Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

Win the Free-90 game!

March 30, 2022 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching, Infield

Try this experiment. Look at every box score on a given day (MLB, college, high school, or Little League) and answer this question: How many times did the winning team score an equal number of runs or more runs in one inning than the losing team scored all game? I did this experiment over the […]

If you are sending a runner home, they better know this!

November 9, 2021 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

In today’s video tip, I explain and demonstrate how runners need to round third to give them the best chance of scoring. I also point out several mistakes I typically see in young runners who do this process incorrectly. Share if you think it is worthy! If you liked this video, please LIKE, SHARE, and […]

Most demoralizing play in baseball?

October 15, 2021 by  
Filed under Base Running

When I coach teams, players at some point will typically hear a version of the following from me … usually at the beginning of the season. “Guys, there are many reasons why teams win games.  However, you will be in games where the deciding factor in the win was good base running.  You will also […]

Communication is overrated

For anyone who has ever seen me coach, the title of this post may seem more than a little hypocritical. That’s because I never shut up once the game starts. I don’t think I’m alone when it comes to coaches who are working with young players. At the younger levels there is a constant need […]

Make him stop!

September 24, 2021 by  
Filed under Base Running, Infield, Pitching

One of these days I will make a lengthy video or a series of videos on how to hold runners on base.  It would require a lot of work because there are so many little things that have to be done by multiple players simultaneously that I could not do it justice in just one or […]

Give your 3rd base coach a chance

September 14, 2021 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains another mental tip for base runners, this time at first base! If you liked this video, please share it with three people: one who will like it, one who needs to see it, and even someone who you think won’t like it! Thanks for watching! Coach McCreary’s Bio […]

College and pro players don’t know this?

August 24, 2021 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

A couple years ago I conducted an informal survey of former professional players who now coach at the college or pro levels. I asked them one question and received back close to 100 responses. The questions was “what are two or three things that you can’t believe you have to teach your incoming players?” I […]

Runners, stay still at second base

November 15, 2018 by  
Filed under Base Running

Today’s video tip is for base runners at second base who don’t want their own teammates to hate them.   Monday’s post:  Forget goals.  It’s about systems ___________________________________________________________________ *To plan for the upcoming season, check out all the eBooks from Baseball By The Yard by clicking HERE! *My Four-Week Guide to Developing Pitchers For Game […]

Freeze on a line drive is not always good advice

October 25, 2018 by  
Filed under Base Running

“Freeze on a line drive” is phrase used on every baseball field in the world.  Do it and you’ll rarely get doubled off while on the bases.  But as kids get older, more variables come into play making the popular phrase a bit incomplete.  Today’s video tip explains.   Monday’s Post:  What story do you […]

Don’t run him off!

June 8, 2018 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching

When I teach base running to players, I do not just cover the mechanics, techniques, and the mental side.  I also list and explain all the words and phrases the coaching staff will use to remind base runners of the situation and what is needed from them.  One such phrase is “Don’t run him off.” […]

“Don’t look at the ball! Just run!” is bad advice

May 29, 2018 by  
Filed under Base Running

We’ve all heard a coach or parent yell the title of this post to a player who is so busy watching the ball that he does not run hard around the bases.  The problem with that statement is that it is really bad advice for the developing player. The game gets faster at each level […]

Pitchers – Don’t let runners take walking leads

May 25, 2018 by  
Filed under Base Running

When base runners attempt to steal 3rd base, they will often use one of two methods at the beginning – a stationary lead or a walking lead.  A stationary lead is what you typically see at first base.  The runner gets his lead and stays put until the pitcher delivers.  He breaks towards second on […]

Sliding at first base

May 7, 2018 by  
Filed under Base Running

Today’s video tip is about sliding at first base.  I explain the ONLY time it is ok to do so.  This only applies to older players who are allowed to slide head first.  Even then, caution should be used due to the increased injury factor.  I am perfectly ok with runners never sliding head first […]

The 10 step process for taking leads and getting back

April 30, 2018 by  
Filed under Base Running

Stupid mistakes at the bases, even at the MLB level, often are a result of one or more things that were ignored or not performed correctly.  Below are the ten steps that base runners should be working their way through on every pitch.  There could be a number of additional details within many of the […]

Base runners – Know the pitch and watch the flight

February 5, 2018 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

The best base runners on a team are often NOT the fastest.  That’s because base running involves so much more than speed.  It’s about taking good angles and turns around the bases.  It’s knowing when to take a risk and when not to.  It’s also about anticipating the play before it even happens in order […]

Positive shin angle for base runners

January 8, 2018 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for base runners and even fielders who need to develop a better, more explosive first step quickness in order to steal bases or track down a ball. The tip involves a concept known as “positive shin angle.” Every player looking for a better jump must create a positive shin angle with […]

To run faster, you have to run faster

January 4, 2018 by  
Filed under Base Running, Off-Season

“To run faster, you have to run faster.” Duh. On the surface, the title of this post may look pretty stupid.  However, most baseball players don’t do much running so it ends up not being so stupid after all. Like it or not, a young player will be judged on their running speed.  Unless you […]

Speak to the track coach yet?

October 23, 2017 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching

Who would like to improve their overall running speed?   Answer = everyone. Who would like to get better jumps on steals?  Answer = everyone. Who wants to improve their first and second step quickness to improve their range?   Answer = everyone. Who wants to improve their 60 yard times for showcases? Answer = everyone. […]

Stealing on first-move (Part 3)

This is the final post in a three part series on stealing first-move on a left-handed pitcher.  In Part 1, I explained what stealing first-move is and why it can be an effective strategy.  In Part 2, I discussed a variety of things the offensive team needs to be aware of and do in order to be […]

Stealing on first-move (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this series I discussed what stealing first-move means and why it can be a very good option when a left-hander is on the mound.  In Part 2 I wanted to cover some of the little things the offense needs to do in order to increase the chances of the play turning […]

Stealing on first-move (Part 1)

September 14, 2017 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching, First Base, Pitching

This is Part 1 of a three part series on stealing second base using the “first-move” method.  Today I’ll focus on what stealing “first-move” means and why a coach/runner would do it. Up first is What does it mean to steal on first-move? Stealing on a pitcher’s first-move involves a runner who breaks towards second […]

Touch the front of first base!

August 14, 2017 by  
Filed under Base Running

Here is a painful reminder why a runner always needs to touch the FRONT part of the bag at first base.  No exceptions!  I’m hoping Harper’s knee injury is not serious. Touching the front gets you to first base more quickly and you don’t land on the slippery part of the bag with your spikes […]

Tips on diving back to first base

August 3, 2017 by  
Filed under Base Running

The photo to the right shows a runner properly diving back to first base on either a pick-off by the pitcher or an after-the-pitch pickoff attempt by the catcher.  Either way, the process of diving back to the bag is the same.  I’ll make a future video demonstrating all this but for now, let’s list […]

Base running – A yard makes a big difference

June 21, 2017 by  
Filed under Base Running

If you have been a reader of this site then you probably know the story of why I call it Baseball By The Yard.  If you don’t, watch the video on my Home Page that explains the story and the significance. The other day I was working with some older base runners at a high […]

Be on second base!

May 30, 2017 by  
Filed under Base Running

You see it all the time in the big leagues on TV.  A player hits a pop-up, slams the bat down, and runs about 60% to first base.  Most of the time, the fielder catches the ball and the batter trots back to the dugout after half-heartedly rounding first base.  Until the ball drops. The […]

Cardinal sins of base running

May 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Base Running

If you have watched MLB highlights over the past few days then you probably have seen this play from Yadier Molina. The base runner who went to third on the walk broke three (yes, a MLB player committed THREE!!!!) cardinal sins on one single play.  Here they are: The runner rounded a base when a […]

A tip to keep the catcher back on sac bunts

March 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Base Running, Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is a higher level one for base runners. It involves a situation where the batter poorly bunts a pitch just in front of home plate.

A small tip for faster sprints

February 22, 2017 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

One big problem a lot of young sprinters have is that they cannot get out of their own way. They never allow their body to function at 100% because they use poor running skills that often lead to too much tension. Loosen up that body and the times will come down. Today’s video tip is […]

A base running drill I bet you never did

June 15, 2016 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

I’m a firm believer that if you expect players to do something in a game, you had better practice it beforehand.  If a player screws something up that we never practiced then I consider it my fault not his.   Today’s video tip is a drill I’d bet rarely ever gets practiced.  As you will see, […]

The running lane rule

May 19, 2016 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching

The job of runners while running to first base is to stay within the two lines that go from half way down the line to the bag at first.  I took the picture on the right at my son’s practice last night.  Can you see the problem with this rule? If the base is completely in […]

You do NOT run a question mark to first base

February 1, 2016 by  
Filed under Base Running

When I do coaching clinics, one of the more humorous things I will do is ask a question like the following… “Raise your hand if, as a young player, you were told to get your back elbow up higher when you hit?”  All the hands naturally go up.  Including mine.  The crowd gets a laugh when […]

World Series Game 5 insights

November 2, 2015 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching, Infield

The Royals are World Champs!  Unfortunately, because of a bet, I have to make my son’s bed for a week. Clearly the better team won.  If you are a fan of baseball then watching the Royals was a pleasure.  They did everything right.  The Mets? … not so much. Like the previous World Series posts, […]

World Series insights – Game 3 & 4

BONUS SUNDAY POST! These insights from Game 3 and 4 of the current World Series between the Mets and the Royals are in no particular order.  Once again, I provide links to posts and videos I’ve previously done that expand on these ideas.  Enjoy! Game 3: The Met’s catcher made a big mistake and let […]

2015 World Series insights – Game 1 & 2

October 30, 2015 by  
Filed under Base Running, Catching, Pitching

It looks like the Royals will make fast work of the Mets unless New York can turn that momentum around in a hurry.  Here is a list of some of the things I noticed from Game 1 and Game 2.  I also linked to previous posts and videos where I discussed or demonstrated that topic. […]

Give your 3rd base coach a chance (part 2)

October 26, 2015 by  
Filed under Base Running

Scoring from first base on a base hit is no easy task.  Royals fans were quite happy when Lorenzo Cain did just that to help get his team to the World Series.  As soon as I saw him score I thought of a post I had written back in June, 2012. I’ve said many times […]

Who said you have to be fast to be a good base runner?

October 21, 2015 by  
Filed under Base Running

Very few things make my baseball heart go pitter-patter more than great base running.  Take game five of the AL Division Series between the Blue Jays and the Rangers as an example.  Most of the attention went to Bautista and his bat-flipping homer in the 7th inning but there was a play earlier in the […]

Two outs, two strikes – on the swing

May 11, 2015 by  
Filed under Base Running

Ever see a guy try to score from second base on a base hit and get thrown out by about six inches at home plate?  Of course you have.  Baseball is a game of inches and turn on any game on TV and you’ll see several plays where an inch one way or the other could […]

90 feet at a time

May 7, 2015 by  
Filed under Base Running

Below is a link to a great read about Mike Napoli of the Red Sox and the pride he takes in base running.  It’s so nice to see a major leaguer take such pride in things that 99% of the stadium never notices.   There is not a lot of glamour to good base running […]

Figure 8 Drill for base running

April 23, 2015 by  
Filed under Base Running

When baseball players are asked to run at practice, typically it means sprints of various distances before and/or after practice.  Sprints are fine but the drawback is that very rarely will players actually run a sprint beyond 90 feet.  Little Leaguers typically run even shorter distances.  Players of all ages also have to make cuts, […]

How to round a base and improve your angles

December 9, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for base runners of any age who want a quick way to improve their angles around the bases.  Like so much in the game, little things can make a huge difference when it comes to separating the good players from the great ones.  Here is one of those little things that […]

How to steal bases: three options for jumps

December 4, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

Stealing bases is truly an art form and just like any artist, a base stealer is going to develop their own style.  This is why coaches should be reluctant to force every base stealer to take leads and get jumps the same way.  Ideally, players should learn as many options as possible and eventually pick […]

Look for this before snap throws to third

November 21, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Catching

In May, 2011, I wrote a post titled Snap throws to third base.  I explained that the defensive team needs to look for runners who are not properly timing their plant foot landing (right foot ALWAYS!) as the pitch is crossing home plate.  Some runners will make the mistake of landing too late on that […]

95 Pitching, Outfield, and Base Running Drills

November 17, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching, Outfield, Pitching

  “Thanks for the drills Coach! Perfect to keep on my clipboard during practice. Will save me lots of time with planning.” That’s an email I got from a reader a few days ago!   This past week subscribers received the latest offer of baseball drills.  The deal includes 40 Pitching Drills that range from basic to […]

What’s the difference between a “hit and run” and a “run and hit”? (Part 2)

October 17, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching, Hitting

In yesterday’s Part 1 post I listed several components and details about the Hit and Run play.  Today it’s the Run and Hit play.  Just like the Hit and Run, the Run and Hit is a strategy that has its own set of pros and cons as well as details that go into the proper execution […]

The cross-over myth of base running

September 12, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

Virtually every player and coach I know (this includes me) was taught that the first movement on a steal attempt is to throw your entire left side towards second base and cross the left foot over the right one.  Any half-step or backwards step by the lead foot was considered a waste of time that […]

Drop your shoulder at each base

August 22, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running

My hometown Phillies have some players who can really run.  Ben Revere, Jimmy Rollins, and Domonic Brown all have “plus speed.”  But if you ask a scout who the best base runner is on the Phillies, every single one of them will say Chase Utley.  How can this be? Chase Utley has average speed for […]

Pyramids don’t tip over

July 16, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Hitting, Infield, Pitching

If I could wave a magic wand and change one thing about young players it would be to get each and every one of them to have a wide base with their head between their feet and generally get their bodies in a strong athletic position before throwing, running, fielding, and everything else in the game. […]

Hey base stealers, steal early in the count

June 20, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Hitting

When I played in college and pro ball I was a stereotypical two hitter in the line-up.  I switched hit, had descent speed, used the whole field, and could sac bunt, base hit bunt, and hit and run pretty well.  I also didn’t mind taking a pitch or two.  And as you get to the […]

The 20 yard dash

June 6, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running

The 60 yard dash has been a pretty standard event at virtually every showcase and tryout for many years now.  How fast a player can run for that distance is not a bad indicator of overall athleticism but in my opinion it has some functional problems.  A player can go his entire career and not […]

Two out close plays at first base

Here’s the situation … runner on second base with two outs.  A ball is hit to an infielder who bobbles it and throws to first base.  The play at first will be a bang-bang play. If the runner is out, it’s inning over.  If the runner is safe, there is a very good chance the […]

A lot can be seen in one play at first base

April 2, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, First Base

Take a look at the brief video clip I ran into online.  Click on the photo below and then keep clicking the refresh button to see it over again.  Then come back to the post to read further. It only takes a few seconds to watch the clip but there are several things in the […]

Pitchers – Are you a head-snap or glove guy?

April 1, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Pitching, Video Posts

A huge part of being a great base stealer is being able to quickly recognize opportunities that increase your chances to be safe.  Examples include a catcher with a weak arm, middle infielders that are positioned too far from the bag, and a slow delivery to home plate.  Another big example involves what the pitcher […]

Giving signs after pickoffs

March 14, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching

Picture this … A coach gives a sign to a runner at first base to steal on the next pitch.  The pitcher comes set and goes to first with a pickoff attempt.  The runner flinches towards second initially but then gets back to the bag safely.  Of course, everyone now knows he was stealing.  What […]

The importance of learning to run the bases

February 25, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running

Every year that I coached at the high school level I would start the season teaching my players how to correctly run the bases.  It literally was the very first thing we would do at the start of the very first practice after the teams are picked.  I’d take them around the bases stopping at […]

How to take a lead off second base

February 6, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

This video post is in response to a question sent to me by a reader who asked where his runners should be when they take leads off second base.  I may have done a written post on this a while back but I thought a video would help.  As you’ll see, where you take a […]

Never get picked off on a snap throw again

December 6, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

One of the Cardinal Sins of baseball is getting picked off after the pitch.  In today’s video tip you will learn the three things all runners should do so that they never get picked after a pitch.

Leads and snap throws to third base

November 21, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, Catching, Video Posts

When you see a major league catcher attempt a snap throw pickoff  to any base, you can assume somebody saw something that led to the play.  The third baseman may have noticed the type of lead the runner on third took during the pitch.  Someone on the bench may have noticed something else.  Whatever the […]

Lefty pickoffs Part 3: Never get picked off by a lefty again

November 4, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running

In Part 3 of this lefty pickoff series I help out the base runners.  I wrote a post on this a while ago but thought a video would be helpful to go along with it.   Basically, if you are not stealing on the pitch then there is absolutely no excuse for getting picked off […]

Train for short bursts of speed

October 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, Off-Season

Players at a variety of levels are beginning to wind down their fall seasons and will soon begin to think about their off-season training.  Usually (at least for the older kids) there is a combination of strength training and running to get ready for the following season.  I’ve written a number of posts concerning Off-Season […]

Score on a ground ball

October 3, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running

When you watch a young team play there are many things that you can point to as examples of good coaching.  The common feature that all seem to share is that well coached behaviors don’t come about naturally.  For example, individuals tend to create a sense of fashion that is unique in some way to themselves.  They may not […]

Back to the bag in the air

September 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running

There were three MLB games I watched in recent days where a runner on third totally screwed up a tag play on balls hit to the outfield.  I guess it bothers me so much because these are mistakes that I could not even accept from my high school players.  Here is what happened in all […]

How to round first base

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

It’s been a while since my last video tip but here’s the latest.  It involves the proper way to round first base depending on where the ball is hit.   Enjoy!

Don’t run into a tag

I had another “shake my head at the TV” moment the other night while watching a major league game.  With one out and a runner on first base, a soft ground ball was hit towards the second baseman.  He charged to field the ball, easily tagged the runner going to second base, and threw to […]

Safe … by a yard!

June 21, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running

If you have visited my website in the past you probably know why it is called “Baseball By The Yard.”  If you don’t know what it means, the video on the front page will explain it.  That being said, take a look at the following photo. The runner who is about to score is a […]

It can’t even be close

June 4, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running

This past Saturday I had the pleasure of attending a Phillies game.  In the ninth inning, Kyle Kendrick (yes, a pitcher) was put in to pinch run for Jimmy Rollins (bad foot) with no outs and the Brewers up 4-3.  After being sacrificed bunted to second base, Kendrick proceeded to get picked off second base. […]

The 1st and 3rd dilemma

May 3, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching

A couple weeks ago the Philadelphia Phillies had a common situation occur in three straight games that resulted in a negative outcome.  With no outs, there were runners on 1st and 3rd.  In all three cases, a ground ball was hit, the runner on 3rd took off towards home, and was out by a mile. […]

The heel to heel flaw at first base

March 29, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

Here is a little tip for base runners who want a little more balance, quickness, and power when taking their lead off first base.

Code words for second base

March 12, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching

One of the challenges for base stealers and third base coaches is the fact that middle infielders can hear.   When a base stealer is at second base and wants/needs to steal third base, often he will need the third base coach to give him information on what the middle infielders (especially the shortstop who […]

Winning the Freebie War

February 11, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching, Hitting

I heard the term “Freebie War” from a legendary coach named Pat McMahon.  Coach McMahon is  a frequent speaker at national coaching clinics.  He has coached at many levels with success and currently is heavily involved with the Yankees developmental academies in the Dominican Republic.  I heard him speak at a recent clinic where he […]

First basemen throwbacks

January 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, First Base, Shortstop

From an early age, my father and grandfather taught me that if you look closely, there is a heck of a lot going on in the game that the overwhelming number of people (even players) miss.  Today’s tip is one of them. Occasionally when a player gets on first base you will see the first baseman […]

Three stages of a sprint

November 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Base Running

I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s interview with Coach Jay Jones.  If you
didn’t hear it, click HERE.  During the interview, he mentioned three
 stages or parts to a sprint.  He explained it by saying it’s like the gears of a car.  You have to get the most out of each gear before putting it into the […]

Improving foot speed

November 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Base Running, Off-Season

If speed is so important in baseball, why don’t many players specifically train to make themselves faster?  They spend a lot of time improving handwork and glove work to improve the quickness of their catching and throwing transitions.  They hit the weight room to improve strength, bat speed, and power.  They may run some sprints […]

Base stealing – tennis ball drill

November 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Base Running, Off-Season

Here is a drill that can be easily done indoors during these colder months.  It’s a drill that focusses on a base runner’s starts when attempting to steal.  Good base stealers get good jumps and this drill teaches and improves this very basic need for runners. To do the drill, have a runner get a […]

You’ve got to be kidding me

October 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Base Running

Click HERE for an unbelievable video clip (about 10 seconds long) It’s a little tough to see but the video clip shows a Brewers runner on third base who took his eyes off the ball.  Phillies pitcher Cliff Lee just lobs it over and picks him off. I’m not sure when this play occurred but […]

Avoid a line drive to the mouth

October 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Base Running

Here’s the situation … bases loaded, two outs, full count.  Runners are all off at the start of the pitch.  The runner on third base is charging home on the pitch which, of course, could very well be hit directly at him.  Nothing would ruin your day more quickly than being that guy coming down […]

Rounding bases

September 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Base Running

There is a saying in baseball that goes “never round a base with the ball in the infield.”  It’s a general rule that good base runners live by so that the ball cannot be thrown behind them as they round a bag.  I believe runners should take that rule a step farther.  “Don’t round the […]

Breaking up a double play

August 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Base Running

One of the many jobs of a first base coach is to tell every runner at first base to “break up a double play” if there are less than two outs.  How it is done depends on what level the player finds himself on but the main idea is that going hard to second base […]

Give your 3rd base coach a chance

June 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Base Running

Often a base runner will make the mistake of assuming the 3rd base coach is going to stop him at 3rd base.  This happens a lot with a runner on 1st and the batter hits one down the left field line.  Even fast runners sometimes assume right from the crack of the bat that the […]

Tag up like a sprinter

June 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Base Running

People often ask how I come up with ideas for all my posts.  Most of them come from watching   games.  Sometimes they originate from seeing photographs.  This post is one of those that came from seeing the photo at right. The runner tagging up in the photo is making two mistakes: His shoulders are […]

The four second rule

March 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Base Running, Infield, Pitching, Practice

Fast runners can make it down to 1st base in about 4 seconds.  Occasionally a guy who can absolutely fly can get down there a little sooner but 4 seconds is usually a good number to play with.  If you are an infielder, you must develop a “4 second internal clock” that guides most everything […]

Taking a lead off first base

February 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts


Take off like an airplane

November 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running, Catching, Infield

A little while back, I was listening to former major league catcher, Brent Mayne, talk about catching.  He mentioned that a catcher should think of an airplane when he is coming out of a crouch to catch and make a throw to second or third base on a steal attempt.  Although he was referring to […]

Tip for leads off first base

November 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running

When it comes to base running, where a runner takes his lead is just as important as how far off the bag he goes.  The base path is the three foot area between each base and different runners stand in different places on that path.  When runners take leads off first or second base, some […]

Stealing signs – Part 1: How teams get them and give them

October 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching

Disclaimer:  In the major leagues, every time a team gets caught or is even suspected of stealing signs from a catcher, there is always debate as to the ethics and morality of doing so.  For these posts, I will avoid the controversy and simply stick to the ways teams typically get them and give them […]

There’s more to legging out a triple than you might think

September 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running

First, let me say that finding the appropriate video clips for this post took forever!  That being said, let’s take a closer look at each one because both are very instructive with regards to the responsibilities of the base runner when going for a triple.This first clip shows a runner legging out a triple in […]

Is it ok to slide into first base?

June 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running

The answer is yes, but most of the time runners who slide into first base do it for the wrong reason.  By sliding, usually head first, most are of the mind set that they will reach first base more quickly than if they ran through the bag.  Check out the following video clip to see […]

Where do you touch a base?

June 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running

When rounding the bases, which part of the bag do you tag? Just about every baseball player would answer with “the inside corner.”  And they would be correct.  However, when you go farther and ask “what part of the inside corner do you touch?” the answers probably don’t come so quickly.  It would be nice […]

Third Base Coach: What to say

June 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching

In a recent post, I focused on the 1st base coach and what they should be saying to base runners who get to first base.  Today is for the 3rd base coaches out there.  The first three points are the same thing that 1st base coaches say so if you want to go back and read the explanation for […]

The Contact Play

June 17, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching

With a runner on third base, the offensive team has a few things it can do on a ball hit on the ground.  They can tell the runner to make the ball go through the infield before running, they can have him go on any grounder that gets past the pitcher, they can have the […]

Leads off second base: Settle down!

June 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running

Baseball is a very hard game to play.  The hardest part of the game is hitting the baseball.  Hitting becomes even harder whenever the batter is distracted either mentally or visually.  That being said, here’s a piece of advice for base runners who are at second base.  SETTLE DOWN OUT THERE! Movement by the runner […]

The delayed steal (Part 2)

June 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching

Because a delayed steal is a timing play and mostly will involve runners who are not overly fast (if they were, a straight steal usually would be easier), it becomes imperative for coaches to choose wisely in when they put on the delayed steal.   There are only three players a coach needs to pay attention […]

The Delayed Steal (Part 1)

June 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running

One of the most underrated offensive plays at the lower levels of baseball is the delayed steal.  My teams at the high school level have probably used it well over one hundred times.  I can honestly say that the runner has been thrown out about 5 times max.  Of course, the runner needs to know […]

Base running with two outs

May 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running

I have always told my players that base running should be the easiest part of the game.  In no way am I implying that base running is less important than the other facets of the game though.  Many games can swing one way or the other simply because of good or bad base running.  I […]

On your own (Part 2)

May 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching

Yesterday, in Part 1, I spoke about the value of letting runners decide for themselves when to steal a base.  Today, it gets more specific on what runners should look for and provides some tips for coaches who might be interested in giving it a shot. What are some things a runner should look for? (Photo by […]

On your own (Part 1)

May 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching

There are a lot of advantages to the runner deciding for himself when to steal and when not to.(Photo by Josh Geer) I was watching the Phillies the other night and the two announcers discussed something that is not well known at the lower levels of baseball.  They were talking about how the straight steal sign […]

What to do IF you are picked off by a lefty.

May 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running

The other day I did a post on How NOT to get picked-off by a left-hander at first base when the steal is not on.  Of course, when a runner does have the steal sign, he can be in for a real challenge with a left hander on the mound.  Especially when the lefty has […]

How NOT to get picked off by a lefty

May 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running

A while back I wrote three posts called the Cardinal Sins of Baseball that got a lot of positive feedback.  One of the cardinal sins I listed on the Offense post was getting picked-off first base when there is no steal on.  There are quite a number of things that can get a player a […]

Snap throws to third base

May 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running, Catching, Third Base

One of the more demoralizing things that can happen to an offensive team is to have a base runner picked off third base.  I’ve written a post or two on base running and taking leads but this post is for the defensive team and mostly for the third baseman and catcher. Watching how this guys […]

Middle infielders: Backing up return throws

Middle infielders need to pay attention to this throw … and return properly. (Photo by FourSeamImages) By the time kids get to the high school varsity level, most middle infielders  know that when there are runners on base, especially one at third, they should be taking a step or two up the middle after each pitch in order to […]

Freeze on a line drive

April 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running

Most players grow up hearing the phrase “freeze on a line drive” when they are on base with less than two outs.  In general, that is good advice.  Do not get doubled off on a line drive.  However, as players move up in levels to high school and beyond, there are a few more things […]

A tip for secondary leads

March 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running

This Tigers runner shuffles off onthe pitch and is in position toland properly at the right time.(AP Photo) A secondary lead is the extra lead base runners take when the ball is traveling to home plate.  Others call it “shuffling off on the pitch” but it’s all the same thing.  This post is specifically going […]

The mentality of a thief

March 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running, Make Up, Mental Side

When a normal person walks into your home for the first time, they will walk around and compliment you on your decorations, your new flat screen TV, your stereo system, and your brand new iMac computer.  When a person who is really a thief walks into a house, they will say the same thing but […]

Tips for runners in a "pickle"

March 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running, Infield

Even the best base runners get picked off and/or get caught in a rundown every once in a while.  Although at the higher levels practically all these runners will be out, there are a couple things a runner can do to increase the likelihood that they will be safe.  Here are two tips that might […]

Pick-offs and holding runners at 1st base

February 17, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running, Pitching

First of all, it needs to be said that picking off runners at first and holding runners close are not necessarily the same thing.  When a pitcher picks a runner off first base it clearly sends a message to future runners to be more cautious.  Obviously this is a good thing.  However, holding runners close involves a lot […]

Base running: Watch the flight of the pitch

February 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Base Running

Many times the best base runners on a team are not the fastest guys.  Slower guys know they cannot solely rely on their speed to get around the bases.  They have to be smart.  They know where all the fielders are before the pitch.  They know the situation.  We could list a lot of things […]

Base running tips for the indoor off-season

As winter kicks into gear, many players around the country are stuck indoors for much of their practice routine.  Hopefully this includes some base running as well.  Here are five tips to get the most out of your indoor running. A base runner’s off-season best friend. Run distance and sprints.  Using a stationary bike and/or […]

Base Runner Mistakes

December 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Base Running

The 11th of 12 posts related to common mistakes players make by position. Playing base to base. This involves the mentality that affects many base runners especially those who do not have much running speed.  When runners know that foot speed is not their strength, they frequently fear taking any risks at all on the […]