong way and the right way to do it.  If you are going to... 

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Pitchers – warm up in the same direction

Warm up in the same direction! As a pitcher, I don’t think I warmed up in a real bullpen until I got to high school.  And even then I think only one or two fields had them.  Most of the time a catcher and I would find... 

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Knob to the ball v Hands inside the ball – What’s the difference?

I’ve said numerous times on my site that one size never fits all when it comes to teaching baseball.  Everyone plays and learns differently and therefore requires unique methods of instruction.  This is true right down... 

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Proper helmet throwing

I’m a HUGE Domingo Ayala fan.  In my opinion, this is his best work yet.  Check out all his other videos HERE.  Enjoy!    Read More →

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Slumps and the common cold

Treat a slump like you would a cold Sooner or later, everyone will catch a cold just like every batter will find himself in a rut or a slump.  The two are very similar because no matter what you do, you are going to have both... 

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Be on second base!

Challenge yourself to be on 2nd base on every fly ball! You see it all the time in the big leagues on TV.  A player hits a pop-up, slams the bat down, and runs about 60% to first base.  Most of the time, the fielder catches... 

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Pitchers and the Spotlight Effect

If you ever took a psychology course then you probably know that there are many things that can impact how we perceive the world around us.  Quite often our perceptions are flawed as a result.  Concepts like confirmation bias,... 

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