Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

New eBook! Hitting IQ: A smart hitter’s path to a better approach at the plate

February 9, 2024 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

Hello! My new book is now available! Learning how to swing at bat is not the same as learning how to hit!  Coach Bob McCreary, founder of and a former professional player and coach, delves into the intricacies of mastering the art of hitting, emphasizing that it’s more than just a physical motion – it’s a […]

Three ways to do every drill in baseball

April 11, 2022 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Infield, Pitching, Practice

I’ll get right to the point by saying that there are only three ways to do any drill in baseball. It doesn’t matter if you are a pitcher, fielder, base runner, or hitter, every drill known to man falls into one or more of the following ways on how to do it: When performing any […]

Skinny Lane Tee Drill

March 14, 2022 by  
Filed under Hitting

When I work with young hitters, I usually break down the swing into three basic parts for ease of understanding. Part 1 is getting the barrel to the contact point, Part 2 is getting the hands/barrel through the ball, and Part 3 is the follow through. I’ve said before (in video and written form) that […]

High IQ teams do this for their pitchers

February 28, 2022 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

In today’s video tip, Coach Bob McCreary, the founder of, explains a way that high IQ hitters and teams can help their pitchers when they are at bat. The game is filled with many of these little things that, over the course of a long season, start to add up and help teams win. […]

Do you have a swing coach or a hitting coach?

February 4, 2022 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

Private hitting instructors seem to be everywhere these days.  Indoor facilities, YouTube, Twitter, and many other platforms as well and all seem to promote their views on how to hit.  The good news is that players around the world do not need to have personal access to knowledgeable trainers in any area of the game.  All […]

Four reasons for taking your time when getting into the batter’s box

January 24, 2022 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”  – Dr. Wayne Dyer I think most (if not all!) baseball people would agree that the finer points of the game are too often neglected in player development.  Today’s post involves several game-like situations where greater awareness is necessary.  Even […]

Analytics – Are we losing the FEEL for the game?

January 14, 2022 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

A while back I wrote a post called “The four levels of competence for players.”  Click on the title if you want the full nuts and bolts of the levels.  When players work their way through the game of baseball, they also work their way up through those levels of competence.  Eventually, some special players […]

All hitters should be elevating their batting tee

October 19, 2021 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains why all hitters should be including more elevated ball positions on their batting tees. All areas of the strike zone should be worked on by hitters but now more than ever, elevated positions are a must. If you liked this video, please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to help […]

Tee drill for LIVE batting practice!

October 12, 2021 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

It would be nice if every young player had access to a competent batting practice thrower but that is certainly not the case. The average guy (or gal) is pretty brutal when it comes to that skill. If you want/need to improve in that area, click HERE for a tutorial. Getting young players to hit […]

Command of the strike zone (Part 1-Hitters)

October 8, 2021 by  
Filed under Hitting

In the summer of 1988, I was fortunate to play in the Cape Cod League (Falmouth, MA). Top players from around the country converge on the coast of Massachusetts to play some pretty high-level baseball.  The Cape was also one of the only summer leagues that required wood bats.  This created two challenges for me.  One was […]

Hit like a cat, not a dog

August 20, 2021 by  
Filed under Hitting

I’m a dog lover. I had a cat once and he was great. I don’t hate cats, I just prefer dogs. When you come home, the dog rushes at you like it hasn’t seen you in 5 years. A cat is more patient and will often wait until you come to them. Sort of how […]

On path and On plane. Pretty simple

November 29, 2018 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

Give yourself five points if you have ever heard of William of Ockham, the English philosopher and theologian born in the 13th century.  Give yourself another 5 points if you know what “Ockham’s razor” (more often spelled Occam’s razor)  means.  Have any points yet? Occam’s razor is a philosophical principle traced to William of Ockham that has […]

Looking v Guessing for pitches

October 18, 2018 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

In today’s video tip, the difference between looking for certain pitches and guessing for pitches is explained.  Some don’t see much of a difference between the two.  I do.  I believe looking for pitches has some big advantages over guessing. Monday’s post:  You don’t play defense on defense

When fielders tip-off pitches

Another example of how you can see a lot within the game if you know what to look for.   Monday’s post:  Match the energy and focus of the next level

Helping young hitters get to the load-up position

May 14, 2018 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is mostly for young hitters who struggle to get to a better load-up position. However, even older hitters can struggle getting there too. In any case, there is a simple tip that can help any hitter get to the proper load-up position in order to get the body into a more powerful […]

Positive and Negative symptoms

April 19, 2018 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

In the area of psychological disorders, you will often see both “positive” and “negative” symptoms from the person suffering from the disorder.  The mistake that people (and students) make about “positive” and “negative” symptoms is that they think of it as “good” symptoms vs “bad” symptoms.  That is incorrect.  You have to think of them […]

Good approaches and good swings

April 9, 2018 by  
Filed under Hitting

I had the pleasure of accompanying a high school team to South Carolina last week over the Easter Break.  It was wonderful for many reasons but mainly because I didn’t have to stress over all the things a head coach has to deal with.  I was able to roam around to various players and offer […]

Tilting the tee for better hitting drills

March 15, 2018 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

I’m a gigantic fan of tee work.  So are a huge majority of major league hitters so I think I’m in good company.  It’s tough to improve upon something that has worked for so many generations but I may have found an exception. An assistant on my son’s 11u travel team (who is also a […]

I have the advantage, not the pitcher

February 26, 2018 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

From the time baseball players are little, they hear the following … “Baseball is a game of failure.  You can fail seven out of ten times and get to the Hall of Fame.” “The best hitters only hit .300.” “Batters are ignorant.  The pitcher gets to pick the pitch, the speed, and the location.  The […]

Mastering the Stand-In Drill

January 29, 2018 by  
Filed under Hitting, Indoor, Video Posts

The Stand-In Drill is one of the best hitting drills batters can do during the off-season to get ready for game #1. Of course, that’s if they do it right. In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains what the Stand-In Drill is and how to do it correctly. *To plan for the upcoming season, check […]

Is there a wrong way to make a player better?

January 11, 2018 by  
Filed under Hitting

Let’s say a batter is only hitting weak ground balls and comes to you for lessons with the two goals of 1) hitting with more authority and, 2) driving the ball more.  Let’s also say that you tell the kid to do A, B, and C.  This results in the player achieving both of those […]

Exaggeration Drills for hitters

January 2, 2018 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Happy New Year everyone! Today’s video tip involves exaggerating some of the basic mechanics of hitting. Exaggerating these movements improves the feel of the proper mechanic and also helps a hitter’s confidence while at the plate.  Mix some into your everyday hitting routines!

The Fence Drill for hitters

November 16, 2017 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is a popular drill called the Fence Drill.  As I explain in the video, there are multiple ways to do a Fence Drill.  The video shows how I conduct the drill most of the time. Note: Although I do not mention it in the video, be careful that hitters do not cheat […]

Teaching launch angle is a waste of time

November 2, 2017 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

If you work with baseball players below the AA or AAA level (and 99% of baseball coaches do) then there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to use the term “launch angle” in your instruction. Three stories … I grew up watching a lot of Yankees games and loved to watch Don Mattingly hit.  I remember […]

The Bunting Tee Drill

September 25, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

The batting tee is probably the most versatile tool for baseball players.  It can be used for drill work in almost every area of the game.  Today’s video tip shows how you can use a tee to practice two specific types of bunts. Written post for push bunting: Base hitt bunting footwork for left-handers: […]

The underrated push bunt

July 31, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting

In my opinion, one of the most underrated plays in baseball is the push bunt from right handed hitters.  Someday I’ll make a video demonstrating how to do it properly but today we’ll just get into the benefits and the purposes of it. First, the benefits. It confuses the 1st baseman and the pitcher.  The […]

The importance of being aggressive early at the plate

July 17, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

As all of my readers know, baseball is a very cerebral game.  The difference between winning and losing & succeeding and failing at the game often is more about what is going on between the ears and not in the physical things you can see.  No area of the game is immune to this either. […]

How to improve your pitching machine

June 26, 2017 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

I’m not a gigantic fan of pitching machines mainly because they are so unrealistic to how a ball is going to be pitched to a batter.  Here is a picture that shows the obvious problem.   No pitch will ever shoot out of a pitcher’s belly button.  The ball will usually be released above and […]

Knob to the ball v Hands inside the ball – What’s the difference?

June 8, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting

I’ve said numerous times on my site that one size never fits all when it comes to teaching baseball.  Everyone plays and learns differently and therefore requires unique methods of instruction.  This is true right down to the phrases that players and coaches use. Two popular phrases in hitting are “keep your hands inside the […]

Slumps and the common cold

June 2, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting

Sooner or later, everyone will catch a cold just like every batter will find himself in a rut or a slump.  The two are very similar because no matter what you do, you are going to have both for a few days.  Neither one has a cure and both are a nuisance. Although a common […]

The good and bad of golf during baseball season

May 16, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting

There have been several times where I have watched a batter for the first time during a hitting lesson and asked the player, “How long have you played golf?”  The response has always started with a look that said “How did you know I played golf?” and then finished with an actual answer like “a […]

Accelerate the barrel through the zone

May 11, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting

One of the hundreds of baseball sayings my dad passed on to me growing up was, “The ball will not jump off the bat by itself.  You have to make it jump off your bat.”  I find myself saying that to many of the hitters I work with these days. Younger kids who are learning […]

Strikeouts are killing baseball

May 9, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting

When I was in the Twins organization, I had a teammate who was a power hitter who struck out a lot.  Another teammate was kidding him about his strikeout totals and the power hitter said the following: “An out is an out.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a ground ball, a pop-up, or a strike […]

10 reasons to front-toss

April 26, 2017 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

There are several ways to practice hitting.  Live BP and hitting off a tee are popular ones.  All have value but in my opinion and all things considered, front-toss is king.  Here are ten reasons why in no particular order. Safety disclaimer: Whenever you front-toss, please use caution and make sure the screen in front […]

Beating a slow pitcher with your feet

April 24, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting

Ask any Major Leaguer who they would rather face – a hard throwing guy bringing it 93mph or a soft throwing guy who throws anywhere from 75-86 mph – and I bet well over 85% of them will say “bring on the hard thrower!“ To counter slow pitching, many coaches suggest/demand that their batters move […]

Snap your swings like a boxer

April 20, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip involves a phrase I have been using with my son recently in order to increase his bat speed.  The phrase is “snap your swings.”  As you will see, it is related to the sport of boxing.

What are your hitting cues?

April 18, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting

Every hitter has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses.  Some are great at pulling the ball but not so great at staying back and going the other way.  Others are just the opposite.  The important thing is to know what they are.  If you do then you can better address them in practice and […]

Just “tie your shoes”

March 17, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

This is the last post in a series of recent posts on the importance of creating a routine as a hitter.  The previous posts on the subject are linked here: What is your hitting routine? What are YOUR players doing on deck? A hitter’s routine and muscle memory Why do players choke? Today’s post gives […]

Why do players choke?

March 15, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

Today’s post is in a series of posts dedicated to hitters who can benefit from a routine prior to their at-bats.  The prior three posts related to this topic are linked below.  The final one in the series will be Friday. What is your hitting routine? What are YOUR hitters doing on deck? A hitter’s […]

A hitter’s routine and Muscle Memory

March 13, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

Two of last week’s posts centered around the importance of hitters developing a personalized routine to prepare for at-bats.  If you did not get a chance to see them, you can click on their titles below. What is your hitting routine? What are YOUR players doing on deck? Today’s post sets us up for the […]

What are YOUR players doing on deck?

March 8, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting

The photo to the right was forwarded to me by a good friend who said it was making the rounds on social media.  As you can see, a total of four hitters are currently in their hitting routine.  To see this many hitters involved leads me to think that Clemson demands this of their hitters […]

What is your hitting routine?

March 6, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting

Take a pitch. Step out. Adjust the left batting glove. Adjust the right batting glove. Tap the right foot with the bat. Tap the left foot with the bat. Step into the box and dig in with the right foot. Step in and dig in with the left. One slow deep breathe. Ready to hit. […]

A tip to keep the catcher back on sac bunts

March 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Base Running, Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is a higher level one for base runners. It involves a situation where the batter poorly bunts a pitch just in front of home plate.

How to read a hitter’s swing

February 15, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

To play infield at the higher levels requires physical talent but also a lot of awareness.  Look around you and you’ll begin to notice a lot of information that you can use to become a better infielder even before the ball is hit.   Today’s video post involves analyzing a batter’s swing before he even […]

What does it mean when a hitter “leaks”?

February 6, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s post was inspired by a reader who emailed me about his son who is apparently “leaking.”  The reader wasn’t sure what the term meant.  The term is also something I have dealt with recently now that I have started to do some private hitting lessons. Note: if you live near Limerick, PA and have a need […]

The two most important priorities of hitting – Part 2

February 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting

In Part 1, I showed and discussed what I feel is hitting Priority/Procedure #1 (Get your body to maximum athleticism when your stride foot lands).  If you have not yet looked at that post, please do because I also gave some insight into the difference between procedure and technique. Today’s post is (mechanical) Priority #2 […]

The two most important priorities of hitting – Part 1

January 30, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting

There are two (mechanical) priorities or procedures that I focus on the most when I teach hitting.  Do these two things and most everything else falls into place.  Fail to do them and it won’t matter how much you learn about all the other stuff. Today’s post is about the first procedure – the body position […]

Coach hitters like an economist

January 20, 2017 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

It has been said that the enemy of the dictator is the economist.  The dictator wants to make all the rules.  They also want everyone to like the rules and to not criticize them. “I make the rules, they will work, and everyone will like them!”   Often it’s the economist who is the only […]

Hitting Drills: Multivitamins vs Prescriptions

October 11, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

When it comes to baseball drills, it’s important to know the difference between multi-vitamins and prescription medications. Multi-vitamins are for general maintenance and prescription medications are for specific ailments. Baseball drills work the same way. Hitting drills like tee work, soft-toss, and short toss fall into the category of hitting multi-vitamins. They are for general […]

Should a batter keep his back elbow up?

September 22, 2016 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video is about the controversy over the back elbow of hitters.  It’s a longer video because there are multiple layers to this debate.  As you will see, I don’t believe the problem is with the elbow itself. Feel free to give me your thoughts in the comment section.

Donaldson and Trout talk hitting

September 6, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

Watch both of these videos.  It’s the closest you will get to pornography for hitting coaches. The first is Josh Donaldson and the second is Mike Trout.  If you don’t have a lot of time at the moment, go to the 5:25 point of the Josh Donaldson one and watch the rest later. Now it’s […]

Aggressive through the ball

Some phrases in baseball cover many different aspects of the game.  “Aggressive through the ball” is one of them.  Today’s video explains several ways it applies to baseball players.

How to keep a hitter’s front side from flying open

June 27, 2016 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

One of the biggest mistakes hitters make at all levels is opening the front side up too soon on the swing.  Here are several phrases, all of which describe basically the same thing: “stepping in the bucket” “flying off the ball” “pulling your hip out” “pulling your head off the ball” “rotating away from the […]

Go back before you go forward

June 20, 2016 by  
Filed under Hitting, Infield, Video Posts

There are a ton of great sayings in baseball.  Some are specific to one area of the game and some transfer to many/all areas of the baseball.  Today’s video explains one that benefits virtually every area of the game.

Blow on the ball to break a slump

Slumps happen in all areas of the game.  Pitchers, fielders, and certainly hitters go through times where things just aren’t right.  It can be frustrating because, mechanically speaking, everything appears normal.  Slumps can definitely be mechanical but often it’s not.  Sometimes it just comes down to breathing. Today’s video tip explains how this can happen and […]

Good hitters get into good counts

April 5, 2016 by  
Filed under Hitting

Ever notice that the best hitters always seem to be hitting in 1-0, 2-1, and 2-0 counts?  Obviously, that’s not always the case but there is a lot of truth to the saying that “good hitters get into good counts” more often than poor hitters. Good hitters are called “good hitters” in part because of […]

Getting hitters off their back foot (part 2)

March 11, 2016 by  
Filed under Hitting

Back in February I posted a video about how to get batters off their back foot.  If you have not seen that video, click HERE.  After posting the video, a viewer posted a comment asking if tire chocks could be used.  I have to admit that I didn’t know what “tire chocks” were so I […]

Getting hitters off their back foot

February 11, 2016 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is actually two versions of a drill that could be used to help hitters address a common mistake.  I see this more often in little kids but it doesn’t mean older players can’t benefit from it either.  The mistake involves never getting their weight off their back foot when they swing “Rotational” […]

Infield positioning on the pitch

January 28, 2016 by  
Filed under Hitting, Infield

As I’ve said about 300 times on this site … “As you get older, the game gets faster.”   If you are an infielder and you position yourself in one spot for right handed hitters and one spot for left handed hitters, the game is going to pass you by.  I showed this picture from the […]

Reversing the shoulders

January 25, 2016 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

FYI: Important email coming today for subscribers!  If not a subscriber, use the Subscribe box on the right column seen on every page. There are certain movements in the game that are transferable.  By that I mean similar body movements are done by all baseball players.  If you want to quicken the pace of a […]

Are you tipping off your pitches?

December 16, 2015 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching, Video Posts

I saw the following photo on the other day and thought I would use it as a reminder of something I have talked about in the past.  Here is the photo. Ask experienced hitters at the major league level and I guarantee that they will say that every pitcher tips off their pitches in some […]

Quadrant Hitting – Part 2

November 16, 2015 by  
Filed under Hitting

When you are formulating a game plan for your at-bat … Do you pick the quadrant you are best at hitting or do you pick the quadrant where you think the pitcher will throw it?  That’s the question I ended Part 1 with.  If you need to read Part 1 to get an idea of what […]

Quadrant hitting – Part 1

November 13, 2015 by  
Filed under Hitting

Say what you want about Alex Rodriguez’s personal decisions over his career but you have to give him credit for his knowledge of hitting.  I don’t know about you but I loved listening to him as one of the playoff announcers. There were many great insights he made but one stood out because it reminded me […]

Would your best player do this?

November 11, 2015 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Make Up

Have you taken the Winter Seminar Survey yet?  It’s only two questions.  Click HERE.  I’d love to get your input! Now back to today’s post! Take a look at this screenshot of a situation from Game 4 of this year’s World Series.  Lorenzo Cain at bat.  Pause here and look at everything.   Got the […]

Don’t let a slow pitcher slow your bat down

July 14, 2015 by  
Filed under Hitting

One of things I’ve seen a lot of with young hitters is that when they face a slow pitcher, their bats slow down along with it.  This, of course, is a big mistake. Like many hitters, I always hated hitting off slow pitchers.  Bring that 92 mph any day of the week. That soft lefty […]

A quiz and a book for the ages

April 9, 2015 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Infield, Pitching

I have always been fond of reading George Will’s political columns.  He also happens to be an avid baseball fan.  Some were even hoping he would be the new baseball commissioner after Bud Selig stepped down.  His latest column to bring in the new MLB season was a trivia quiz.  To take the quiz, click […]

The common sense of George Brett

April 3, 2015 by  
Filed under Hitting

When I was a senior in college at Villanova, our spring break took us to the Orlando, FL area for workouts and games.  One of the places we played at several times was the old Boardwalk and Baseball complex which, at the time, was the home of the Kansas City Royals for spring training.  Our […]

The SeamTrak app

March 23, 2015 by  
Filed under Hitting

My friend Xan Barksdale over at has come up with quite a nifty web app for hitters.  It’s called SeamTrak and it enables hitters to practice seeing the spin of the ball right out of a pitcher’s hand. Obviously, recognizing the pitch quickly is one of the best skills a batter can have.  But […]

How batters tip off that they are bunting

Today’s video tip shows two ways that batters will often unintentionally let you know that they are about to either sacrifice or base-hit bunt.  The tips are for primarily 1st and 3rd basemen since they are the ones who will be charging but it is also for anyone else (coaches, catchers, pitchers, etc.) on the […]

How to make a batting tee (Part 2)

March 2, 2015 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

When it comes to total number of views, the most popular post on this website is the one I wrote back on January 29, 2014.  It was called How to make a batting tee.   If you have the money, my pick for the best basic batting tee is the Tanner Tee.  It is the […]

Swing down to the ball

February 27, 2015 by  
Filed under Hitting

Over the past several years of running this website, I have received a lot of very positive comments about my posts and videos.  In fact, just about all of them have been positive and I’m truly grateful for those who pass along their “thank you’s” and “well done’s.”  Some comments have not been so pleasant. […]

You’ve got to be kidding me (Part 4)

November 24, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

Well folks, I’m sorry to say I’ve had another “You’ve got to be kidding me!” baseball moment.  A good friend told me about this one and I didn’t fully believe it until I saw it for my own eyes.  Here it is …   Moms and Dads out there … please save your money.  Spending this […]

How to better see the ball out of the pitcher’s hand

November 11, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

Happy Veterans’ Day to all those who have worn the uniform!  Thank you for your service! Last week I received a question from a high school player.  His dilemma was a common one.  He felt he was not seeing the ball well out of the pitcher’s hand and wasn’t sure what could be done.  He […]

The science of “looking” at the ball

October 27, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

When I work with younger kids I often say “there is a big difference between ‘seeing’ the ball and ‘looking’ at the ball when hitting.” You can “see” the ball out of the corner of your eye but “looking” at the ball means turning your head until your whole face is directed at the ball. […]

What’s the difference between a “hit and run” and a “run and hit”? (Part 2)

October 17, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching, Hitting

In yesterday’s Part 1 post I listed several components and details about the Hit and Run play.  Today it’s the Run and Hit play.  Just like the Hit and Run, the Run and Hit is a strategy that has its own set of pros and cons as well as details that go into the proper execution […]

What’s the difference between a “hit and run” and a “run and hit”? (Part 1)

October 16, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

The “hit and run” and “run and hit” are both good plays depending on a variety of variables.  Who is batting, the score, the outs, the inning, who is running, and who is up next are some of the questions you might want to answer before deciding which play to use or whether you need […]

Nose over toes

October 7, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

I heard this phrase – “nose over toes” – the other day and I think it is a simple and quick way to help kids get into an athletic position.  Here is an example …   Whether it is setting up to hit, pitch, run the bases, or field, keeping your nose between your feet […]

Improve your practices with “Contextual Interference”

September 3, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

Psychologists have long wondered how people learn and remember things.  Teachers as well as coaches also have an incentive to find those answers.  Often what we do in the classroom and on the field is geared towards teaching new information with the goal of long-term retention.  Unfortunately, lots of psychological studies seem to indicate that […]

How to hit vs How to swing

August 26, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

With organized baseball the way it is today – AAU, baseball academies, private instructors, showcases, etc. – there are now tons of kids who can provide a thorough explanation of how to swing a bat.  Unfortunately, knowing how to swing is not the same as knowing how to hit. Knowing how to swing basically means […]

Ankle weight drill for batters

August 21, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Every hitter in baseball struggles with at least one mechanical thing during their career.  For some it may be consistently keeping their hands inside the ball.  For others it may be consistently staying on top of the ball.  For me it was lunging.  Over my entire career I struggled with keeping my body back and […]

Letting the ball get deep vs Hitting the ball out front

August 19, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

A friend and former teammate of mine is doing pretty well for himself in the instructional world of baseball.  His coaching experience (including USA baseball), his hitting clients (several major leaguers), his website, and now online radio show has grown more popular and I couldn’t be happier for him.  Kevin Wilson knows hitting and high […]

Load and stride to the inside of your feet

August 14, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

One of the basic principles of baseball is that it is played “from the ground up.”  By that I mean that if your feet are not in the right position at the right time, your chances of success in the game are pretty slim. Many hitters think (or at least their swings indicate that) hitting […]

Grab your shirt to check your hands

August 13, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

When working with hitters of all ages, one of the little problems that I end up tweaking a lot is where their hands are in their stance, especially after the stride.  When hitters stride, their hands need to be fairly close to their back shoulder in order to keep the hands inside the baseball during […]

What does “palm up” mean when hitting?

August 8, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

There are so many cliches and slogans in the game of baseball that someone new to the sport, either as a fan or a coach, can often be overwhelmed and confused at what they hear.  I’ve written before that baseball coaches, instructors, and speakers often make the mistake of assuming their audience is on their […]

Tony Gwynn’s basics of hitting

August 4, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

I was very sad to hear of the passing of Tony Gwynn not too long ago.  Growing up in the game, he was one of my idols.  I watched him every chance I could get and tried to read everything he wrote and said about hitting.  I must have read George Will’s chapter on him […]

Swing until my eyes tell me NO

July 21, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

Aggressiveness at the plate is a tough thing to teach.  It seems like some hitters are just not very interested in swinging the bat.  “I’m swinging if it’s a strike” is a common phrase that I am not too fond of.  I believe it can lead to this kind of tentativeness.  An alternate, more aggressive, saying is “swing […]

Pointing the knob at the catcher

July 18, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

Just read the title of this post and you’ll probably figure out what all the following hitters have in common …   When they load up on the stride, each one has the knob of the bat facing towards the catcher.  Some do it more than others but they all do it to some degree. […]

Pyramids don’t tip over

July 16, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Hitting, Infield, Pitching

If I could wave a magic wand and change one thing about young players it would be to get each and every one of them to have a wide base with their head between their feet and generally get their bodies in a strong athletic position before throwing, running, fielding, and everything else in the game. […]

Little kids SHOULD imitate major leaguers

June 26, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

When you were growing up, how many times did you play Wiffle ball or stick ball and pretend to be major leaguers?  It was a daily occurrence for me and my friends.  If I was the Phillies I would try to bat exactly like Mike Schmidt, Pete Rose, Gary Maddox, Larry Bowa, and Manny Trillo. […]

Is it ok to take the top hand off the bat after the swing?

June 25, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

The other day a high school player asked me, “Is it ok to take the top hand off the bat after the swing?”  My answer was YES.  In fact, virtually every time a player asks that kind of question, my answer will be YES.  As I’ve said before, as soon as you say NO to […]

Hey base stealers, steal early in the count

June 20, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Hitting

When I played in college and pro ball I was a stereotypical two hitter in the line-up.  I switched hit, had descent speed, used the whole field, and could sac bunt, base hit bunt, and hit and run pretty well.  I also didn’t mind taking a pitch or two.  And as you get to the […]

What’s with all the shifts in baseball?

June 16, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

This year seems to be the year of the defensive shifts in Major League Baseball.  There have been a number of articles written about the topic.  Some have gotten into the stats as to whether it actually works.  Others have focussed on which teams do it more often.  My take on it is that it […]

What is your “fast average” ?

June 5, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

If a batter with no speed bats .300 and a batter who can fly hits the same .300, who is the better hitter?  My answer would be the batter with no speed.  That’s because virtually none of his hits are going to be a result of running speed.  He must hit his way on base.  A fast […]

Should I basehit bunt to 1st or 3rd?

June 4, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

When deciding whether or not to try a base hit bunt, hitters have to take a number of variables into account.  The score, the number of outs, the inning, where you are in the line-up, how many runners are on base, who is pitching, and where the first and third basemen are playing all play […]

Give your teammates a breather

May 20, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

The other day I saw a high school pitcher make this mistake and I thought others could learn from it as well.  A batter hit a fly ball far down the right field line.  The right fielder busted his butt trying to get to the area and make the catch but the ball was too […]

How to watch pitchers warm up

May 15, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

In yesterday’s post I mentioned how often I notice pitchers not throwing from the stretch until they are in the game.  Of course, you notice that by watching the pitchers warm-up.  A great habit to get into as a player is to pay very close attention to the guy you are about to face.  Unfortunately, […]

Does your swing match your thinking?

May 7, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

There is a runner on third base with less than two outs.  The infield is back.  All your slap hitter needs to do is to put the ball in play on the ground and you get a run.  What does he do?  He drops his back shoulder, loops way under the ball, and pops it up to […]

Hit it far or hit it hard?

April 30, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

This year, my son once again asked if I could help coach his 7 year old team.  I’m one of the assistants.  When it comes to hitting, I’ve found myself recently saying, “hit the ball far, guys.”  I started the season using my standard phrase “hit it hard.”  I think I started to use “far” because […]

Tell them they need good vision

April 23, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

Did you know that studies have revealed that telling someone they need good vision to perform a particular task can actually improve their vision?  It’s true.  Here’s how one study worked.  The experimenters organized two randomly selected groups of Air Force ROTC students at a university. All members in both groups took a standard eye test.  […]

No reflexive swings

April 18, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

I am very fortunate in that, for whatever reason, I throw a pretty mean batting practice.  Tons of strikes, same speed, same location, and easy to see and hit.  At least that’s what I’m told.  If you fall in that category, congratulations.  If you are not in that camp, don’t feel bad.  Some of the […]

The Back Hip Tee Drill

March 25, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is a drill I did quite a bit to help keep me back and prevent me from jumping or lunging at the pitch.  It’s also good for opposite field hitting. Tomorrow’s post:  Poor weather practices

Double your batting practice productivity

March 4, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Practice

One major challenge in practice is how to move everyone through a batting practice session smoothly and quickly so you don’t have one guy hitting and everyone else just standing around.  There are several ways to address this and often it involves doing your BP in a batting cage off the field so that the […]

Young hitters and loading up for safety

February 28, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

When coaching young newbies in the game, safety becomes a large part of your focus.  In the eyes of these coaches, if everyone goes home without blood on their uniform, it was a good day.  Coaching older players is a bit different.  Safety is not as much of a concern so you can afford to spend […]

Drill tutorials

February 26, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

At the beginning of the season, coaches want to pack in as many drills as possible before games begin.   They have a ton to cover and not much time to work with.  Because of the rush, coaches often don’t take the time to teach and/or review how to specifically and correctly perform each drill. […]

Dugout cards: Helping batters improve their approach

February 19, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

Here are a few situations that I guarantee will get your coaching blood pressure up: A hard thrower enters the game for the other team and proceeds to throw every warm-up pitch high and out of the strike zone.  Your first batter swings and misses at the first pitch that is at his shoulders. A […]

Hands or head to the low pitch?

February 18, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

Last week I received another good question from a reader who asked “on a low pitch, some say to drop your hands to the ball.  Others say drop your head to the ball.  What do you teach?” Here was my response: “Often when it comes right down to it, both camps differ mostly on semantics as […]

Hitters: Be athletic when you land

February 17, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

One of the many challenges of working with younger players is trying to get them to make the most of whatever  their body has in terms of power, quickness, and overall athleticism.  One way we try to accomplish this for hitters is to put them in a good athletic position from the very start.  Wider […]

The Belly Button hitting drill

February 12, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

A big thank you for all of you who have supported the site by purchasing my latest eBook “Time to hit!  50 drills to improve your hitting.“  You purchases go a long way in keeping the site ad free!  If you still would like to, you can access purchasing information HERE.  Info will always be […]

eBook: 50 Hitting Drills!

February 11, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

I am very pleased to announce my first paid product for the website!  It’s another eBook and this time it’s for Hitting!  It’s called Time to Hit!  Information about the eBook is below.  Thanks in advance to all who support the site by purchasing the eBook.  Your purchases will go a long way in making […]

Product review: The Three Piece Tee

January 30, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching, Practice, Reviews, Video Posts

Today’s video is a review of a device called the Three Piece Tee.  It’s a neat tool that can be used in a variety of ways. I came up with 18 drills that can be done for hitters, pitchers, and fielders.  You might think of some  others as well. Be sure to check out their […]

How to make a batting tee

January 29, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

To see plans and Part 2 of this post, click HERE. A reader recently sent me an idea for homemade batting tees that he uses quite successfully at the high school level.  With his permission I am posting his comments along with the photos he sent me.  It appears as if his tees are well […]

The backside connection to hitting

January 27, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

Note:  I’m sorry for those expecting a product review on the Three Piece Tee today.  More snow and low temperatures prevented me from filming over the weekend.  I hope to get to it by the end of the week. Good hitters have a lot in common.  They may have very different stances, hand positions, barrel […]

Adrenaline dumps

January 21, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

In stressful situations, the body dumps adrenaline and noradrenaline into the bloodstream.  Both are extremely powerful hormones that basically get our body ready to fight.  Our heart rate increases, our blood pressure goes up, our breathing becomes more rapid, our analytical mind is less effective, etc.     The problem is that the body does […]

Developing a hitting rhythm

January 17, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting

If you watch a Major League hitter bat and then wait another month before you see him hit again, you might notice something.  Both at-bats will look exactly the same.  I don’t mean the outcomes will be the same.  I mean the load up – stride – swing – follow through will look exactly the […]

Be athletic

December 5, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting

If I had the ability to sprinkle pixie dust on any player and immediately change something, I think most times it would be to get the player to be more athletic in everything they do.  I’m not talking about improving their natural, God given athleticism. I’m talking about making sure every player becomes athletic before […]

Finish high and let it fly

December 4, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

The title of this post – “Finish high and let it fly” – is a popular phrase among hitters.  The thought is that why you finish with your hand(s) high after the swing, the batter will get more power.  I’m not so sure about that but if it works for someone, by all means do […]

Angry hips

December 2, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting

When I see young players hit, the biggest problem with regards to not hitting the ball with authority is an inability to use their midsection.  The strongest muscles in our body are located from the top of our knees to our chest.  That’s why core training is so important to developing good hitters.  If you […]

Hitters don’t stay on top of the ball

October 28, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

Stand near many hitting coaches and third base coaches at the upper levels and you will hear a common phrase.  The phrase is some variation of “get on top of the ball” or “Come-on Big Papi, get on top of one here.” Some may see a problem with this because batters never really do get […]

Product review: The ProX Batting Tee

October 16, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

I have not done many product reviews but here is one I have to share.  My friends at ProX Tee sent me a batting tee to review last season.  After trying it out myself with a few swings, I lent it to a good friend of mine, Coach Kevin Manero who is the head coach […]

Using wood bats in the off-season

October 14, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Off-Season

I’ve written a couple posts about the use of wood bats.  I few of them appear under this post in the “Related Posts” area.  All of them have been pretty supportive of the idea in order to improve a hitter’s ability to hit the ball more effectively.  However, there are some drawbacks.  For young kids […]

Contact points for hitters

September 24, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting

In yesterday’s post about two strike hitting, I mentioned that looking away allows a hitter to wait a little longer on the pitch.  In relation to that, I thought it would be appropriate to show where the various contact points are depending on where the ball is thrown.  The diagram below is what it looks […]

Looking away with two strikes

September 23, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting

One of the most valuable things my father taught me as a young player was how to hit with two strikes.  This post HERE and this post HERE get into a number of the adjustments he pounded into me.  This post will deal with a common mental adjustment. “Looking away” with two strikes is a […]

How can that not be a hit?

September 18, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Off-Season

I was talking to a mother the other day whose son has just begun to play on a regulation field – 60′ mound / 90′ bases.  It has been quite an eye opener for the players.  After an at-bat, a player was heard saying, “I hit that so far!  How can that not be a […]

One hop or line drives

September 4, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting

One of the more common phrases I heard growing up was “hit ground balls and line drives.”  For the most part, this is sound advice.  Keeping the ball out of the air (fly balls) tend to improve a batter’s swing as well as his average.  But a problem sometimes develops because of the phrase.  Some batters […]

Should you swing 3-0?

August 29, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting

“I never quite understood why so many people just automatically take 3-0.  If you’re a smart enough hitter, and you’re able to just say to yourself, ‘OK, I’m going to get a certain pitch in a certain spot,’ it’s like a free swing. A lot of times, even if a guy swings 3-0 and fouls […]

The stat I’d like to see

August 27, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

Baseball has to be a mathematicians dream.  No sport even comes close to the amount of numbers compiled and analyzed by baseball fans and commentators.  Add the new Sabermetrics to the mix and it’s practically nirvana for number geeks. However, there is one stat that I haven’t seen yet.  I don’t follow all the new […]

Improve your hitting by playing catch

August 23, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

I don’t care how good of an athlete you are, if you do not see the ball out of the pitcher’s hand, you are not going to be a good hitter.  The pitch occurs in a fraction of a second and if you miss any of it, especially the beginning, you’re done.  Therefore, any drill […]

Better hitting with an ankle weight

August 14, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting

During my career as a position player, my biggest hitting challenge was controlling my front foot on my stride.  I tended to jump/lunge on the pitch too much.  It was a constant battle.  When I kept my stride foot under control I hit well.  When I couldn’t, I got eaten up rather easily.  Unfortunately, it […]

Lifting the front elbow

July 11, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting

I received an email recently from a player who said he was having trouble controlling his lead elbow on the swing.  He referred to it as “chicken winging” which is basically lifting the lead elbow too much before and/or during the swing. As he said, this tends to make his top hand “lazy” and hurts […]

Keep your head still?

June 27, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Infield, Pitching

I have told many players and coaches of the importance of keeping your head still in baseball.  In reality, a more realistic way of saying that would be to “keep your head calm.”  Baseball players routinely move their head and eyes while playing baseball.  It’s impossible not to.  Pitchers move their head when they pitch.  […]

Battle of the low pitch

June 25, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

  As players get older and reach higher levels of the game, more and more pitches will be thrown towards the bottom of the strike zone.  Successful pitchers at the big league level routinely throw down in the zone with all their pitches.  That’s why they got to that level.  I’ve said before that I […]

Work smarter

June 18, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting

A while back I wrote a post called Batting cage ribbons where I explained a good drill for hitters when working in a cage.  Another similar option is this drill HERE.  It appears as if some major leaguers are using these drills as well!  Here is an excerpt from an article about the recent success of Orioles hitter […]

No foul balls in BP

June 14, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting

One common goal for most coaches is to convince their hitters to use more of the center of the field when they hit.  I tried to promote a left center to right center approach with my hitters.  Using the center of the field as a goal gives a hitter more room for error.  If they […]

Teaching the open stance

June 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

Growing up, I remember watching major league games and seeing quite a few closed stances from hitters.  Mike Schmidt comes to mind.  George Hendrix probably was the most extreme example.  Today, you rarely see that kind of stance.  The open stance is much more the norm in today’s game. The question from coaches is “do […]

Hit inside your front foot

June 5, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting

Take a look at the following photographs showing four of the best hitters in baseball.  In each photo you will notice that contact with the ball is made when the ball is inside the front foot.   One of the biggest challenges young players (and therefore their coaches) face is jumping or lunging at the […]

Pay attention to your first at-bat

May 21, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting

Today’s tip is generally not needed at the lower levels.  It is more for players at the college and pro levels where there tends to be more scouting of other teams involved.  A while back I did an interview with a guy named Steve Springer.  If you have not listened to Steve before, you are […]

A safety tip for batting practice

March 28, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Practice

I heard this batting practice idea from the current head coach at Villanova University (Joe Godri) and I think it is a great one for a number of reasons.  It involves moving the shag bucket(s) to a safer location during batting practice.  In the following picture, the red line and star indicate where most teams […]

Batting cage ribbons

March 26, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting

As I type this, another snow storm has entered the Philadelphia area.  High school and college coaches are no doubt pulling their hair out over the weather so far this spring.  For today, if they are able to practice at all, it looks like another indoor batting cage day for hitters.  Not ideal but it […]

Stride foot direction

March 21, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

There is a great saying in baseball that goes, “baseball is played from the ground up.”  What that means is that most everything in the game starts with good footwork.  Want to improve your throws?  Set your feet better.  Want to throw more strikes?  Improve your footwork on the mound.   In today’s video tip, […]

Seminar – Hitting: Bottom up mechanics

March 5, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

This is the last of seven videos from a coaching clinic I participated in at North Penn High School in Lansdale, PA. The clinics were presented to mostly Little League coaches.  The purpose was to pass on a basic foundation of the game to all the coaches.   Today’s seminar is one that I gave […]

Seminar – Hitting: Hands, feet, and stance

March 4, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

This is the sixth of seven videos from a coaching clinic I participated in at North Penn High School in Lansdale, PA. The clinics were presented to mostly Little League coaches.  The purpose was to pass on a basic foundation of the game to all the coaches.  I am posting all of the seminars – […]

Winning the Freebie War

February 11, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching, Hitting

I heard the term “Freebie War” from a legendary coach named Pat McMahon.  Coach McMahon is  a frequent speaker at national coaching clinics.  He has coached at many levels with success and currently is heavily involved with the Yankees developmental academies in the Dominican Republic.  I heard him speak at a recent clinic where he […]

Alone time for players

February 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Practice

With practices starting up soon in many parts of the country, coaches are well into the process of designing practice routines and schedules for their teams.  At least they should be. If you ever had the pleasure of participating in or watching spring training workouts for pro teams, you may have noticed that very often […]

Take your head to the ball

February 7, 2013 by  
Filed under Catching, Hitting, Infield, Pitching, Video Posts

Throughout baseball, many kids are taught to keep their heads as still as possible.  Unfortunately, when you watch good players play the game, they will often move their head quite a bit.  The concept of “keeping your head still” has more to do with keeping your eyes level and not keeping your head completely still. […]

Arm-bat angle

February 5, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Over the years, I have worked with players from the Tee-Ball level all the way up to the professional levels.   No matter what the age or skill level of the player, often small adjustments go a long way.  Today’s video tip is one example of a small adjustment I look for early on when […]

Stan The Man

January 22, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

My condolences go out to Cardinal fans on the passing of Stan “The Man” Musial.  One of the greatest players but more importantly, a great person as well.  With his passing, many news agencies have been showing photographs and footage of his great career.  One thing that always jumps out upon seeing the footage is […]

Tipping off your pitches

January 14, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching, Video Posts

Without knowing it, many pitchers, if you look hard enough, will tell you what they are going to throw.  It could be something they do with their glove and/or their delivery.  It could be a hundred other things as well.  At the higher levels, especially with video analysis, it becomes very hard to prevent the […]

Chair drills for offense and defense

January 9, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Infield, Video Posts

For a variety of reasons, a chair can be a great tool for players and coaches to learn some basics of baseball.  The video that follows will show some of the ways players on the offensive and defensive side of the ball can use a chair during drill work.  If you are looking for an […]

Tunnel and cone drill

October 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Off-Season

The winter months are approaching rapidly.  Ultimately, that means lots of swings using indoor batting tunnels.  These tunnels are terrific to use but can lead to boredom if players just take the same old swing over and over.  Of course, for many hitters, this repetitive swing is exactly what they need to develop muscle memory. […]

Track the ball all the way

August 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Here is the video form of a post I first wrote about and explained HERE.

Video: The best bunting drill

August 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

This drill for bunting was another one done in written form previously.  I received some requests for a video so here it is.

Hands inside the baseball

August 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

I believe the concept of “keeping your hands inside the ball” is one of the most important aspects of successful hitting.  In this video I explain what it means and provide four reasons why it’s so important.

Should you swing at the first pitch?

July 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

In yesterday’s post, I gave some statistics that, in my mind at least, add to the importance of throwing a first pitch strike even more.  Today’s post concerns a question that is still debated at every level today.  Should a batter swing at the first pitch?  Apparently, Ted Williams believed that there were a lot […]

Starting slow and early

July 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

This title comes from the mouth of Jose Bautista of the Blue Jays.  In his own words, the video explains what “start slow and early” means and how that concept transformed his career.

Josh Hamilton is human after all

July 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

The story of Josh Hamilton and his rise to stardom is a remarkable story that still inspires me whenever I see him play.  But Josh is struggling at the plate these days.  After receiving Player of the Month honors for May and June, his production has dropped considerably.  Nobody is as frustrated as he is […]

Bunting and Managing the front shoulder

July 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Developing one swing

July 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

How many of you as a kid pretended you were your favorite major leaguer by copying his stance and signature swing?  All of us have.  The reason we were able to copy their swing was because we saw the same swing every time they walked up to the plate.  The point is, they had one […]

Hitting to the three hole

July 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

Base-hit bunting for left handers

July 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Base-hit bunting can be a great weapon for any hitter in a line-up.  This is especially true for left handed hitters because they have the built in advantage of being a few feet closer to first base.  The video below shows the three basic footwork methods left handers can use during a base-hit bunt.

When you bat after the pitcher

July 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

At the levels below pro ball, you may find the pitcher batting anywhere in the line-up.  On many high school teams and even some college teams, the pitcher may be one of the best hitters on the team and often is located in the center of the batting line-up.  Of course, at the pro level, […]

The danger of superstition

July 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

As you probably already know, baseball players are some of the most superstitious people on earth.  I read a sociological study one time that discussed cultures and their likelihood of being superstitious as a people.  It basically comes down to how much “luck” or “chance” the people believe is involved in their success.  In light […]

Same swing, very different result

July 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

There are some things in baseball I can’t explain.  Here are a few: Two pitchers have the same body type and mechanics.  One guy throws 82 and the other 94mph. One pitcher throws the ball straight as an arrow and another can’t throw the ball straight even if he tried. The concept of throwing a […]

Feeling for the ball

July 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

There are times when you are at bat and it seems like there are 15 defenders behind the pitcher.  Everything you hit gets caught.  Other times, it feels like it’s just you and the pitcher and no matter what he throws, you know the ball will fall in for a hit.  The latter example is […]

Curve Ball Drill

June 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

In yesterday’s post, I diagrammed and explained a drill that hitters can utilize to practice a slider from left handed and right handed pitchers.  Today’s drill is for hitters who would like to become better at hitting the curve ball. The photo above shows the typical soft-toss drill most older hitters have experience with.  This […]

Slider Drill

June 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

One of the problems older players run into is that more pitchers they face will throw better breaking pitches.  But how does a hitter practice hitting a breaking pitch?  If your father, brother, mom, teammate, or coach has an ok curve or slider, he/she could always throw some.  However, that is unlikely to be the […]

The ball won’t go by itself

June 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

One of my father’s most popular lines to me growing up was “The ball won’t jump off your bat by itself.” The meaning of that is simple.  If you want the ball to be hit hard and go far, you have to make it be hit hard and go far by swinging the bat with aggression. […]

The high pitch and cheap home runs

June 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

There are a lot of coaches who want their hitters to lay off the high pitch.  For the purpose of this post, a “high pitch” is a pitch that is just above the strike zone (belt to letters).  Generally speaking, the more velocity a pitcher has the tougher it is for the hitter to hit […]

Don’t look for a walk

June 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

Hall of Famer Wade Boggs once was asked if he felt he had a chance to ever bat .400.  His answer was that he could but he would have to get a lot more walks to do it.  The question then becomes, should a batter try to get more walks.  The answer is NO. Looking […]

Proper timing on the squeeze

June 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

I’m watching highlights last night on the MLB Channel and they get to the San Diego Padres game.  With a runner on third and the pitcher up, the Padres manager calls for a suicide squeeze.  The hitter was left handed and the pitcher just threw one up and away, almost like a pitchout.  No bunt […]

Hitch vs Trigger

June 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

It’s amazing how good statistics can alter the perspective of announcers and other baseball people.  Barry Bonds, although controversial, is one of the all-time greats in the history of the game.  However, his swing had a very noticable “trigger” where he dropped his hands and then brought them up before taking a swing.  Current Mets first […]

Chair drill for hitters

May 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Here’s another drill you may have done before.  It has a number of variations depending on the size of the chair you use.  It can help with the following: Prevents drifting or lunging at the ball. Gets the head/eyes used to being closer to the ball Prevents too much “straight up and down” hitting. Helps […]

Basic footwork on the stride and swing

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Often a lack of hitting can come down to something very simple.  I’ve always taken a “ground-up” approach to baseball meaning most of what I teach in terms of the mechanics of the sport begins with the feet.  Mess up some of the basic footwork and a player’s performance is going to spiral downward very […]

Listening to too many people

May 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

There was a very good article on ESPN’s website where David Ortiz was commenting about Albert Pujols’ current slump.  Ortiz was comparing Albert’s slump with those of Ortiz’ over the past couple years and how difficult they can be.  There are a lot of good tips in the article for young players when they hit that […]

Reverse hitting drill

May 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

What does separation mean?

May 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Two out bunts

April 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

I attended a local college game the other day and I have to say that the game looks very easy when you are watching from afar.  I’m used to being in the dugout so having some distance from the field is a little weird.   Anyway, during the game there was a situation where a […]

When you know who is covering

April 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

In yesterday’s post, I explained the common method used by middle infielders to communicate to each other who is covering second base on a steal attempt. I mentioned that as you go up in levels, it becomes more important for the   defense to not allow the offense to know who will be covering.  Today’s […]

Perfect or foul

April 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

In my opinion, one of the least worked on aspects of offense is base hit bunting.  I suppose with the introduction of aluminum bats and the emphasis on the home run, it was inevitable that small ball stratgies that included base hit bunting would fall by the wayside.  I mean, let’s face it.  Nobody is getting a […]

Keep a journal

April 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

Roy Halladay is a pleasure to watch on a regular basis.  Watch his preparations and his game day performance and there will be a lot of positive things to see and learn from.  But there is something that you won’t see that is a big part of his preparation and in-game performance.  His pitching journal.  […]

Where do you bunt the ball?

March 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

The mechanics of bunting are extremely important to successful bunts.  But so is where you bunt the ball.  This video clip explains the general rules for where to put sacrifice bunts.

Myths about arms and elbows

March 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Infield

Myth #1:  Extend both arms fully out in front of you when you field. No matter what sport you play, there will never be a time when your arms are fully extended in front of you AND you’re in a powerful position.  It just doesn’t work that way.  The arms are quicker and more powerful […]

Quick tip on sac bunting

March 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip refers to the basic body positioning on a sac bunt to the 1st base side and the positioning on a bunt to the 3rd base side.  As usual, it all starts with the feet.  If you are not currently doing it this way, give it a shot.  It may help make sac […]

Advanced – Separation

February 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting

This video is an answer to the question “What does ‘separation’ mean for hitters?”    

Best 58 second hitting video on YouTube

February 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

    Wasn’t that beautiful?
  Many players would probably look at that clip and not think “beautiful.”  Boring might be a better fit for kids today.  It may be boring to some but that would be a result of them not really “seeing” what is in the clip. Upon closer inspection, here are some key […]

Positioning a ball on a batting tee

December 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip involves one of those little things that can go a long way towards improving your batting tee work. What other little things are good to do while working on a batting tee?  Leave a comment or shoot me an email!

Batting tee drills: Using a stepper

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Sorry to those who were missing the video posts.  I was waiting for the new banner and gear to arrive! Today’s tip involves using an aerobic stepper in a few ways to promote good mechanics and address some of the common problems hitters have.  Enjoy! Some t-shirt give-aways might be coming soon!   Do you have […]

How to improve bat speed: A simple tip

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting

To start,  let’s begin with a few questions.  When a bullet is shot out of a gun, does it gradually speed up as it exits the gun to reach its maximum velocity somewhere in the distance?  How about an arrow shot out of a bow?  Does the arrow travel faster as it moves farther away […]

Off-season hitting: Using wood bats

December 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Off-Season

This time of year, more players at the high school and college levels use wooden bats as part of their off-season training.  This is a great thing to do for a number of reasons.  A few of them were listed as part of a previous post which dealt with using heavy bats.  Even though that […]

ACTING v REACTING at the plate

November 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting

A couple weeks ago I did a post called How to hit a 100mph fastball.  I had to laugh when Nelson Cruz of the Rangers that very same day pulled a 100mph Verlander fastball down the line for a homerun.  What timing!  Anyway, the broader concept of that post is what I wanted to focus […]

Off-season hitting: Mix in a take

November 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Off-Season

Here’s a tip that you almost never see young players do during the off-season.  When a player is in a batting cage, he generally swings at whatever amount of balls the coach manning the pitching machine has.  But as we all know, that is not how things work in the game.  Batters of course, do […]

Quality at-bats = better stats

November 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting

In the game of baseball, pitchers will always have the advantage over hitters.  It can be frustrating but that’s how the game works.  When I played, what frustrated me the most was when I got myself out.  By that I mean there was an error in my approach to the at-bat that had a greater […]

Off-season hitting: Using lighter bats

November 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Off-Season

In yesterday’s post, I mentioned the benefits of using a heavier bat when training to better integrate both halves of the body when swinging.  Although I think it is a good idea to train occasionally with a heavier bat, there is a danger in doing it too much.  When a player frequently swings a heavier […]

Off-season hitting: Using heavy bats

November 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Off-Season

One day when I was at spring training in the Twins organization, Chili Davis, the Twins DH at the time, came down to the minor league complex to get some additional at-bats.  I batted after him one inning and noticed his bat.  It was gigantic.  When he wasn’t looking, I picked it up and took […]

Practicing to hit the low pitch

November 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

As this video post will explain, practicing the low pitch is not easy based on the equipment that exists today.  However, as kids get older, the ability to handle the low pitch becomes greater which makes practicing it more important as well.   Click on “YouTube” in the bottom right of the screen to expand […]

The Chuck-It hitting drill

October 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

With 4 inches of snow arriving this past weekend, I guess it’s time to mention some good indoor drills! (Click “YouTube” in the bottom right to expand the view as needed)

How to film hitters

October 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

I recently did a video post on How to film pitchers.  Here is the version for those of you who film hitters. (Click “YouTube” in the bottom, right corner and expand the view as needed)

Stay on top of the ball – Hitting

October 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video post answers a question I received from a reader.  The question was what does it mean for a hitter to “stay on top of the ball?”  Staying on top on the ball, in my opinion, is one of the most important concepts of hitting.  I hope I explain it well enough.  Tomorrow will […]

Keeping the bat in the hitting zone

October 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Force the home plate ump to commit

October 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting

I never understood why a batter would complain to a home plate umpire in the first inning about balls and strikes.  How can you do that when you don’t even know what his strike zone is yet?  A former coach taught me to take a different approach.   Being smart about how you communicate with […]

How to hit a 100mph fastball

October 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Mental Side

Justin Verlander is a no-brainer for this year’s AL Cy Young award.  His stats for the regular season were ridiculous.  He won 24 games, threw 251 innings, and had 250 strikeouts with only 57 walks.  Batters hit a measly .192 against him as well.  But did you know he gave up 24 homeruns this year? Verlander, along with a couple other major […]

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