Friday, March 28th, 2025

Bullpen HORSE game

March 2, 2022 by  
Filed under Indoor, Pitching

I hope where you are reading this that the weather is sunny and 75 degrees. If so, then I’m very jealous. Southeastern Pennsylvania won’t smell consistently nice weather until about mid-May. Until then, wind, rain, crazy temperature fluctuations, and even sleet and more snow are the norm for the first two months of the typical spring school season. It’s brutal but the northern states have it even worse.

In my neck of the woods his usually means a lot of time trying to manage indoor practices. On that note, check out a popular eBook I wrote a couple years back called Stuck Inside: A baseball coach’s guide to KILLER indoor practices. It includes over 40 pages of content to help with running a successful indoor practice. And it’s FREE! Just click the link!

Anyway, one drill that does NOT appear in this eBook is a popular one called “Bullpen Horse.”

I’m sure you have played the basketball shooting game called “HORSE,” correct? If so, then you know the basic rules. Make a shot and the other guy has to make the same shot or else he gets a letter. First guy to spell out the word HORSE loses.

Bullpen Horse is the same game but with two pitchers. One pitcher gets on the mound and has to call his pitch location to the catcher. If he hits his spot with the pitch, the next pitcher has to hit it too. If not, he gets a letter. The game continues until someone gets HORSE.

Practicing indoors can be brutal for a variety of reasons. Creating games, drills, and other competitions like this can spice up the routine and also get your players to keep their focus at a high level even if they are indoors.

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