Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

Podcast Episode 008: Five tips for infielders when runners are on base

In today’s episode, Coach Bob McCreary explains five things that infielder must be aware of and do when there are runners on base.  Unfortunately, infielders at all levels are often not taught several of these which can come back to burn their teams eventually. If you liked this post, please SHARE and SUBSCRIBE to Baseball […]

Communication is overrated

For anyone who has ever seen me coach, the title of this post may seem more than a little hypocritical. That’s because I never shut up once the game starts. I don’t think I’m alone when it comes to coaches who are working with young players. At the younger levels there is a constant need […]

Why do first basemen point to the shortstop?

September 7, 2021 by  
Filed under First Base, Shortstop

A runner gets to first base and like normal, the first baseman holds him on. While setting up, the first baseman points to the shortstop. The shortstop acknowledges but neither one says a word. What’s that all about? Well, in today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains what is going on here. If you liked this […]

First-move steals and pickoffs – A tip for 1st basemen

January 3, 2019 by  
Filed under First Base, Video Posts

Happy New Year everyone! Today’s video tip is specifically for 1st basemen and explains what to do if they are holding the runner on and the runner steals on the pitcher’s first move.  If the first baseman does this correctly he can dramatically increase the odds of nailing the runner at second base.   Monday’s […]

The ball travels faster than your glove

When the game gets faster at each higher level, the smaller details of every play become magnified.  Minor flaws in a batter’s swing get exposed.  Missing your release point by a half an inch causes your curveball to hang.  Taking a little too big of a loop around first base causes a runner to be […]

Stealing on first-move (Part 3)

This is the final post in a three part series on stealing first-move on a left-handed pitcher.  In Part 1, I explained what stealing first-move is and why it can be an effective strategy.  In Part 2, I discussed a variety of things the offensive team needs to be aware of and do in order to be […]

Stealing on first-move (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this series I discussed what stealing first-move means and why it can be a very good option when a left-hander is on the mound.  In Part 2 I wanted to cover some of the little things the offense needs to do in order to increase the chances of the play turning […]

Stealing on first-move (Part 1)

September 14, 2017 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching, First Base, Pitching

This is Part 1 of a three part series on stealing second base using the “first-move” method.  Today I’ll focus on what stealing “first-move” means and why a coach/runner would do it. Up first is What does it mean to steal on first-move? Stealing on a pitcher’s first-move involves a runner who breaks towards second […]

How to practice Web Gems

I could watch ESPN’s Web Gems all day long.  Having been an infielder for most of my playing career, I have an enormous respect for what MLB infielders are able to do on seemingly impossible plays.  However, Web Gems are not just for major leaguers.  They can happen at any level and age group.  That […]

How to teach soft hands on defense

Having infielders who have nice, soft hands on ground balls can feel like a gift from heaven.  The question is, can you teach a player to have soft hands?  I’m sure there is a huge genetic component to all this but I believe there are things you can teach an infielder to help develop softer […]

Relay vs Redirect

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  With a name like McCreary, I had to do a post! One of the many things you need to teach young players as they get older is that there are very few (if any) absolutes in baseball.  There are so many examples of this but today I’ll deal with one of […]

How to decoy runners on overthrows

Today’s video tip is for more advanced infielders.  It’s advanced because, as you will see, the player will have to fight their instincts and that is not something you learn to do overnight.

How batters tip off that they are bunting

Today’s video tip shows two ways that batters will often unintentionally let you know that they are about to either sacrifice or base-hit bunt.  The tips are for primarily 1st and 3rd basemen since they are the ones who will be charging but it is also for anyone else (coaches, catchers, pitchers, etc.) on the […]

3-6-3 play: Inside or Outside?

Every coach has his pet-peeves.  I have mine.  On my list is when first basemen and/or shortstops yell “Inside!” or “Outside!” on throws to second base on a 3-6-3 double play. Today’s video tip explains what that means and why yelling anything is totally unnecessary.


September 8, 2014 by  
Filed under First Base, Misc

Welcome to another week everyone!   I need to make a correction on a video I posted a little while ago.  The post was called Footwork for holding runners at first base.  In the video I mentioned that according to the rules, the only player who is allowed to be in foul territory is the catcher. […]

The first-move steal play for first basemen

September 2, 2014 by  
Filed under First Base, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is again for first basemen.  It involves the play where a runner on first base breaks to steal on the first movement of the pitcher – usually a left hander.  Getting the ball quickly and creating the best angle possible in the goal. Tomorrow’s post:  Improve your practices with “Contextual Interference”

Footwork for holding runners at first base

September 1, 2014 by  
Filed under First Base, Video Posts

Happy Labor Day!  On that note … why don’t we have a “Capital Day” to commemorate all the entrepreneurs and business owners who risked their own capital to start businesses that turned into those jobs?  I’m just sayin’. Anyway … when you watch first basemen at the major league level, you are bound to see a […]

Playing behind the runner at first base

May 27, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, First Base

Here are my situations when playing behind the runner at first base is either the right move or at least a possibility:   A runner on second or second and third as well.  This is one of the few absolutes in baseball.  DO NOT have your first baseman hold the runner on when there is […]

Two out close plays at first base

Here’s the situation … runner on second base with two outs.  A ball is hit to an infielder who bobbles it and throws to first base.  The play at first will be a bang-bang play. If the runner is out, it’s inning over.  If the runner is safe, there is a very good chance the […]

A lot can be seen in one play at first base

April 2, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, First Base

Take a look at the brief video clip I ran into online.  Click on the photo below and then keep clicking the refresh button to see it over again.  Then come back to the post to read further. It only takes a few seconds to watch the clip but there are several things in the […]

I’ll be there

“I’ll be there” is one of those phrases I loved to hear my pitchers and infielders say throughout the game.  Here are the situations when I wanted to hear it from them.   Left handed hitter walks to the plate.  Pitcher turns to the first baseman and says “Ball hit to you, I’ll be there.“ […]

Footwork for 1st and 3rd cutoffs

November 12, 2013 by  
Filed under First Base, Third Base, Video Posts

A cutoff play is one of those little things that is a thing of beauty when it is done well.  When it’s not, it’s pretty much a train wreck.  Very painful to watch.  Unfortunately, it is not often practiced and even when it is, the footwork involved is often under addressed.  Like most everything else […]

First basemen throwbacks

January 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, First Base, Shortstop

From an early age, my father and grandfather taught me that if you look closely, there is a heck of a lot going on in the game that the overwhelming number of people (even players) miss.  Today’s tip is one of them. Occasionally when a player gets on first base you will see the first baseman […]

Tip for backhand footwork

In a previous post, I described the basic footwork of the backhand play.  There I explained when a player would lead with their left foot forward and when they would lead with their right foot forward when backhanding a ground ball.  Today’s video post will show another key detail involved with the feet when a […]

Common first base mistakes

December 27, 2012 by  
Filed under First Base

Over the next week, I will be reposting a series I did way back at the start of Baseball By The Yard that covers common mistakes players make by position.  New posts will begin again on Wednesday, January 2. Next up … common first base mistakes! Assuming you’re just a hitter.  It is true that […]

Watching runners tag up

December 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Catching, First Base, Infield, Third Base

One of the challenges umpires have is watching runners tag up.  They have to watch both the ball being caught and the runner take off at the same time which can be virtually impossible depending on their positioning.  To cope with this, umpires are taught, whenever possible, to get both the runner and the outfielder […]

Reading hops as an infielder

One of the most astonishing stats that I’ve ever seen is one that even most die-hard baseball fans never heard about.  In 1990, Cal Ripken Jr. made a grand total of three errors.  THREE !!!!  He played in every game that year (1,406 innings) and had 680 defensive chances.  I don’t know about you but […]

Footwork on backhands

If you look closely at photos of infielders who are backhanding a ground 
ball, you’ll probably notice some differences in footwork.  Which 
footwork the fielder chooses has to do with the type of groundball that
 was hit.  Was it hit hard but fairly close to you or was it hit with 
average speed but farther […]

To hug the line or not?

July 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Coaching, First Base, Third Base

Most Old School coaches will have their third baseman and first baseman hug the line late in the game if they are winning by a run or, as might be the case in the photo,  the runner on first is the tying or winning run. “Hugging the line” means moving the position player (1st or […]

Fielding with two triangles

No matter what age you are dealing with, fielding a baseball starts with learning how to form these two triangles.  Virtually every fielding drill should include this basic foundation.

Two fungo drills you may not have done

September 6, 2011 by  
Filed under Catching, Coaching, First Base, Practice

Using a fungo bat is synonymous with coaching baseball.  With the amount of ground balls and fly balls I hit during the course of a normal season, I’d be lost without mine.  Below are two drills that you may not have thought of that involve the use of a fungo bat.Note:  Both of these drills […]

The Suicide Squeeze – Part 5: Defending the squeeze play

As I have stated numerous times in this series on the suicide squeeze, if the offensive team hides it well, uses the proper timing, and executes the fundamentals of the bunt, there is virtually nothing a defense can do to stop the suicide squeeze.  Therefore, defending the squeeze play basically involves taking advantage of any […]

Talking hitting

July 20, 2011 by  
Filed under First Base, Hitting

I think it’s safe to say that Adrian Gonzalez has worked out well for the Boston Red Sox.  He may have been able to fly under the radar in San Diego but he certainly is not going to sneak up on any American League team now.Before the MLB All Star break, Peter Gammons was interviewed […]

I got it, you take it!

July 10, 2011 by  
Filed under First Base, Pitching

Mention “PFP” to an experienced pitcher and you’ll probably get a major groan or eye roll.  PFP stands for “Pitchers Fielding Practice.”   I haven’t played with many pitchers who liked the idea of practicing covering first base for the 200,000th time or getting come backers hit at them by some sadistic coach who enjoys […]

First base: Defending the "first move"

June 25, 2011 by  
Filed under First Base

A lot has to go right for the defense for the “first move”play to be successfully defended against. When a left handed pitcher has a great move to first base, many base runners will be told to run on first move.  The runner will take a normal (or longer) lead and take off as soon […]

First base & Third base cutoffs

April 21, 2011 by  
Filed under First Base, Third Base

One of the important jobs for both third basemen and first basemen is to be the cutoff guy on throws to home plate from the outfield.  Below are some things both should consider and/or do to make the play more successful.Line yourself up.  I mentioned this part in the First Base Mistakes post a while […]

Tips for diving after ground balls

Being a defensive minded baseball person by nature, I love watching highlights of great defensive plays by infielders.  For me, a player diving for a ball and getting up to throw a strike to first base is better than watching a batter hit a game winning home run.  Although some of these Major League infielders […]

Tips for an underhand toss

There are a number of plays in baseball that require an underhand toss: Ranger pitcher CJ Wilson A first baseman tossing the ball to the pitcher covering first. A pitcher fielding a hard hit bunt on the first base side and tossing it to the first baseman. A pitcher tossing the ball to the catcher […]

3-6-3 double play

February 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, First Base, Shortstop

Starting a 3-6-3 double play(Photo by LakeCountyCaptains) One of the many pet-peeves of mine when I watch games is on a 3-6-3 double play when either the shortstop or the first baseman yells “Inside!” or “Outside!” before the throw to second base.  Saying anything is unnecessary.  Whether the first baseman throws to the inner side […]