Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

Range is more important than velocity – Part 3

May 3, 2022 by  
Filed under Pitching

In Part 1 of this series I explained what “range of velocity” means for pitchers as well as why it is so important.  In Part 2 I revisited a concept I’ve written about in the past called “Perfect hitting speed.”  Today, in Part 3, we deal with the hard part – actually teaching pitchers to […]

Range is more important than velocity – Part 2

April 29, 2022 by  
Filed under Pitching

In Range is more important than velocity – Part 1, I talked about why “high range” pitchers are more difficult to hit.  I also mentioned how hard it is to teach a pitcher how to increase their range of velocity.   I originally wanted to jump right into the How-to’s for Part 2 but reconsidered.  That will […]

Range is more important than velocity – Part 1

April 26, 2022 by  
Filed under Pitching

If you ask any Major League hitter this question … “Would you rather face a pitcher who throws every pitch 90-94mph or face a guy who throws anywhere from 70-90mph?” … you most likely will get the following answer … “Give me the 90-93 guy any day of the week!” Of course, there will always […]

Podcast Episode 10: The six core principles of pitching

April 15, 2022 by  
Filed under Pitching, Podcast

No matter who you are or how hard you throw, if you do not implement these six core principles of pitching then you will eventually hit a wall. Unfortunately, in today’s game, the emphasis is to get young pitchers to throw harder and harder. High velocity is certainly a bonus but you will not win […]

Three ways to do every drill in baseball

April 11, 2022 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Infield, Pitching, Practice

I’ll get right to the point by saying that there are only three ways to do any drill in baseball. It doesn’t matter if you are a pitcher, fielder, base runner, or hitter, every drill known to man falls into one or more of the following ways on how to do it: When performing any […]

Podcast episode #9 – Advice I gave to a high school team

April 8, 2022 by  
Filed under Pitching, Podcast

In today’s episode, I share one of the things I spoke about at a local high school baseball program’s First Dinner. Special thanks to Coach Rick Harrison and the Spring-Ford High School baseball program in Royersford, PA, for inviting me to speak. I have been involved with successful program at many levels and I know […]

Bullpen HORSE game

March 2, 2022 by  
Filed under Indoor, Pitching

I hope where you are reading this that the weather is sunny and 75 degrees. If so, then I’m very jealous. Southeastern Pennsylvania won’t smell consistently nice weather until about mid-May. Until then, wind, rain, crazy temperature fluctuations, and even sleet and more snow are the norm for the first two months of the typical […]

Podcast Episode 007 – Pitchability

February 25, 2022 by  
Filed under Pitching, Podcast

In today’s episode, Coach Bob McCreary explains what the term “pitchability” means.  He breaks down ten things that go into the term and uses explanations, examples, and stories of how quality pitchers use them effectively and consistently.   Throwing inside for effect and strikes If you liked this post, please SHARE and SUBSCRIBE to Baseball […]

Podcast episode #004 Five pitching hacks to conserve energy and pitch longer

January 28, 2022 by  
Filed under Pitching, Podcast

If you are a homeowner, energy leaks can end up costing you a lot of money. If you are a pitcher, energy leaks can cost you a lot of innings. Check out this episode of the Baseball By The Yard Podcast to learn where these leaks occur and how to address them. If you liked […]

A pickoff move all left-handers need!

November 16, 2021 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

In today’s video, I explain a problem that left-handed pitchers may run into if they have a good pickoff move to first base and how to fix it! If you liked this video, please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to help others find these video tips as well!  Coach McCreary’s Bio Page:  Coach McCreary’s YouTube Channel: […]

Pitchers better do this when backing up bases

November 2, 2021 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains the must-do’s when backing up bases as a pitcher. If you liked this video, please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to help others find these video tips as well!  Coach McCreary’s Bio Page:  Coach McCreary’s YouTube Channel: Coach McCreary’s Resource page for Players and Coaches: Instructional eBooks and videos:

Command Bullpen Chart

October 29, 2021 by  
Filed under Pitching

In my previous written post called “Command of the strike zone (Part 2 – Pitching)” I talked about the importance of paying attention to the location of your pitches instead of simply “throwing strikes.” I also mentioned that the use of a specialized chart during bullpen sessions can be very helpful in showing pitchers how […]

Don’t EVER let your pitchers do this!

October 26, 2021 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

There are few absolutes in baseball. However, today’s video tip gives one of them. When I watch pitchers throw, there are few things that aggravate me more than what you are about to see in today’s video tip. Don’t allow your pitcher(s) to do this. EVER! If you liked this video, please LIKE, SHARE, and […]

Command of the strike zone (Part 2 – Pitchers)

October 22, 2021 by  
Filed under Pitching

In Part 1 of this post, I talked about the importance of commanding the strike zone for hitters.  Today, it’s the pitchers’ turn! On the pitching end of things, commanding the strike zone means different things depending on what age group you are dealing with.  With young pitchers who are just starting to pitch (around […]

You cannot develop a change-up in the bullpen

October 5, 2021 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains the only way a young pitcher can truly develop an effective change-up. Coach McCreary’s Bio Page: Coach McCreary’s YouTube Channel:…  Coach McCreary’s Resource page for Players and Coaches:…  Instructional eBooks and videos:

Make him stop!

September 24, 2021 by  
Filed under Base Running, Infield, Pitching

One of these days I will make a lengthy video or a series of videos on how to hold runners on base.  It would require a lot of work because there are so many little things that have to be done by multiple players simultaneously that I could not do it justice in just one or […]

Napoleon might have been a good pitcher

August 27, 2021 by  
Filed under Mental Side, Pitching

The quote above is said to originate from Napoleon Bonaparte. Although his 5’6″ height probably would not have generated a high ranking by Perfect Game, his mindset might have made up for it if he took the bump on game day. The message of the quote for military officers, business competitors, and athletes alike is […]

Dealing with holes on the pitcher’s mound

August 3, 2021 by  
Filed under Pitching

If you have ever pitched then I’m sure you have dealt with a poorly manicured mound. The annoying hole in front of the pitching rubber. The huge hole farther down the mound in the landing spot. It’s annoying but you better figure out what adjustments to make if you still want to have an effective […]

How to know when they are stealing your pitches

December 3, 2018 by  
Filed under Catching, Coaching, Pitching

Today’s video post will help pitchers, catchers, and coaches determine whether or not the offensive team has been stealing your pitches during at-bats.  There are other signs that something fishy is going on but the one explained in today’s video usually is the best indication that the other batter(s) know what pitch is coming.   […]

What does it mean to change a batter’s eye level?

November 26, 2018 by  
Filed under Pitching

There are many aspects of successful pitching.  “Changing a batter’s eye level” once in a while is one of them.  In today’s video tip, I explain what that phrase means. Thursday’s post:  On path and on plane ___________________________________________________________________ *To plan for the upcoming season, check out all the eBooks from Baseball By The Yard by […]

The timing of giving signs to pitchers

November 5, 2018 by  
Filed under Catching, Pitching

    Thursday’s post:  You had a bad season.  Now what? ___________________________________________________________________ *To plan for the upcoming season, check out all the eBooks from Baseball By The Yard by clicking HERE! *My Four-Week Guide to Developing Pitchers For Game #1 has been a big hit!  Get it HERE!  It’s less than 5 smackers which makes […]

Break the glass with every pitch

June 25, 2018 by  
Filed under Mental Side, Pitching

I heard this tip for throwing more strikes from a coach at a camp.  He heard it from another coach which is pretty much how everything gets passed down. The tip is to “break the glass” with every pitch.  Here is how it works. A pitcher visualizes a narrow rectangular box whose opening is right […]

The immortal Bartolo Colon

April 16, 2018 by  
Filed under Pitching

45 year old Bartolo Colon almost threw a perfect game last night against the World Champion Houston Astros.  “Big Sexy” finished with 7 strikeouts and gave up one hit in 7 2/3 of work.  It’s amazing that any MLB pitcher does that given the talent and information batters have today at that level let alone […]

Improving the 3-1 play

April 12, 2018 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

A ball is hit to the first baseman and the pitcher runs over to cover the bag.  The first baseman flips the ball to the pitcher for a routine out.  Seems pretty easy. Of course, that’s until you actually see teams try to do it in games and in practice.  You’d think it would be […]

Throwing inside for effect and strikes

March 26, 2018 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for pitchers and catchers and involves one of the best pitch combinations in baseball. Unfortunately, It’s also one of the least used combinations as well.      *To plan for the upcoming season, check out all the eBooks from Baseball By The Yard by clicking HERE! *My Four-Week Guide to Developing […]

Seminar – Foundations of pitching

March 12, 2018 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching, Video Posts

The following presentation was given at the 2018 North Penn HS Parents and Coaches Baseball Clinic in Lansdale, PA.  The speaker is Coach Kevin Manero – head coach of the North Penn HS Varsity Baseball team.     *To plan for the upcoming season, check out all the eBooks from Baseball By The Yard by […]

Win the even counts

March 1, 2018 by  
Filed under Pitching

There are twelve ball/strike counts in baseball:  0-0, 0-1, 0-2, 1-0, 1-1, 1-2, 2-0, 2-1, 2-2, 3-0, 3-1, and 3-2.   All counts require focus but the success of a pitcher, both short and long-term, often will be determined by how they do in three of them.  0-0, 1-1, and 2-2.     The even counts. […]

A safety tip for covering first base

February 19, 2018 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for pitchers to help them be safer when they have to cover first base.  Defense starts with good footwork and therefore, making this play effectively and safely begins with the feet being at the right place at the right time.   *To plan for the upcoming season, check out all the […]

Five common pitching mistakes & how to correct them

February 12, 2018 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

One of my favorite things to do is to speak at coaches clinics.  Below is a video of my latest coaching clinic presentation that I gave a couple weeks ago for some little league level coaches outside of Philadelphia.  I hope you find it useful.  If you’d like me to speak to your area coaches, […]

10 ways to improve your bullpen sessions

February 1, 2018 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Pitching

1. Have a game mindset.  A pitcher is going to have to do a lot of thinking during games so it’s in their interest to practice that same thinking during their bullpen session.  Run game-like scenarios in your head and pitch accordingly. 2. Location. Location. Location.  Be fanatical about hitting your spots.  If you are […]

When to throw two and four seam fastballs

January 22, 2018 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for pitchers and explains what the basic rules are for when to throw a two seam fastball as opposed to a four seam fastball. There are always exceptions to the rule (especially as kids get older) but today’s tips provide the basics for young pitchers who are starting to throw both. […]

Command of your fastball is priority #1

November 9, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching

Home plate is 17 inches wide.  Baseballs are about 3 inches in diameter which means the strike zone is going to be about 6 baseballs wide.  In reality, it often is 7 baseballs.  At the younger levels one can argue that it is likely to be more like 9 baseballs wide.  For our purposes today, […]

Do pitchers lead with the hip or the foot?

October 9, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

There are many debates in baseball that still rage on today.  One of them involves whether it is better for a pitcher to lead with his front foot or whether he should lead with his hip when he starts his movement towards home plate.  The “foot leaders” camp are often described as advocating the “Drop […]

Stealing on first-move (Part 3)

This is the final post in a three part series on stealing first-move on a left-handed pitcher.  In Part 1, I explained what stealing first-move is and why it can be an effective strategy.  In Part 2, I discussed a variety of things the offensive team needs to be aware of and do in order to be […]

Stealing on first-move (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this series I discussed what stealing first-move means and why it can be a very good option when a left-hander is on the mound.  In Part 2 I wanted to cover some of the little things the offense needs to do in order to increase the chances of the play turning […]

Stealing on first-move (Part 1)

September 14, 2017 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching, First Base, Pitching

This is Part 1 of a three part series on stealing second base using the “first-move” method.  Today I’ll focus on what stealing “first-move” means and why a coach/runner would do it. Up first is What does it mean to steal on first-move? Stealing on a pitcher’s first-move involves a runner who breaks towards second […]

A better leg kick for pitchers

September 5, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Young baseball players who are just starting to pitch typically need to focus on being very efficient and under control to help them throw more strikes.  However, as kids get older and the distances of their pitch increases, there is a need to develop more power in their mechanics.  A better leg kick is one […]

The mini wind-up for pitchers

August 17, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Learning how to pitch can be a difficult thing for young pitchers.  Bad balance, not staying on their line, and simply bad body control add contribute to young pitchers not being to consistently throw strikes.  Usually less movement is better when instructing young pitchers which is why many coaches recommend young pitchers throw from the […]

You only “pitch” when you are in the stretch

July 27, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching

How many times have you seen a pitcher warm-up before a game or throw a bullpen between starts and never (or almost never) throw any pitches from the stretch?  I lost count. Think about it … when you are pitching in a game and you are in a jam, that means runners are on base, […]

Improve the last warm-up pitch before the inning

July 25, 2017 by  
Filed under Catching, Pitching

We’ve all seen it a thousand times … the catcher yells “Comin’ down!” before the last warm-up pitch by the pitcher.  At the higher levels, the catcher just puts his throwing arm out to the side and doesn’t yell anything.  The extended arm alerts the middle-infielder to be at the bag after the next warm-up […]

How to rub up a baseball

June 19, 2017 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

As a former pitcher, it bothers me every time a sparkling white, brand new baseball is thrown into a game.  If the game balls are my team’s responsibility then they will always be rubbed up.  It’s just habit. Watch today’s video tip to learn the why’s and how’s of correctly rubbing up game balls.

Pitchers – warm up in the same direction

June 12, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching

As a pitcher, I don’t think I warmed up in a real bullpen until I got to high school.  And even then I think only one or two fields had them.  Most of the time a catcher and I would find an area in the outfield, walk off about 60 feet, and start throwing.  No […]

Pitchers and the Spotlight Effect

May 26, 2017 by  
Filed under Mental Side, Pitching

If you ever took a psychology course then you probably know that there are many things that can impact how we perceive the world around us.  Quite often our perceptions are flawed as a result.  Concepts like confirmation bias, the fundamental attribution error, and hindsight bias are just a few of the things that humans […]

Within three pitches

May 22, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching

Successful pitching at any level is not rocket science.  Get ahead and force them to put the ball into play.   There are very few situations in the game where a strikeout is necessary.  2nd and 3rd and no outs would be an example.  Every other situation calls for the pitcher to force the batter […]

Baseball has a problem

May 5, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching

A friend sent this photo from a game he was watching yesterday.  Yes, “TJ” stands for “Tommy John” surgery.  And this is only one team at one level. Folks, there are serious problems in the game of baseball.  Red flags should be waving and alarm bells should be sounding at every level.

Free video with Four-Week Guide for pitchers ends tonight!

March 10, 2017 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

Happy Friday! The weather where I am in Pennsylvania looks horrible for the next 10 days or so which obviously makes it tough to develop your players, especially pitchers. My Four-week guide for developing pitchers for game #1 can help!  It’s also $2 off! Get it before 10pm (EST) tonight and I also throw in […]

Get your 4-week guide for pitchers and a free video

February 3, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching

February is now upon us and you know what that means … Baseball season is just a few weeks away! Last year around this time I created an eBook called Off-Season Pitching Guide: A four week plan for developing pitchers for game #1 that takes pitchers through a 4-week throwing and pitching program to get them […]

Get some safety glasses!

January 13, 2017 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video addresses an important safety warning and tip for baseball players.  I even threw in a blooper clip at the end!  Other related posts about armband exercises are below the video.    

Get your pitching grip early

January 6, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

There are tons of different pitching grips out there.  I highly recommend that pitchers tinker with as many as possible to see which ones work best for them.  However, once you find the ones that fit you, be sure to perfect the timing involves with regards to when the grip should be locked in.  Today’s […]

How to throw a safe curve ball

January 2, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Oh, boy. I can envision, with fingers shaking, people hitting the ALL-CAPS button to send off some hate-mail over the title of this one. Breeeeeeeeeeeeathe. Today’s video tip shows a type of curve ball that I was taught in high school that does not require the pitcher to do some of the things that can lead […]

Pickoffs: Inward turn vs Spin Move

December 12, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is a reply to a comment from someone who watched a previous video on the “Inward turn” pickoff move from pitchers.  Here was the comment … “just step off and snap throw, its faster and not a balk.” Both types of pickoff moves have value but each one only works in certain […]

2017 Pitch count rules – a warning

December 9, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

If you are into sharing posts, this may be a good one. Over the past couple years there has been a lot of debate about the growing number of serious arm injuries at the younger levels.  Of course, most of the debates center on two issues: 1) What is causing them to occur and 2) […]

The 2nd balance point for pitchers

October 14, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Ask most pitchers and coaches “What is a pitcher’s balance point?” and you typically will get back something like “it’s the point when a pitcher gets all his weight back on his rear leg before going forward to throw the pitch.”  And they would be correct. Next ask them “What is the pitcher’s 2nd balance point?” and […]

Hitters are stupid

September 27, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching

Hitters are stupid … … but they get significantly smarter as the count turns in their favor! The game of baseball has forever favored pitchers.  If it favored hitters, all fences would be 300 feet.  There wouldn’t be 9 players on defense either. I could go on but the point is that the way baseball […]

What is the proper arm path for pitchers?

September 15, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

I fully expect some criticism over this video because I think my views are in the minority.  So all you keyboard warriors get your fingers ready! Today’s video explains two things from my point of view: How most kids are taught a proper arm path. What I think a proper arm path should look like. […]

Aggressive through the ball

Some phrases in baseball cover many different aspects of the game.  “Aggressive through the ball” is one of them.  Today’s video explains several ways it applies to baseball players.

Three pitching stats you need to be keeping

June 7, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

Traditional pitching statistics (hits, runs, earned runs, strikeouts, etc.) can be very misleading and often do not get to the bottom of why a pitcher succeeds or struggles during an outing.  Take earned runs for instance.  If a player gives up 10 runs and only 3 earned runs, does that mean the pitcher’s defense was […]

Warm up within 8

June 2, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching

One of the challenges of being a relief pitcher is knowing how much to throw on any given day.  If you are not sure you will be throwing in a given game, how much do you throw before the game to get loose? Do you just play catch?  Do you throw a full bullpen session […]

Fly balls in a twilight sky

May 23, 2016 by  
Filed under Infield, Outfield, Pitching

Now that summer weather is approaching, more night games will begin to be played around the country.  Growing up, there were only a couple fields near me that had lights so playing at night was always quite a treat.  In fact, it wasn’t until I was in professional baseball that I routinely played games under […]

What’s the best thing I can do for my player?

… get him something to throw into!  A rebounder, a wall, or anything else you can buy/build. The screen in the video is from Burbank Sport Nets and is the best throwing screen you can buy.  Period.  Here is the link:  

Blow on the ball to break a slump

Slumps happen in all areas of the game.  Pitchers, fielders, and certainly hitters go through times where things just aren’t right.  It can be frustrating because, mechanically speaking, everything appears normal.  Slumps can definitely be mechanical but often it’s not.  Sometimes it just comes down to breathing. Today’s video tip explains how this can happen and […]

Give your pitchers a baseball

May 2, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

How many times have you told a pitcher to go warm-up and the pitcher walks around in search of a good baseball?  What’s it like when the pitcher on the mound is struggling and you need a relief pitcher to be ready NOW! and he wastes time looking for a ball?  I don’t know about you but […]

What does a pitcher do with his back foot?

April 26, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip explains what a pitcher should do with his back foot after throwing a pitch.  You will see lots of variations of this especially at the younger levels.  In the video, I demonstrate some of the common mistakes pitchers make and what pitchers should do to finish correctly in order to get the most […]

Pitchers: Don’t bend both knees at the same time

April 20, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for pitchers who want to better utilize the height that they have.  Taller pitchers have an advantage when they are on an elevated mound and throwing properly.  Today’s tip prevents a pitcher from “collapsing” on their back leg and allows them to more effectively throw on a downward plane to the batter. […]

Improving a pitcher’s knee kick

March 15, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching

The human arm is not the strongest part of your body.   That’s why there are so many arm injuries in baseball.  It’s not really designed for the stress we give it when we throw overhand.  Because of that, pitchers must use their mid-section (just above the knees to the chest) where our strongest muscles […]

The glove goes near the hip

March 3, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching

I recently saw this photo online and it highlights a mistake I often see with young pitchers.  I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before but it is worth mentioning again. There are several things I’m a stickler for making young pitchers do.  One of the most important in my opinion is making sure they finish the […]

The Throwing X Drill

February 22, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

When I work with a young thrower (below high school), I usually focus a lot of attention on smoothing up the throwing path of their arm.  Watch a major leaguer throw on TV and it won’t look like they are putting a lot of effort into their throws.  When the radar screen says 95 mph, your mind […]

eBook: A 4-week guide to preparing pitchers

February 15, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season, Pitching

A couple weeks ago I launched a course/seminar called Game Charts: The ultimate coaching tool for baseball coaches.  Subscribers who purchased the seminar in the first week also got a free bonus eBook called Off-Season Pitching Guide: A four-week plan for developing pitchers for game #1. I received a lot of great feedback about both […]

Reversing the shoulders

January 25, 2016 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

FYI: Important email coming today for subscribers!  If not a subscriber, use the Subscribe box on the right column seen on every page. There are certain movements in the game that are transferable.  By that I mean similar body movements are done by all baseball players.  If you want to quicken the pace of a […]

Do you practice your purpose pitches?

January 12, 2016 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Pitching

Ever notice how many young pitchers have no idea how to throw a pitchout?  If you want to see something funny (or sad depending on your perspective), have your pitchers do a drill where every pitch is a pitchout to the catcher.  Then sit back and watch the absurdity.  You’ll be amazed how many pitchers […]

Are you tipping off your pitches?

December 16, 2015 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching, Video Posts

I saw the following photo on the other day and thought I would use it as a reminder of something I have talked about in the past.  Here is the photo. Ask experienced hitters at the major league level and I guarantee that they will say that every pitcher tips off their pitches in some […]

Make the throws easy for the pitcher

December 11, 2015 by  
Filed under Catching, Pitching, Video Posts

“Seriously?  You can’t make an accurate 50 foot throw to the pitcher?” I’ve never actually said that to a catcher … but I’ve darn well thought it!  And don’t lie.  I know you have too. As a coach, the last thing you want to be concerned about is will your catcher make good throws back […]

How to throw a better 2-strike breaking pitch

December 4, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

This is Part 2 of the “throwing more strikes with your breaking ball” series.  This one deals with throwing them when you have an 0-2 or 1-2 count.  If you did not see Part 1: How to throw more strikes with your breaking pitches, click HERE. Too often pitchers (and I mean all pitchers at all […]

How to throw more strikes with your breaking pitches

December 2, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

A big problem with pitchers as they get into the higher levels is an inability to throw strikes with their breaking pitches.  From Little League through even the high school level, pitchers can get away with not being very good at commanding their curveballs and sliders.  This is because the hitters are usually not that […]

World Series insights – Game 3 & 4

BONUS SUNDAY POST! These insights from Game 3 and 4 of the current World Series between the Mets and the Royals are in no particular order.  Once again, I provide links to posts and videos I’ve previously done that expand on these ideas.  Enjoy! Game 3: The Met’s catcher made a big mistake and let […]

2015 World Series insights – Game 1 & 2

October 30, 2015 by  
Filed under Base Running, Catching, Pitching

It looks like the Royals will make fast work of the Mets unless New York can turn that momentum around in a hurry.  Here is a list of some of the things I noticed from Game 1 and Game 2.  I also linked to previous posts and videos where I discussed or demonstrated that topic. […]

Finish like a pitcher

October 23, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching

One of the biggest things I have to teach young pitchers is how to finish like a pitcher.  When I say “finish like a pitcher,” I mean this … Glove tucked near the hip Throwing hand “hides” under the glove Throwing arm side hip and shoulder are pointing at the target Head up and eyes […]

Use all the pitching height you have

July 6, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching

Scouts love tall pitchers.  Go to any MLB team website and check out the heights of all their pitchers.  My hometown Phillies don’t have a pitcher under 6’1″ and have eight pitchers over 6’3″.  A tall pitcher who does a good job of throwing downhill is very tough to hit.  Just ask anyone who has […]

Stay in your pitching lane

June 29, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching

It is said that the stadium could be burning to the ground and some players wouldn’t even know because of their laser focus.  A batter locks in on a pitcher and nothing else is able to distract them.  Pitchers do it too.  50,000 fans can be screaming like crazy and the entire pitcher’s world is […]

Change your sights for more strikes

June 8, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching

There aren’t many things worse than being on the mound throwing ball after ball and having no idea how to fix yourself.  Contrary to what a lot of catches think, yelling “Throw strikes!” isn’t helping.  Do you really think he is trying to throw balls? Today’s tip involves a quick and simple adjustment every pitcher […]

Throw to the center of the plate

May 14, 2015 by  
Filed under Catching, Pitching

Tired of long games?  Sick of seeing pitchers nibble the corners and end up 2-0 to every batter?  If so, tell your catchers to set up right down the middle and knee high on every pitch until there are two strikes.  0-2 and 1-2, move to the corners.  If the count gets to 2-2, move […]

More advice for young arms

April 17, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching

A little while back I posted a report by a baseball coach and friend of mine, Dr. John Mishock, who warned baseball people about the overuse of young pitchers and why that is harmful from a medical point of view.  To see that original report called Longterm Team Athletic Development: Are we coaching our kids […]

Don’t keep the ball down

April 13, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching

Actually, the title of today’s post is a little incomplete.  A better title would have been “Don’t JUST keep the ball down.” Pitchers are told from the day they start pitching to “keep the ball down in the strike zone.”  In general, that is great advice.  At the younger ages – Little League through high […]

A quiz and a book for the ages

April 9, 2015 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Infield, Pitching

I have always been fond of reading George Will’s political columns.  He also happens to be an avid baseball fan.  Some were even hoping he would be the new baseball commissioner after Bud Selig stepped down.  His latest column to bring in the new MLB season was a trivia quiz.  To take the quiz, click […]

How to throw more strikes – visual tips

March 20, 2015 by  
Filed under Catching, Pitching, Video Posts

Is there anything worse than watching a pitcher throw out of the strike zone over and over again?  Aside from yelling something stupid like “Throw strikes!“, are there any quick ways to get the kid back on track so that everyone can move on with their lives in less than three hours?  The answer is […]

Do you have a pickoff mindset?

February 20, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

As a former shortstop, I could never understand why pitchers were not interested in trying to pick runners off.  Here I am around second base with a runner that is drifting off the bag too much and the pitcher either ignored it or just stepped off the rubber when I broke to the bag.  I […]

Have you had “The Talk” with your new Ace yet?

February 13, 2015 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

All across the country, pitchers who were their team’s 2nd or 3rd starter in 2014 will be jumping up to the role of team “Ace” in just a few weeks.  Usually this is due to the previous year’s 1st and/or 2nd starters’ graduations.   When this occurred on my high school teams, I, along with […]

The Chair Rotation Drill for pitchers

January 20, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

A big thank you to all of you who purchased my latest eBook which included at total of 95 drills for pitchers, outfielders, and base runners!  (If you want info, click HERE) A recent buyer emailed me to say thank you for the bundle and also asked a question.  When he looked at drill #12 (The […]

The Square Up Drill for throwing

January 5, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you and your families had a wonderful holiday! I’m changing things up a little bit here at Baseball By The Yard. For the near future I will be posting only one or two posts a week. I have some new ideas for the site and need more time to […]

Pros and cons of knee drills for pitchers

December 17, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Every baseball drill known to man has a set of pros and cons.  As I explain in today’s video tip, there is no perfect drill.  A frequently used knee drill for pitchers is a great example.

How NOT to throw a curveball

December 15, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for high school and above pitchers who have already had training on how to throw a curveball.  It is not for kids at the younger levels since I do not believe they should be throwing anything but a fastball and a change-up. This tip is actually two tips that can help […]

95 Pitching, Outfield, and Base Running Drills

November 17, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Coaching, Outfield, Pitching

  “Thanks for the drills Coach! Perfect to keep on my clipboard during practice. Will save me lots of time with planning.” That’s an email I got from a reader a few days ago!   This past week subscribers received the latest offer of baseball drills.  The deal includes 40 Pitching Drills that range from basic to […]

The cornerstone of any pitching program

November 14, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

I don’t care if you are teaching a player in his first year of kid-pitch or if you are a pitching coach of a major league team, the cornerstone of your program that should guide all instruction and advice is command of the fastball.  There are certainly many other facets of pitching that are important […]

Crow hop on the 1-6-3 play

November 10, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

HEADS UP!!  A special offer for subscribers of the site is coming this week!  Become a subscriber if you haven’t already!  Scroll under my photo on the right to subscribe!   A hard one-hopper is hit right back to the pitcher.  He knows it’s a sure double play.  He fields it, turns, and proceeds to throw […]

Why you pay attention to detail when covering first base

November 5, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

When I did PFP (Pitcher’s Fielding Practice) with my guys I made certain that they paid attention to detail and did everything right.  One such detail was making sure they ALWAYS touch the field-side edge of the base with their RIGHT foot to avoid the runner.  No exceptions. I could explain more but the following […]

Great from pitch #1

October 28, 2014 by  
Filed under Mental Side, Pitching

 Game #1 of the World Series has come and gone but hopefully the lesson learned has not.  James Shields, the starter for the Royals, gave up three quick runs in the first inning.  The Giants cruised from there to a 7-1 victory.  As I write this, they are one game away from winning the World […]

Angles for pitchers when covering first base

September 17, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

When pitchers practice covering first base during PFP (Pitchers Fielding Practice) drills, they often are instructed to take an ideal path and angle to first as shown in this photo … The reason for this is that going to an imaginary spot about 6-8 feet from first base, making a slight left turn, and moving […]

The louder it gets the softer you throw

September 15, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

The title of today’s post is a phrase I heard Jamie Moyer say during a Phillies broadcast.  It was a big moment late in the game and the hometown fans (the Phillies were away) were quite loud.  His co-announcer asked him how pitchers deal with these situations where they can hardly hear themselves think.  Moyer […]

Assume the lead runner on a bunt play

August 25, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for pitchers who would like to do a better job fielding bunts.  There are a bunch of little things that go into each type of bunt situation but if pitchers do the tip described in the video they will start with the proper mindset right from the beginning. Tomorrow’s post:  How to […]

Glove on the hip for safety and control

August 18, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

There is no one way to play the game of baseball.  Every hitter is going to be unique in some way with regards to stance, hand position, etc.  The same thing goes for pitching.  Arm angles, grips, and overall deliveries will vary a bit from pitcher to pitcher. That being said, there are some “non-negotiables” […]

The importance of using more wrist when throwing

August 12, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

In yesterday’s post, I linked to a very important article containing some warnings and advice from Dr. James Andrews with regards to youth injuries. Today’s video tip expands on this idea by explaining why using your wrist more when you throw is so important for safety and performance and how to improve in this area […]

Pyramids don’t tip over

July 16, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Hitting, Infield, Pitching

If I could wave a magic wand and change one thing about young players it would be to get each and every one of them to have a wide base with their head between their feet and generally get their bodies in a strong athletic position before throwing, running, fielding, and everything else in the game. […]

Lead arm action for pitchers

July 14, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

I hope all your July 4th plans went well!  Glad to be back! Today’s tip is for pitchers who are looking to get a little more power on their pitches.  Look at all of these three photos and you’ll see some things they have in common … First, the pitchers’ lead arms are about parallel […]

Little kids SHOULD imitate major leaguers

June 26, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

When you were growing up, how many times did you play Wiffle ball or stick ball and pretend to be major leaguers?  It was a daily occurrence for me and my friends.  If I was the Phillies I would try to bat exactly like Mike Schmidt, Pete Rose, Gary Maddox, Larry Bowa, and Manny Trillo. […]

Ways that pitchers can stop wasting time

June 19, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

The length of major league games has gotten out of hand.  And it’s not just the players’ fault.  TV commercials play a huge role in lengthening the games because innings are not allowed to start until the time for commercials is finished.  That’s why it takes forever for MLB players to get out of the […]

Things pitchers do that drive their teammates nuts

June 18, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

Pitchers are a different breed.  Lefties are a whole different species but that’s for another post. You wouldn’t be able to tell below the college level because most pitchers at those younger levels play other positions besides just pitch and therefore still have a little bit of “normal” in the ole noggin.  But something clearly changes when […]

The fingers go between the head and ball

June 12, 2014 by  
Filed under Catching, Infield, Outfield, Pitching

Changing the way a young man throws a baseball is probably the hardest thing to do when it comes to private instruction.  However, if there was one thing I could adjust with every young player’s throwing motion it would be to make sure his throwing fingers were on top of and/or between the ball and […]

Keep your hands strong

June 11, 2014 by  
Filed under Catching, Infield, Pitching, Practice

Up until about the 1980’s, weight training was considered to be not very productive for baseball players.  Old time players felt lifting weights tightened up their bodies too much and didn’t prepare them for the functional flexibility required for running the bases and throwing a baseball.  When you look at all of today’s arm injuries […]

Bump your glove if you are a beginning pitcher

June 3, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

My son recently finished his first year of kid-pitch baseball.  Actually, it was a mixture of coach and kid pitch depending on how many kids pitched and how many strikes they threw.  The two most common tips I gave our pitchers (and the other teams’ as well) was to bring the leg kick up higher […]

Give your teammates a breather

May 20, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

The other day I saw a high school pitcher make this mistake and I thought others could learn from it as well.  A batter hit a fly ball far down the right field line.  The right fielder busted his butt trying to get to the area and make the catch but the ball was too […]

Fake pickoffs to second base

May 19, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

As pitchers get older and runners are able to steal, the ability to hold runners becomes more important.  What a lot of young pitchers fail to realize is that holding runners does not have to mean picking runners off.  I’m a big fan of pickoffs and think pitchers often overlook that possibility during games but […]

Don’t rely on teammates

The title of this post may seem a little strange on the surface since the essense of teamwork is working together and relying on your teammates.  However, relying too much on teammates can cause some problems and prevent players from efficiently making plays.  Here are three examples: 1. On a relay throw to the third baseman […]

How to watch pitchers warm up

May 15, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

In yesterday’s post I mentioned how often I notice pitchers not throwing from the stretch until they are in the game.  Of course, you notice that by watching the pitchers warm-up.  A great habit to get into as a player is to pay very close attention to the guy you are about to face.  Unfortunately, […]

Throw from the stretch!

May 14, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

With my kids’ activities and teaching all day I do not have a lot of time to head off to a field to watch a lot of high school games.  In fact, I only managed to see three so far and for each one I only was able to stay the first couple innings.  That’s […]

You may not need a breaking ball

May 2, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

I’d be rich if I got a nickel for every young pitcher who said they had 5 or more pitches.  I’ve even heard it from parents as well.  I don’t want to embarrass them with my response so usually I laugh in my head.  I laugh because in most cases the kid has 5 or […]

What does pitchability mean?

April 25, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

A lot of players and their parents ask how important velocity is to college coaches and pro scouts.  If you listen to the answers, you’ll probably hear something like this … “A pitcher needs to show that he has enough velocity to get college/pro hitters out.  Certainly, more velocity is better than less velocity since […]

Pitchers – Are you a head-snap or glove guy?

April 1, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Pitching, Video Posts

A huge part of being a great base stealer is being able to quickly recognize opportunities that increase your chances to be safe.  Examples include a catcher with a weak arm, middle infielders that are positioned too far from the bag, and a slow delivery to home plate.  Another big example involves what the pitcher […]

Breaking down Anatomy of a Pitch

March 28, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

In yesterday’s post I provided a link to a piece on the ESPN/MLB website called Anatomy of a Pitch.  If you have not been through the short videos of the Diamondback pitchers involved, I hope you do.  It’s tremendous. When I watched the videos and listened to the pitchers talk, a number of things jumped […]

Anatomy of a pitch

March 27, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

I saw this link yesterday on ESPN/MLB and just had to share it.  The link is below.  Click on a pitcher and run through all the video of the featured pitchers from the Diamonbacks and watch their deliveries.  Even more important, listen to their explanations as to what their own keys need to be for […]

I’ll be there

“I’ll be there” is one of those phrases I loved to hear my pitchers and infielders say throughout the game.  Here are the situations when I wanted to hear it from them.   Left handed hitter walks to the plate.  Pitcher turns to the first baseman and says “Ball hit to you, I’ll be there.“ […]

Throw like you pitch

March 18, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

I’ve been asked several times how I come up with my ideas for my posts.  Often they stem from photographs.  I notice something in the photo that says a lot about mechanics, drills, etc. and it turns into a post. Here’s an example.  The two photographs I put together are of the same pitcher. Both photos […]

Breaking games up into sets

March 17, 2014 by  
Filed under Mental Side, Pitching

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! The other day I was watching a spring training game on TV.  Orel Hershiser and the other announcer were talking about how the pitcher in the game had a history of giving up runs early before settling down.  The other announcer asked Hershiser how he personally dealt with giving up a […]

An easy split finger / change-up

January 31, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching

One of the challenges that young pitchers have is how to get the ball to move.  When I say move, I don’t mean velocity.  I’m talking about getting the ball to “tail,” “run,” and/or “sink.”  A pitch with movement is almost always harder to hit than a straight pitch.  I know.  My fastball was basically […]

Product review: The Three Piece Tee

January 30, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching, Practice, Reviews, Video Posts

Today’s video is a review of a device called the Three Piece Tee.  It’s a neat tool that can be used in a variety of ways. I came up with 18 drills that can be done for hitters, pitchers, and fielders.  You might think of some  others as well. Be sure to check out their […]

Signal options for catchers

January 24, 2014 by  
Filed under Catching, Pitching

Yesterday’s post was about catchers giving signals during throwing sessions.  I thought I’d give a few options for catchers when it comes to giving signs. The options below are generally done when there is a runner at second base.  You mix the signs up so that the runner will not know what the pitch will […]

Throwing with signals

January 23, 2014 by  
Filed under Catching, Pitching

 Here’s a quick suggestion for pitchers and catchers now that the throwing season is starting up: When pitchers start throwing from a mound, have them get a sign from the catcher first.  Even if all they are throwing is fastballs.  Here are three reasons: This is what they are going to have to do during […]

Video: The Drop-Step Pitching Drill

November 26, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip was a request from a reader who asked about a post a few weeks back.  In the post, I showed a video of Peyton Manning teaching quarterbacks how to drop back and throw a pass.  As I mentioned, the drill is also good for pitchers with regards to staying on their line. […]

Checking the runner at third base

November 19, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

For some reason, I screwed up this tip more times than I can remember.  I drove one of my pitching coaches nuts because I always forgot to do it.   Today’s video tip is a small detail but it can big consequences if you do it wrong.  Trust me.  I know. Tomorrow’s post:  Go minimalist! 

Pitchers – Glide, don’t fall towards the plate

November 15, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

If I had to make a list of the most important aspects of pitching mechanics, this video tip would probably be among the top five.  Mastering this part of pitching allows so many other aspects to the pitching process to correctly fall into place.   Balance, body control, getting to the proper release point at […]

The slide step isn’t just for runners

November 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

In my opinion, the slide step is one of the most overused pitching strategies at the lower levels of baseball.  By lower levels I mean high school and below.  On top of that, when it is used at a proper time, the mechanics performed are often wrong and counterproductive. However, that does not mean the […]

A big tip for helping pitchers stay on their line

November 6, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

One of the quickest and easiest ways to improve a pitcher’s accuracy is to get him to stay on his line.  The line I am referring to is the imaginary line that runs from the middle of the pitcher’s back foot (when it is up against the front side of the pitching rubber) to the […]

Lefty pickoffs Part 2: Fake with the eyes

November 1, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

Probably the biggest mistake runners at first base make when lefties are on the mound is focusing on the pitcher’s eyes.  Even lefties with a sub-par move to first base can pickoff a lot of guys if they have good eye/head movement on the fake.  In today’s video tip I show how pitchers do it. […]

Lefty pickoffs Part 1: Walk out of your steps

October 31, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

This is Part 1 of a three part series on left-hander pickoffs.  Today and tomorrow will show two big tips for lefties to get more pickoffs.  The third part are tips for runners so that they never get picked off by a left handed pitcher.

Release point and the Pitcher’s Arc

October 29, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

When a pitcher throws a ball overhand, a basic arc is created with the ball.  The arc looks something like the yellow one shown in the diagram I created. Labeled on the graphic are five release points and five corresponding trajectories (red arrows) showing where the ball will go if it is let go at […]

A tip for fielding a bunt near the foul line

October 25, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

In most cases, fielding a bunt to the first base side is pretty standard.  The pitcher jumps off the mound, fields the bunt, and steps towards first base to make the throw.  With slow to average runners, the same procedure works fine on bunts fielded near the first base foul line.  The pitcher hustles to […]

Pickoff moves to first base: Part 2 – The proper footwork

October 22, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

In Part 1 of my tips for right handed pitchers when throwing to first base I talked about the negative aspects of the very popular spin-move pickoff to first base.  In Part 2, I show the footwork I teach pitchers and also explain why I feel it is an all-round better option for right handed […]

Pickoff moves to first base: Part 1 – The mistakes

October 21, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Most right handed pitchers at the levels below pro ball use a pickoff move to first base that involves a variation of the spin-move.  Although some pitchers are quite good at it, there are several problems with doing that type of pickoff move to fist base.  Today’s video tip shows and explains the problems with […]

The Drop-Step Drill for pitchers

October 11, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

In my opinion, one of the more important aspects of good pitching is the ability to stay on that imaginary line that leads from the middle of the pivot foot on the pitching rubber to the location they want to throw to at home plate.  If their body weight can successfully travel down and finish […]

Training with a football

October 2, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

Ever wonder why you never hear of an NFL quarterback needing Tommy John surgery?  How is it that a veteran quarterback can throw a football every day of their lives and never develop an arm injury?  They throw overhand like baseball pitchers and the ball they throw is heavier than a baseball too.  You’d think they would have […]

Arm strength vs Arm action

September 27, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

I believe the hardest thing to fix/change about a baseball player is the way he throws.  Young players who have poor arm action rarely are able to change that.  It can be done but it usually takes some extensive intervention. When I watch young teams play, there is almost always a player/pitcher who stands out […]

Moving catchers around

September 19, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

I once played with a catcher who, whenever a runner got on first base, would call for an outside fastball on just about every pitch.  I, along with the other pitchers on the staff, caught on pretty quickly to what was going on.  An outside fastball would benefit the catcher in his ability to throw […]

The command bullpen: Fixing a wild thrower

September 12, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

Every coach has dealt with a kid who just struggles to throw the ball over the plate.  Some of those kids, based on their mechanics, velocity, etc., are just shifted to other positions and promptly labeled “not a pitcher.”  But some kids show extreme promise with regard to their throwing ability.  These are the players […]

Flat ground work for pitchers

September 5, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

I heard a college coach at a convention say that throwing off a mound adds six times the stress on the body/arm as compared to throwing on flat ground.  Unfortunately, most young pitchers think that if they are not throwing off a mound then they aren’t really pitching. If you have ever attended a pro […]

Slow down your fastball

August 30, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

A while back I wrote a post called Why pitchers should watch batting practice.  The basic message to pitchers was that hitting is extremely hard.  Unfortunately, many pitchers seem to forget that basic concept when they step on the mound.  As an example, I mentioned what happens when the coach unintentionally takes off even a […]

Pitching: Front side – Back side

August 15, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

Of all the things I mention to pitchers, “reversing your shoulders and hips” tends to be the most common.  As pitchers get older, the distance they pitch from gets longer.  If they do not master this primary concept they will have a short career on a full size field.  The photo sequence below is a […]

Sprinkler syndrome

August 13, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

Sprinkler Syndrome is the term used when describing a pitcher who is more horizontal with their movements than vertical.  You typically only see this syndrome at the lower levels because a pitcher who does it will probably never reach the higher levels.  It only works when the pitcher throws a short distance. When I’m working […]

The bases loaded walk

August 12, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

You are pitching.  It’s early in the game or ahead by a few runs late in the game. You have the bases loaded and the other team’s best hitter at the plate.  You are behind in the count.  What do you do?   I say pitch around him. Young pitchers grow up hearing the importance […]

Over pitching – Part 2

July 17, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

In yesterday’s post I brought up the concept of over pitching.  It happens at all levels but you will most often see it with young pitchers who feel they have to do too much out on the mound.  In todays’ post, I’m going to give some game situations where over pitching tends to come up. […]

Over pitching (Part 1)

July 16, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

I recently had two conversations with two different people on the same day.  Both were about pitching.  The first was with a high school pitcher and the second, about 30 minutes later, was with a first round draft pick and former major league pitcher.  If I just gave you the gist of the conversations, my […]

Pitching around a hitter

June 28, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

Baseball people know that there are times when a pitcher is going to pitch around a batter.  One of their best hitters is up, a base is open, etc.  However, the drawback of not giving a batter something to hit is that it contradicts much of what we coaches say to pitchers.  Two of the […]

Keep your head still?

June 27, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Infield, Pitching

I have told many players and coaches of the importance of keeping your head still in baseball.  In reality, a more realistic way of saying that would be to “keep your head calm.”  Baseball players routinely move their head and eyes while playing baseball.  It’s impossible not to.  Pitchers move their head when they pitch.  […]

Get strikes by throwing strikes

June 26, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

It’s not often that you’ll see a major league umpire have two different strike zones for both pitchers.  Consistency is what got those umpires to that level.  However, you occasionally will see slightly different zones even at that level.  One would think that would be a flaw in the umpire but in reality, it is […]

Battle of the low pitch

June 25, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

  As players get older and reach higher levels of the game, more and more pitches will be thrown towards the bottom of the strike zone.  Successful pitchers at the big league level routinely throw down in the zone with all their pitches.  That’s why they got to that level.  I’ve said before that I […]

Requirements for a bullpen pitcher

June 24, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

Over the course of a pitcher’s career he may be at various times a starter or a reliever.  At the lower levels, relievers are usually the pitchers who are not as talented as the starters.  This is why coaches stress the importance of getting to a high school bullpen as soon as possible.  Usually, the talent […]

The two-run window for pitchers

June 12, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

Bases loaded and no outs is a situation that all pitchers will run into
 at some point.  What his mental approach and expectations are will go a 
long way in determining how this situation turns out.  Many pitchers 
make the mistake of thinking their job in this situation is to prevent a single run from

How NOT to pick someone off

June 11, 2013 by  
Filed under Infield, Pitching, Shortstop

Recently I wrote a post called It can’t even be close.  It was about the 
idea that in certain situations, you don’t want the call to be in the 
umpires’ hands.  In the post I used a photo from the Phillies game I was
 referencing.  Upon further review, it is pretty clear that both teams

A strike right out of your hand

June 3, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

Ever notice that some pitchers get a lot of check swings and some do 
not?  This has a lot to do with how the ball looks to the batter shortly 
after leaving the pitcher’s hand.  For some pitchers, especially those
 with good movement on the ball, a pitch leaves the hand looking like a 
strike […]

Make the target bigger for more strikes

May 23, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

At all levels, pitchers run into times when their control suffers.  There are numerous causes to this loss of control.  Some are mechanical and some are mental.  Either way, it can be very frustrating for players, coaches, and parents when wildness occurs.  The key is for the player to make the necessary adjustments so that […]

A small tip for a bigger curve ball

May 22, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

Before I give this tip, do me a favor and snap your fingers for a few seconds.  Now snap your fingers again but this time use both your index finger AND your middle finger (equal pressure) along with your thumb.  How did it work?  Probably not as well the second time.  The reason for this […]

The 2-2 fastball

May 20, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

There is a saying among pitching coaches that goes “if you throw an off-speed pitch 2-2, you might as well throw it 3-2.”  Here is the reason for the saying.  If a pitcher throws a curve ball on a 2-2 count and it ends up being a ball, the count is now full at 3-2.  […]

Purpose pitch vs Waste pitch

May 15, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

A pitch is thrown way outside and high.  A player from the bench yells “Good waste pitch!” But was it? I believe there is quite a difference between and purpose pitch and a waste pitch.  In my view, a purpose pitch is a pitch that isn’t necessarily a strike but still serves a purpose.  A […]

Shut your mouth and give me the ball

May 7, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

Every now and then a Major League pitcher will blow up at a coach who comes out to pull him from the game.  With television, the whole ugly scene is recorded and shown for the entire sports world to see.  Unfortunately, these incidents often spill over to the dugout afterwards when the coach returns.  The […]

The no look delivery

May 6, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

There are several ways to hold runners on to limit their running game.  Having a good pickoff move is one of them.  Having several different types of pickoff moves is another.  Mixing your times to home plate is important as well.  The biggest tip coaches usually pass on to their pitchers is don’t get into […]

Fingers between the ball and the head

April 29, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

One of the toughest things to teach/fix in the throwing motion is keeping the fingers between the ball and the head when the hands separate in the process of throwing.  Whether the kid is throwing as a pitcher or as a position player, this basic mechanic must be done if the player wants to keep […]

How to warm up without a bullpen

April 24, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

I’ve written a number of posts about the need for all pitchers to warm-up properly before games.  One of the biggest mistakes pitchers make is not warming up correctly.  This is why many pitchers are vulnerable in the first inning of every game they pitch.  Simply put, they are just not 100% from the first […]

Losses go next to the pitcher’s name

April 23, 2013 by  
Filed under Catching, Pitching

If you are a fan of the film Bull Durham, you probably remember the scenes where the catcher, Crash Davis, tells the batter what pitch is coming.  The reason for telling the batter was to get back at the pitcher for shaking off his signs.  Clearly Crash Davis didn’t appreciate the rookie pitcher calling his […]

Why don’t position players get Tommy John surgery?

April 19, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Infield, Pitching

It’s an interesting question.  With all the throwing position players do, why don’t they ever need Tommy John surgery?  Of course, I’m making a generalization.  Position players do sometimes get Tommy John surgery but they seem to be very few and far between.  In fact, the only example I know of is LA Dodger shortstop Rafael […]

Weekly pitching routine

April 17, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

At the younger levels (up to and including college) the likely pattern a pitcher is going to evolve into is the “once a week” appearance.  Of course, a relief pitcher may throw more than once a week but for starters, once a week is usually pretty standard until they get into pro ball.  The question […]

Check your watch for a better delivery

April 16, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

When young kids start pitching, often you will see them either point their glove or lead elbow at the target before throwing.  This is commonly taught as a way to force the young player to turn sideways before throwing so that he can get more of his body into the throw/pitch when he opens the […]

Roy Halladay, slumps, and flailing at the bird

April 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Mental Side, Pitching

No matter how good you are, slumps up at bat, on the mound, and out on the field are going to occur.  It’s part of the game.  Roy Halladay is currently going through such a time.  Click on the link below to hear his post-game interview.  It’s a gem for anyone who gets into a […]

What to say during mound visits

April 5, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

One of my more popular posts ever in terms of readership was one titled Best Mound Conversation Ever.  It’s a true story that still makes me laugh when I think about it.  However, if you are the one who is going to the mound and truly need to get a pitcher on track, reverse psychology […]

Spray charts for pitchers

March 27, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching

At the high school level and above, charting hitters in the form of “spray charts” is pretty common.  A spray chart is typically created for every hitter an opposing team has.  Each at-bat is recorded and if they put the ball into play, the chart indicates where they hit it and what the result was.  The […]

Feet position in the stretch

March 25, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Every single Little League game I go to I see at least one pitcher (often every one of them) make a very basic mistake with their feet when they pitch from the stretch.  It involves where the feet end up when they come set after getting the sign from the catcher.  It’s a very easy […]

Seminar – Basics of Pitching (Part 2)

February 27, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

This is the third of seven videos from a coaching clinic I participated in at North Penn High School in Lansdale, PA. The clinics were presented to mostly Little League coaches.  The purpose was to pass on a basic foundation of the game to all the coaches.  I am posting all of the seminars – […]

Seminar – Basics of Pitching (Part 1)

February 26, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

This is the second of seven videos from a coaching clinic I participated in at North Penn High School in Lansdale, PA. The clinics were presented to mostly Little League coaches.  The purpose was to pass on a basic foundation of the game to all the coaches.  I am posting all of the seminars – […]

Shaking off location

February 21, 2013 by  
Filed under Catching, Pitching, Video Posts

How many of you are sick and tired of the three hour baseball game?  I know I am.  There are many things that lengthen the game unnecessarily but one thing that irritates me more than others is all the trips to the mound by the catchers to go over pitch selection.  I mean how difficult […]

Spin move footwork

February 20, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

I must admit, spin move pickoffs were by far my favorite pick-off move as a pitcher.  To be honest, my move to first base was garbage but my move to second base was deadly.  I think more pitchers could increase their success at picking runners off second base if they wanted to and if they […]

Take your head to the ball

February 7, 2013 by  
Filed under Catching, Hitting, Infield, Pitching, Video Posts

Throughout baseball, many kids are taught to keep their heads as still as possible.  Unfortunately, when you watch good players play the game, they will often move their head quite a bit.  The concept of “keeping your head still” has more to do with keeping your eyes level and not keeping your head completely still. […]

Quicker pickoffs throws to first base

February 6, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

As pitchers get older, the ability to hold runners closely at first base becomes more important.  Like most other aspects of the game, success is usually found in the little details.  There is a lot going on during a pickoff move to first base.  Timing, footwork, balance, accuracy, and throwing quickness all play large roles […]

Pre-Season Checklists

February 1, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching, Practice

A reader contacted me yesterday and asked for a pre-season checklist I had produced a while back.  He could not find it on my site.  After searching for myself, I realized I had never posted them to my website.  I must have posted it on a baseball forum site and forgot to put it out […]

HATE this pitching drill

January 25, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

All day today I will be attending a coaching clinic in New Jersey that is one of the biggest of its kind in the country.  Many top names in the college and pro baseball coaching world come to give seminars to the several hundred coaches who attend.  I guarantee that I will hear the top […]

Paddle drills

A fielding paddle is a great piece of equipment to practice with for all ages.  Paddles are mostly used to promote good fielding mechanics like using two hands and developing soft hands as well. However, paddles don’t have to be just for fielding ground balls.  Paddle drills can also be done to help bunters, pitchers, […]

Tipping off your pitches

January 14, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching, Video Posts

Without knowing it, many pitchers, if you look hard enough, will tell you what they are going to throw.  It could be something they do with their glove and/or their delivery.  It could be a hundred other things as well.  At the higher levels, especially with video analysis, it becomes very hard to prevent the […]

Common Pitching mistakes

January 1, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching

Happy New Year! This past week, I have been reposting a series I did way back at the start of Baseball By The Yard that covers common mistakes players make by position.  New posts will begin again tomorrow.  Hope you enjoyed the holidays! Being someone they are not. The first step for a pitcher who […]

The fake shake

December 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Catching, Pitching

I saw this video clip the other day and I thought it would be a good thing to pass along for those who are catchers.  Click on the link below and watch: You’ll notice that before the catcher gives the sign to the pitcher, he shakes his head a couple times.  The purpose of […]

Reading the batter’s swing

December 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Infield, Pitching

One of the many things that separate an average fielder from a great fielder is the ability to read a batter’s swing in order to make predictions on where the ball is likely to be hit.  Of course, this requires the fielder to pay attention to some of the things a lot of players overlook.  […]

Getting pitchers ready for the season

November 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season, Pitching

The other day I received a great question from a reader.  Because many coaches deal with this issue, I asked permission to use the question and my response in a post.  The reader was willing so here it is! Reader: I wanted to know if you have any advice on how to transition our pitchers […]

Indoor long-tossing

November 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Pitching

One of the goals of baseball players, especially pitchers, is to build arm strength during the off-season months.  In my opinion, one of the best ways to do that is a good long-tossing program.  A while back I interviewed a guy named Alan Jaeger ( who has become somewhat of a guru for long-tossing.  If […]

High & Hard, Slow & Low

October 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Pitching

This is another post in the area of “Pitching is not rocket science” category.  In a recent MLB playoff game, announcer Jim Kaat used the title of this post numerous times to explain how to pitch Miguel Cabrera.  He advocated hard stuff up and on the inner half of the plate and slow stuff low […]

Hey Jared Weaver, it will never work

September 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Pitching

Time: 1992.   Place: Little League field, Simi Valley, CA Probable Conversation: Youth coach and a 10 year old Jared Weaver “Look Jared, I see your pitching mechanics and we’ve got to change some things.  You’ve got a great arm but you lean back on your delivery which is going to throw everything out of […]

Part 2: Pitching tip to get the ball out

August 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Part 1: Pitching tip to get the ball out

August 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

More reasons to throw strike one

July 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Pitching

For over a century now, coaches have been telling their pitchers that “the best pitch in baseball is strike one.”  Still, many pitchers struggle to lay that first one over the plate.  Connected to all this is the debate that still surrounds baseball about whether or not a hitter should swing at the first pitch. […]

Pacing your energy

July 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Pitching

In the past, I’ve written other posts about the importance of getting to the starting pitcher as early as possible.  I stated that pitchers are often at their most vulnerable in the first inning.  One reason for this is the fact that the adrenaline at the start of the competition can cause a pitcher to […]

Hang with ’em

July 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Mental Side, Pitching

John Papelbon had a tough blown save last night that if you didn’t watch the game, you’d think he just pitched poorly.  The Phillies closer entered the game to pitch the ninth with the Phillies winning 3-1.  He gave up 4 hits that led to the Dodgers tying the game, sending it to extra innings. […]

A tip for off-speed pitches

July 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

When you bat after the pitcher

July 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

At the levels below pro ball, you may find the pitcher batting anywhere in the line-up.  On many high school teams and even some college teams, the pitcher may be one of the best hitters on the team and often is located in the center of the batting line-up.  Of course, at the pro level, […]

Uphill and downhill throwing

July 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

This video explains one of the most common problems I see in young pitchers.

Same swing, very different result

July 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching

There are some things in baseball I can’t explain.  Here are a few: Two pitchers have the same body type and mechanics.  One guy throws 82 and the other 94mph. One pitcher throws the ball straight as an arrow and another can’t throw the ball straight even if he tried. The concept of throwing a […]

How to use a scuffed ball

July 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Pitching

Happy 4th of July everyone!  As a high school social studies teacher, I’m more than a little partial to this holiday and not just because it’s in the middle of baseball season. Many 4th of July parties will include a good game of Whiffle Ball.  Did you know that throwing a scuffed baseball and throwing […]

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