Saturday, March 29th, 2025

Podcast Episode 005: Tryout tips for coaches and players

February 11, 2022 by  
Filed under Podcast, Tryouts

In this episode, Coach Bob McCreary provides valuable tips for coaches trying to organize and run a more effective tryout.  Also discussed are ways to head off some of the problems with the aftermath of tryouts.  Part 2 of the podcast is for players where Coach provides some do’s and don’t no matter what age […]

Tryouts and The Voice

March 22, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Tryouts

Baseball tryouts are a difficult time of year for all involved.  Coaches are elated that the season is starting but also dread having to tell young ball players that they cannot be on the team.  Egos are bruised and feelings are hurt.   I think it is hardest for the parents.  This is especially true […]

Tryouts: Know what an eight looks like

February 13, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Tryouts

For most high school programs (all in Pennsylvania), tryouts are not too far away.  Programs all have their own way of evaluating players.  Having multiple coaches involved helps in terms of management but one challenge with using multiple coaches is that not every one of them evaluates players the same way.  Two coaches can see […]

I didn’t make the team. Now what?

March 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Make Up, Tryouts

As I mentioned in a post a few days ago, this week is tryout week for most high schools in Pennsylvania.  For players and parents, the week is filled with gossip and debate as to who is showing well and who might make the JV and varsity rosters.  Of course, it all culminates in the […]

The best drill for infield tryouts

March 6, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Infield, Tryouts

Tryouts begin for public schools in Pennsylvania tomorrow.  Coaches all over the state will be running their players through multiple drills to gauge ability and potential.  Outfielders will catch fly balls and make some long throws, pitchers will throw off a mound, catchers will receive and throw, and hitters will hit.  However, for infielders it’s […]

How do coaches judge potential?

February 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Scouting, Tryouts

I received a great question from a reader related to a post a few days ago called Tryouts: Current ability vs Potential.  The question was “How does a coach assess potential in a one-week tryout?”   If you were to ask a professional scout that question, he probably would say something that on the surface would […]

Baseball Tryouts: Current Ability vs Potential

February 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Tryouts

Probably the worst part about coaching is tryouts.  Telling a player that there is not room for him is not a fun conversation.  Coaches love the game and sometimes they have to tell a player, who also loves the game, that their abilities will not allow them to be successful at our level.  That news […]

Parents after tryouts: This one’s for you

February 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Misc, Tryouts

Dear Parents/Guardians,                 This time of year brings mixed emotions to the baseball coaching staff at _____High School.  Although we are excited for the start of another season, we know that this time of year involves tryouts and the painful reality that not all the players can make the team.  The number of kids trying out provides […]

Baseball tryouts & what coaches look for

February 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Make Up, Tryouts

I hear that many high school baseball teams around the country have begun tryouts.  I look outside and still see a few inches of snow and temperatures in the teens so I’m envious of those warmer states.  Anyway, I thought I’d dedicate a few posts to high school tryouts.  Yesterday’s was about getting your coach […]

How to get noticed by your high school coach

February 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching, Make Up, Tryouts

Attend off-season workouts with the team. Whether it’s lifting sessions, pre-season meetings, open gym sessions, or whatever else the coach offers – be there as much as possible. It may not guarantee you a spot on the team but it can’t hurt either.Respect the game. Most coaches at the high school level have a great respect for […]