Tuesday, March 25th, 2025

Bullpen HORSE game

March 2, 2022 by  
Filed under Indoor, Pitching

I hope where you are reading this that the weather is sunny and 75 degrees. If so, then I’m very jealous. Southeastern Pennsylvania won’t smell consistently nice weather until about mid-May. Until then, wind, rain, crazy temperature fluctuations, and even sleet and more snow are the norm for the first two months of the typical […]

Mastering the Stand-In Drill

January 29, 2018 by  
Filed under Hitting, Indoor, Video Posts

The Stand-In Drill is one of the best hitting drills batters can do during the off-season to get ready for game #1. Of course, that’s if they do it right. In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains what the Stand-In Drill is and how to do it correctly. *To plan for the upcoming season, check […]

Best Outfield Drills for Indoors

February 15, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Indoor, Outfield, Practice

A few weeks ago I gave a seminar at a Philadelphia area coaches clinic.  The topic was “An indoor/outdoor  approach to developing outfielders.”  I basically explained that in the colder states, the weather early on in the season forces teams to do a lot of practicing indoors.  Pitchers, hitters, fielders, and even base runners can get […]

Indoor Hitting Drills

Yesterday’s post dealt with some indoor practice tips.  Below are some drills specific for those hitting stations that allow you to maximize the time and space available.  Of course, these tips and drills are also great for individual players who are looking for ways to improve their hitting when they are stuck indoors at home.Hitting drills for […]

Indoor practice tips

March 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Indoor, Off-Season, Practice

With flood warnings in effect for my area over the next few days, it appears we will have to endure the wonderful “indoor workout” nightmare.  If you live in one of the warmer, drier states, I hope you appreciate it.  In Pennsylvania and certainly areas more north, we usually start the season in, shall we […]

Indoor drills for outfielders

January 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Indoor, Off-Season, Outfield, Practice

Of all the positions on the field, the outfield positions tend to get shafted the most with regards to indoor practice.  I’m based outside of Philadelphia so we routinely have to spend many practice days indoors because of rain or snow.  Farther up north is certainly worse so don’t feel the need to shed tears for me.If […]

All you need is a ball and a wall

January 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Indoor, Off-Season, Practice

My elementary school playground.There is no telling how many hours I spent there practicing by myself. I was fortunate to grow up in a house right next to an elementary school.  Anytime I got bored I would walk up and throw a ball against one of the brick walls that were part of the school.  The […]

Base running tips for the indoor off-season

As winter kicks into gear, many players around the country are stuck indoors for much of their practice routine.  Hopefully this includes some base running as well.  Here are five tips to get the most out of your indoor running. A base runner’s off-season best friend. Run distance and sprints.  Using a stationary bike and/or […]