Tuesday, March 25th, 2025

Ways to practice your mental game in the weight room

January 18, 2022 by  
Filed under Mental Side, Off-Season

It is currently mid-January so, of course, baseball season is right around the corner. Not only is it time for players to adjust their physical workouts as the season approaches, players need to adjust their “mental workouts” while in the weight room as well. The amount of data being collected and utilized in player development […]

It’s time for functional fitness!

January 11, 2022 by  
Filed under Off-Season

First of all, Happy New Year everyone! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Well, it’s January and you know what that means … baseball is right around the corner! If you are a player getting ready for the upcoming season, it is time to start transitioning into more functional strength activities. […]

What is the biggest priority of the off-season?

November 5, 2021 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Answer: consistency Good players consistently show up to workouts. Good players consistently compete. Good players give consistent effort in the weight room. Good players are consistently good teammates. Good players consistently make the routine play. Good players consistently put good swings on the ball. Good players consistently focus on their footwork. Good players consistently do […]

Train to a standard, not a number

September 17, 2021 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Practice

Player: How many swings should I take per day? Me: As many as you need to. I have had that type of conversation many times with players over the years regarding swings, pitches, ground balls, running, and weight training. My typical answer, “as many as you need to,” is usually not satisfactory to the player […]

5 Tips for Fall Ball

September 10, 2021 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season

When I was growing up, there was no such thing as Fall-ball until I started playing in college. For most of my youth, I would get out my soccer ball after my last baseball game of the summer and put away my baseball stuff and not even look at it until around February. Today, Fall-ball […]

Forget goals. It’s about systems.

November 19, 2018 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season

A lot of baseball players and coaches have goals but without establishing a system for success, goals are simply a wishlist. Want yourself or your team to improve during the offseason and throughout the regular season?  Start focusing on your systems!   A lot more about this in the future.  Stay tuned! Have a great […]

You had a bad season. Now what?

November 8, 2018 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Hopefully, players and coaches are doing some reflecting this time of year on their spring, summer, and/or fall season(s).  Of course, the goal is to do it in such a way that will produce the best results. Over the years I have written about this topic and have provided some resources and activities as well.  […]

Until you can’t do it the wrong way

September 24, 2018 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Practice

When you get dressed today, put the other leg in your pants first.  When you brush your teeth, use your other hand to do it.  When putting on your shoes, tie them using a different set of steps. Did you have trouble?  I bet you did. That’s because you have done those things so many […]

10 ways to improve your bullpen sessions

February 1, 2018 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Pitching

1. Have a game mindset.  A pitcher is going to have to do a lot of thinking during games so it’s in their interest to practice that same thinking during their bullpen session.  Run game-like scenarios in your head and pitch accordingly. 2. Location. Location. Location.  Be fanatical about hitting your spots.  If you are […]

To run faster, you have to run faster

January 4, 2018 by  
Filed under Base Running, Off-Season

“To run faster, you have to run faster.” Duh. On the surface, the title of this post may look pretty stupid.  However, most baseball players don’t do much running so it ends up not being so stupid after all. Like it or not, a young player will be judged on their running speed.  Unless you […]

FREE eBook and other info to end 2017!

November 30, 2017 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Just a heads up that this post will be the last one of 2017.  It’s been another busy baseball year at Baseball By The Yard!  I hope that all of you are still benefiting from the written posts and the videos tips! Here are a few things to be aware of …   1. The […]

The good news about fear

November 20, 2017 by  
Filed under Mental Side, Off-Season

Fear is one of the basic features of our hard-wiring that has allowed human beings to last as long as we have.  Fear and all the physiological responses to it – increased heart rate, quick shallow breathing, the adrenaline dump, an increase in body temperature, etc. – are all warning signs to us that something […]

Let me see your calendar

October 19, 2017 by  
Filed under Off-Season

You say you are a serious ball player with aspirations to play in college or the pro level?  Yeah? Prove it.  Let me see your calendar. Playing college or pro baseball is not something you can just wake up and decide to do when you are 20 or 25.  It takes a lot of work […]

Don’t eat the cheese

October 12, 2017 by  
Filed under Make Up, Off-Season

During the fall, many players and teams use their time (and better weather!) to identify areas where they struggled during the spring and summer and work  to improve upon them.  This is especially true for those who had poor seasons. This time of year, I don’t tend to worry about the players and teams who […]

What sport are you playing in the fall?

August 21, 2017 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Over the past couple decades, specializing in one sport (especially baseball) and playing it year-round has become a popular trend.  It’s a horrible trend in my opinion and doctors, college coaches, and professional scouts agree.   Doctors are sounding the alarm because they are seeing more and more repetitive-motion injuries in young kids.  These injuries […]

Simulated indoor game

March 20, 2017 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season

Where I am in Pennsylvania, snow blankets the ground and the temperatures are still in the 30-40 degree range.  Not great baseball weather to say the least.  Scrimmages and games are cancelled and players have to make the trek back into the gyms for indoor practices that, although can be productive, are just not the […]

How to practice Web Gems

I could watch ESPN’s Web Gems all day long.  Having been an infielder for most of my playing career, I have an enormous respect for what MLB infielders are able to do on seemingly impossible plays.  However, Web Gems are not just for major leaguers.  They can happen at any level and age group.  That […]

Get some safety glasses!

January 13, 2017 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video addresses an important safety warning and tip for baseball players.  I even threw in a blooper clip at the end!  Other related posts about armband exercises are below the video.    

Burn the boats!

January 11, 2017 by  
Filed under Mental Side, Off-Season

Some seniors in college know for sure that pro ball is in their future.  Some know that pro ball is definitely not going to be an option.  This post is for players who are stuck in between.  Some of you who know your military history may know what “burn the boats!” means.  If not, “burn […]

Are you exercising or training?

January 9, 2017 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Right now, higher level baseball players should be in the middle of their winter workout routines.   (On a side note … if you have not yet picked up a copy of my latest eBook involving tips for Off-Season routines and workouts for players and coaches, follow the link below this post!) Unfortunately, many players […]

Off-Season eBook now available!

December 19, 2016 by  
Filed under Off-Season

You may have noticed a new ad in the upper-right side of my website.  It is a new eBook I created specifically for Off-Season workouts.  Subscribers to the site have known about this eBook for about a week now (that’s a benefit of being a subscriber!) and now I am making it available to everyone. […]

It’s assessment time!

November 21, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season

Early winter is a great time to assess your game. You have a spring, summer, and maybe a fall season under your belt so you should have a lot of information to sort through.  January is typically the time many baseball players and coaches start to gear up for the next year of baseball.  To […]

eBook: A 4-week guide to preparing pitchers

February 15, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season, Pitching

A couple weeks ago I launched a course/seminar called Game Charts: The ultimate coaching tool for baseball coaches.  Subscribers who purchased the seminar in the first week also got a free bonus eBook called Off-Season Pitching Guide: A four-week plan for developing pitchers for game #1. I received a lot of great feedback about both […]

Do you practice your purpose pitches?

January 12, 2016 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Pitching

Ever notice how many young pitchers have no idea how to throw a pitchout?  If you want to see something funny (or sad depending on your perspective), have your pitchers do a drill where every pitch is a pitchout to the catcher.  Then sit back and watch the absurdity.  You’ll be amazed how many pitchers […]

Focusing attention on the hips

January 29, 2015 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season, Practice

Sports have undergone a change in recent years regarding how players stretch.  In my playing days, stretching was of the “static” kind (stretching while the body is at rest) and largely involved stretches that looked like this … Today, trainers and athletes are recognizing the problems with static stretching routines and are replacing them with […]

An overlooked part of off-season throwing

January 15, 2015 by  
Filed under Infield, Off-Season, Outfield

Like many baseball players, when I came out of the gym and starting throwing for real on a field once the season started, my arm was quite sore for a few days.  After about a week, the soreness went away and my arm became accustomed to the rigor of throwing during outside workouts.  Players in […]

“Minor League Experience” – Camp

December 2, 2014 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Some buddies of mine renovated and reopened an indoor facility in King of Prussia, PA.  The facility is called Diamond Baseball Academy. They have created a series of workouts called the Minor League Experience.  They are accepting 25 middle school players.  They already have several players signed up so act quick if you are near the […]

Private Instruction: Simple is repeatable

December 1, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season

For many players, private instruction has either begun or soon will be.  A gigantic tip for players and parents who are searching for an instructor is to look for instructors who keep things simple.  I have heard many parents talk about baseball instructors and a common complaint from many of them is that the instructor […]

Fall fitness for baseball players

October 9, 2014 by  
Filed under Off-Season

A couple times in the past I have written posts about the importance of switching up your workout routine in order to target different muscles and give your baseball muscles a break.  I’ve said before that I am not a big fan of year-round baseball.  More doctors (and scouts, and college coaches, etc.) seem to […]

Teach the wall how to play baseball

August 27, 2014 by  
Filed under Mental Side, Off-Season

If you ever took a psychology class you probably did a unit on learning and maybe another on memory.  I cover both in my AP Psych classes.     There are many concepts within both units that could help baseball players learn the game quicker but I’ll focus on just one – use as many […]

A warning from Dr. Andrews

August 11, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season

Throughout my coaching career I have strongly encouraged my players to NOT play baseball year-round.  Playing other sports makes a player a more well-rounded athlete, often makes them more well-rounded socially as well because they are interacting with other people, and it also gives their baseball muscles (especially arms!) and chance to recover. Repetitive motion […]

It’s time to train for speed!

February 24, 2014 by  
Filed under Off-Season

In my neck of the woods, players have about one or two more weeks before their school tryouts begin.  Hopefully, players have been training their bodies over the last several months to prepare.   During these months players usually train to improve their overall size and strength.  With a couple weeks left to go, players […]

Training AND Practice

January 13, 2014 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Practice

People often use the terms training and practice interchangeably.  They are not the same thing.   If you are involved in a training session, you are receiving new information and ideas, probably from an expert of some kind.  When you try out those new methods and/or mechanics, you are doing so under the watchful eyes […]

Free eBook: Stuck Inside – A coach’s guide to KILLER indoor practices

January 10, 2014 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Practice

If you were a subscriber to the site as of about a month ago, you probably received this free eBook I wrote.  If you are not a subscriber, that is the benefit of becoming one.  When I create things like this, subscribers generally get them first. Here it is for everyone.  With the colder months […]

Training at half speed

January 8, 2014 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Practice

After the winter holidays is when many players and teams start to train for the upcoming season.  Private lessons increase and indoor facilities start to pick up the pace a little with teams looking for some space. Most players and teams  want to jump right in and go at their workouts full speed.  It’s understandable […]

Navy Seals and personal instruction

January 7, 2014 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Practice

Like many guys, I am a sucker for anything Special Forces.  If there is a show on about their training or actual missions then I am glued to the TV.  I recently surfed around the iTunes podcast section and came across a podcast where the host was talking about how Navy Seals train.  In short, […]

Peak at the right time

January 6, 2014 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Happy New Year everyone!  I had a nice break and I hope you and your families did as well. At this point in the off-season, baseball players and coaches should be mapping out a game-plan for the next couple months so that they are at full strength when the season starts.  This starts with getting […]

Go minimalist!

November 20, 2013 by  
Filed under Off-Season

In the last few years there has been a growing trend towards minimalist and even barefoot running.  This is due to research involving the effectiveness of the technology that goes into the shoes that we wear.  Unfortunately, the results are not good. In a nutshell, here is the theory … Human beings are born with […]

Other options for arm bands

October 18, 2013 by  
Filed under Off-Season

In yesterday’s post I explained the importance of using an exercise band routine for baseball players, especially pitchers.  The video I added also gave some tips regarding exercises that are terrific for building and maintaining arm strength. Today’s post is meant to show players, coaches, and parents that the (somewhat) expensive option of buying baseball exercise […]

Exercise bands and routines

October 17, 2013 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Exercise bands have become all the rage in baseball with regards to strengthening the shoulder.  Especially in the off-season.  And I couldn’t be happier.  When I played, the Twins organization made it a mandatory part of a pitcher’s daily routine (along with medicine balls – more on that another time). I can honestly say that […]

Using wood bats in the off-season

October 14, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Off-Season

I’ve written a couple posts about the use of wood bats.  I few of them appear under this post in the “Related Posts” area.  All of them have been pretty supportive of the idea in order to improve a hitter’s ability to hit the ball more effectively.  However, there are some drawbacks.  For young kids […]

Train for short bursts of speed

October 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, Off-Season

Players at a variety of levels are beginning to wind down their fall seasons and will soon begin to think about their off-season training.  Usually (at least for the older kids) there is a combination of strength training and running to get ready for the following season.  I’ve written a number of posts concerning Off-Season […]

Random thoughts about Fall Ball

September 20, 2013 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Fall Ball has become quite the rage in many different age groups.  My first experience with Fall Ball wasn’t until college.  Our baseball workouts started the first day of classes.  I was in heaven!  For all my years prior, the fall meant soccer and for many years, winter meant wrestling.  There was basically no such […]

How can that not be a hit?

September 18, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Off-Season

I was talking to a mother the other day whose son has just begun to play on a regulation field – 60′ mound / 90′ bases.  It has been quite an eye opener for the players.  After an at-bat, a player was heard saying, “I hit that so far!  How can that not be a […]

Seasons of strength (Part2)

September 11, 2013 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Fall may not officially begin until late September but basically, when school starts the Fall begins. Below is a reprint of the first post I wrote called Seasons of strength.  Read it or review but either way … It’s a new season.  What adjustments are you making?   Seasons of strength This time of year, baseball players should start […]

Off-season workouts – Fixed links

August 9, 2013 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Every now and then I receive an email from a reader informing me that a link on my site is no longer working.  Below are two such links that apply to off-season weight programs.  The links on the posts are fixed as well but I though I’d post them here as well. If you ever […]

Happily ever after

June 19, 2013 by  
Filed under Make Up, Mental Side, Off-Season

One of the hardest things when you get to the top is staying there.  Winning a championship as a team or a player getting to the level they’ve always dreamed of can be thrilling but it’s not without challenges.   First of all, a team that becomes a champion is not going to sneak up […]

Indoor mats

January 3, 2013 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Practice

One of the many challenges with winter workouts is having to do a lot of the work indoors.  To accomplish this effectively and efficiently, coaches have to be organized and a little creative.  One major problem with indoor hitting in a gym is slippery floors.  Many hitting drills, whether using soft toss, short toss, or […]

Goals for the new year

January 2, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season

Now is the time many people reflect on the previous year and start planning for the next.  When it comes to goal setting, being specific is very important.  Just saying “I want to get better” isn’t good enough.  In what specific areas?  Once you figure that out, what is your specific plan to address those […]

Pay attention to your breathing

December 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Mental Side, Off-Season

Ever notice that when you stand in on pitchers who are throwing bullpens that all the pitches coming in look like watermelons?  Hitters often see the ball great out of the pitcher’s hand and clearly track the ball into the catcher’s mitt.  In the batter’s mind, each pitch is often followed by the thought, “I […]

Soft hands drill for catchers

December 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Catching, Off-Season

The off-season and especially spring training can be brutal for catchers.  With all the emphasis on developing pitchers, often it’s the catchers who are left to simply catch bullpen after bullpen.  I’ve written before about the importance of not neglecting your catchers but here is an easy drill that can do a lot to develop […]

Promote your program

December 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season, Video Posts

One overlooked area of many high school baseball programs is marketing.  It’s a fact and somewhat depressing as well that baseball is not as popular as it once was in America for young athletes.  That has caused many good athletes to go away from baseball and give some other sports a try like lacrosse and […]

Improving foot speed

November 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Base Running, Off-Season

If speed is so important in baseball, why don’t many players specifically train to make themselves faster?  They spend a lot of time improving handwork and glove work to improve the quickness of their catching and throwing transitions.  They hit the weight room to improve strength, bat speed, and power.  They may run some sprints […]

Best gift for a young player

November 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Off-Season

If you are a player or parent/coach of a player, you are probably hoping the holidays are good to you in the way of baseball.  I’ve always felt that if a player wants to go far in the game, a lot of it will have to do with his work away from the field.  If […]

Getting pitchers ready for the season

November 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season, Pitching

The other day I received a great question from a reader.  Because many coaches deal with this issue, I asked permission to use the question and my response in a post.  The reader was willing so here it is! Reader: I wanted to know if you have any advice on how to transition our pitchers […]

Stool drill for fielding

November 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Coaching, Infield, Off-Season

If you are a Phillies fan, you probably saw a number of photos like the one to the right showing second baseman Chase Utley rehabbing from his recurring knee issues.  He missed a number of games early this past season but that didn’t stop him from working out to keep himself sharp while decreasing the […]

Indoor long-tossing

November 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Pitching

One of the goals of baseball players, especially pitchers, is to build arm strength during the off-season months.  In my opinion, one of the best ways to do that is a good long-tossing program.  A while back I interviewed a guy named Alan Jaeger (www.JaegerSports.com) who has become somewhat of a guru for long-tossing.  If […]

Base stealing – tennis ball drill

November 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Base Running, Off-Season

Here is a drill that can be easily done indoors during these colder months.  It’s a drill that focusses on a base runner’s starts when attempting to steal.  Good base stealers get good jumps and this drill teaches and improves this very basic need for runners. To do the drill, have a runner get a […]

How and Why

November 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season

There is a quote that I like which says, “The person who knows HOW will always have a job.  The person who knows WHY will be his boss.” It’s a good quote for the business community but in my opinion, it also has a coaching angle. This time of year players and their parents usually […]

Don’t neglect your catchers

November 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Catching, Off-Season

Here’s a YouTube video I came across that shows some Yankee catchers working out in Spring Training.  It’s a long video so click through it to get the idea of the two drills.  Here are a couple comments to think about as you watch. 1. Hitting balls into the dirt for a blocking drill is […]

Tunnel and cone drill

October 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Off-Season

The winter months are approaching rapidly.  Ultimately, that means lots of swings using indoor batting tunnels.  These tunnels are terrific to use but can lead to boredom if players just take the same old swing over and over.  Of course, for many hitters, this repetitive swing is exactly what they need to develop muscle memory. […]

Organize a college night

October 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season

A great idea for high school coaches this time of year is to organize a
 college baseball night at your school for players and parents.  Tap into
 your college contacts and get some coaches (D1, D2, D3, and junior/community colleges) to come and speak about their level of 
ball, how they recruit, scholarship info, and […]

Own the recruiting process

October 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Last week, I wrote three posts (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) that centered on the theme of how to
 choose a college.  In one, I mentioned that very few high school players 
are fortunate enough to have college recruiters come to them.  For some
 lucky studs, the recruiting process is as simple as sitting […]

Choosing a college – Part 3

October 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Off-Season

No matter how good of a player you are and no matter how many colleges
 come knocking on your door, you still have the difficult job of
 selecting the right school for you.  This is usually not an easy
 decision to make.  However, with the right priorities in order, the 
process can become a little […]

Choosing a college – Part 2

October 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Where in the world is Kutztown? Actually Kutztown is a small D2 state school about an hour and a half northwest of Philadelphia.  It’s also where Giants pitcher Ryan Vogelsong attended.  Based on his performance the other night (as well as the last two seasons for that matter) you’d probably think he turned pro directly […]

Choosing a college – Part 1

October 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Off-Season

** NOTE:  I found out late yesterday that the links I provided in yesterday’s post were not working.  Sorry for the mistake on my end.  They are now working.  You can access yesterday’s post again by clicking HERE.   Many senior high school baseball players in the country are winding down 
their college selections for […]

The Space Shuttle and off-season habits

October 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Off-Season

I saw the Space Shuttle the other day being towed down a street in Los Angeles on the way to its new home in a museum.  It reminded me of a statistic I read somewhere.   Did you know that Space Shuttles lose 80% of their fuel on takeoff?  It’s a neat bit of trivia but […]

Lights won’t always be green

October 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Make Up, Off-Season

I’m sure there are players and coaches who are doing some soul searching these days after their long seasons of baseball.  Players who hit .210 and pitchers with an ERA over 6.00 are probably wondering if this sport is really for them.  Coaches who spent a tough year with entitled athletes, critical parents, and maybe […]

The business of private instruction

October 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season

Private instruction in baseball has exploded over the past 20 years. In a ten mile radius of my home, around 10 different sites have popped up that cater in some way to private baseball instruction. When you add various AAU teams and fall-ball programs, the amount of instruction available to players who want to improve […]

Help! My best player is seeing a private instructor!

October 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season

Recently, I received an email from a friend who is facing the ever more common challenge of their players participating in private lessons during the off-season.  I used the word “challenge” instead of “problem” because I believe off-season programs have done wonders for some players.  I wish they existed when I was a kid!  However, […]

A story about athleticism

October 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Off-Season

In yesterday’s post, I mentioned how scouts like the idea of athletes playing multiple sports.  Although this is a baseball site, I have an example of what I’m talking about from the sport of football.  If you are a football fan, you probably know the name Howie Long.  The Hall of Fame player for the […]

Advantages of other sports

October 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Some challenging questions arise this time of year for baseball players.  Some are as follows: Should I continue/start playing other sports in the off-season? Should I play baseball year-round? Will I make the team in the spring if I’m not playing fall ball with the high school players. Should I get private lessons to improve […]

Seasons of Strength

September 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Off-Season

This time of year, baseball players should start planning out their off-season workout programs.  Of course, every player is going to differ in terms of experience with all this as well as differ in their overall needs.  I came across a podcast in which a fitness expert was interviewed.  His name is Shawn Phillips.  In […]

Reclaim your downtime

December 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season

An iPod could be your off-season’s best piece of baseball equipment. One of the biggest challenges for student-athletes at any level is managing their time.  Juggling the time commitments needed to be the best student and best athlete you can be is no easy task.  Ironically, when I was a student in high school and in […]

Are your off-season baseball workouts clean?

December 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Part of what makes a player successful in baseball is their ability to be very efficient with their skills.  Over time, they have been able, through training or just their natural abilities, to eliminate most of the unnecessary movements that prevent others from keeping up with the pace of the game as they get older.  […]

Off-season hitting: Using wood bats

December 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Off-Season

This time of year, more players at the high school and college levels use wooden bats as part of their off-season training.  This is a great thing to do for a number of reasons.  A few of them were listed as part of a previous post which dealt with using heavy bats.  Even though that […]

Off-season training: The two-day workout

November 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Off-Season

The link at the bottom of this post will provide you with a pdf of a two-day lifting routine for baseball players.  A few days ago I provided a beginners’ routine for middle-school players or anyone else who is just starting to get involved in weight lifting.  That post can be accessed HERE.  The post […]

Off-season hitting: Mix in a take

November 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Off-Season

Here’s a tip that you almost never see young players do during the off-season.  When a player is in a batting cage, he generally swings at whatever amount of balls the coach manning the pitching machine has.  But as we all know, that is not how things work in the game.  Batters of course, do […]

Be comfortable with being uncomfortable

November 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Off-Season

This time of year provides a lot of freedom for players to experiment with some new things.  Whether it’s a couple tweaks in the batting stance, a slightly different grip on a change-up,  or a new hitting drill, the off-season provides a non-competitive environment to try new things without worrying about failing.  Tweaks during the […]

Lifting routine for beginners

November 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Off-Season

A combination of free weights, dumbbells, and … The link under this post will take you to a basic lifting routine for young players (middle school) or any high school player who is just beginning to enter the world of lifting weights.  As I described in yesterday’s post called Offseason Lifting Tips, the weight room […]

Off-season lifting tips

November 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Off-Season

For many players around the middle school/high school age, lifting weights can be somewhat of an intimidating process.  Many kids that age do not have a lot of experience in lifting and have a fear of looking bad or weak in front of others.  When I coached high school baseball, many of the incoming 10th […]

Off-season hitting: Using lighter bats

November 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Off-Season

In yesterday’s post, I mentioned the benefits of using a heavier bat when training to better integrate both halves of the body when swinging.  Although I think it is a good idea to train occasionally with a heavier bat, there is a danger in doing it too much.  When a player frequently swings a heavier […]

Off-season hitting: Using heavy bats

November 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Hitting, Off-Season

One day when I was at spring training in the Twins organization, Chili Davis, the Twins DH at the time, came down to the minor league complex to get some additional at-bats.  I batted after him one inning and noticed his bat.  It was gigantic.  When he wasn’t looking, I picked it up and took […]

Report card for off-season planning

September 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season

With September now upon us, many high school players are starting to enter other sports like football and soccer.  Others are continuing their baseball in one of the many fall leagues that now exist.  Whatever their fall plans are, it is in every players’ interest to do some reflecting on the baseball season they just […]

Which one of "The Five" are you going to pin your name to?

August 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Make Up, Off-Season

In 1991, while sitting on a minor league bus bored completely out of my scull, I realized I had better find something to do before I go insane.  I decided to start reading for pleasure.  I haven’t stopped since.  I mostly read non-fiction that has nothing to do with baseball.  However, I’m always thinking of […]

Indoor Hitting Drills

Yesterday’s post dealt with some indoor practice tips.  Below are some drills specific for those hitting stations that allow you to maximize the time and space available.  Of course, these tips and drills are also great for individual players who are looking for ways to improve their hitting when they are stuck indoors at home.Hitting drills for […]

Indoor practice tips

March 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Indoor, Off-Season, Practice

With flood warnings in effect for my area over the next few days, it appears we will have to endure the wonderful “indoor workout” nightmare.  If you live in one of the warmer, drier states, I hope you appreciate it.  In Pennsylvania and certainly areas more north, we usually start the season in, shall we […]

Off-season hitting – an overlooked drill

January 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Off-Season, Practice

This time of year, hitters are gearing up for the upcoming season probably by focusing on their hitting mechanics and taking a ton of swings.  One valuable drill that tends to be overlooked is standing-in on pitchers.  “Standing-in” involves a hitter standing in the batters box and doing everything they normally would do during an at-bat except […]

Spring training – Focusing on the "little things."

January 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season, Practice

I came across this article the other day in one of my files.  I gave it out to my players a couple years ago.  The article is dated March, 2006 but it certainly has relavence today for any player or coach preparing for the upcoming season.  It also goes a long way to explain the Twins’ […]

Tips for Long-tossing and/or "Long-throwing"

January 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Infield, Off-Season, Outfield, Pitching, Practice

Disclaimer There is an on-going debate in baseball circles about the value of long-tossing. I know it’s shocking to think that anything in baseball is debated.   (Yes, that’s sarcasm if you weren’t sure.) Some love it, some hate it.  This post does not get into that argument. I’m in the “love long-tossing” camp and […]

Indoor drills for outfielders

January 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Indoor, Off-Season, Outfield, Practice

Of all the positions on the field, the outfield positions tend to get shafted the most with regards to indoor practice.  I’m based outside of Philadelphia so we routinely have to spend many practice days indoors because of rain or snow.  Farther up north is certainly worse so don’t feel the need to shed tears for me.If […]

Off-season pitching tips

January 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season, Pitching, Practice

After the holidays is when many pitchers start to throw off the mound and work on pitches.  Here are 10 tips to get the most out of an off-season pitching program: Build velocity slowly.  Many high school (and above) pitchers have been spending time lifting and possibly long-tossing since games ended in the Summer or Fall.  […]

All you need is a ball and a wall

January 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Indoor, Off-Season, Practice

My elementary school playground.There is no telling how many hours I spent there practicing by myself. I was fortunate to grow up in a house right next to an elementary school.  Anytime I got bored I would walk up and throw a ball against one of the brick walls that were part of the school.  The […]

Base running tips for the indoor off-season

As winter kicks into gear, many players around the country are stuck indoors for much of their practice routine.  Hopefully this includes some base running as well.  Here are five tips to get the most out of your indoor running. A base runner’s off-season best friend. Run distance and sprints.  Using a stationary bike and/or […]

Practicing in the off-season months

December 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Coaching, Misc, Off-Season

Looking outside and seeing practically blizzard conditions outside of Philadelphia brings back memories of practicing baseball when I was younger.  I recognized early on that if I wanted to play professional baseball my competition was not just the kids in my neighborhood or just my school.  It was not even going to be the kids […]

Off-season shoulder exercises

December 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Off-Season

The following video demonstrates what are referred to as the “Jobes Arm Exercises.”  These exercises target the smaller muscles in the shoulder like the rotator cuff that are the source of many injuries in baseball.  These exercises are a must for any player!  Watch the video and then read my tips in order to get […]