Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

Master the first 20 minutes of practice

March 7, 2022 by  
Filed under Coaching, Practice, Video Posts

Every good coach looks for ideas to better manage their practices. Getting more done in a shorter period of time is something they always strive to do. This is especially true early in the season when a team has so much to cover. On top of that, if you coach in a state like Pennsylvania […]

High IQ teams do this for their pitchers

February 28, 2022 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

In today’s video tip, Coach Bob McCreary, the founder of, explains a way that high IQ hitters and teams can help their pitchers when they are at bat. The game is filled with many of these little things that, over the course of a long season, start to add up and help teams win. […]

Coaching clinic sample – Progression Drills

February 23, 2022 by  
Filed under Coaching, Video Posts

This is the time of year when I start to get requests from organizations looking for speakers at their pre-season coaching clinics. One small benefit of our COVID reality has been the use of virtual meets for these types of clinics. Using them allows me to speak to any organization no matter where they are […]

A pickoff move all left-handers need!

November 16, 2021 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

In today’s video, I explain a problem that left-handed pitchers may run into if they have a good pickoff move to first base and how to fix it! If you liked this video, please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to help others find these video tips as well!  Coach McCreary’s Bio Page:  Coach McCreary’s YouTube Channel: […]

If you are sending a runner home, they better know this!

November 9, 2021 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

In today’s video tip, I explain and demonstrate how runners need to round third to give them the best chance of scoring. I also point out several mistakes I typically see in young runners who do this process incorrectly. Share if you think it is worthy! If you liked this video, please LIKE, SHARE, and […]

Pitchers better do this when backing up bases

November 2, 2021 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains the must-do’s when backing up bases as a pitcher. If you liked this video, please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to help others find these video tips as well!  Coach McCreary’s Bio Page:  Coach McCreary’s YouTube Channel: Coach McCreary’s Resource page for Players and Coaches: Instructional eBooks and videos:

Don’t EVER let your pitchers do this!

October 26, 2021 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

There are few absolutes in baseball. However, today’s video tip gives one of them. When I watch pitchers throw, there are few things that aggravate me more than what you are about to see in today’s video tip. Don’t allow your pitcher(s) to do this. EVER! If you liked this video, please LIKE, SHARE, and […]

All hitters should be elevating their batting tee

October 19, 2021 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains why all hitters should be including more elevated ball positions on their batting tees. All areas of the strike zone should be worked on by hitters but now more than ever, elevated positions are a must. If you liked this video, please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to help […]

Tee drill for LIVE batting practice!

October 12, 2021 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

It would be nice if every young player had access to a competent batting practice thrower but that is certainly not the case. The average guy (or gal) is pretty brutal when it comes to that skill. If you want/need to improve in that area, click HERE for a tutorial. Getting young players to hit […]

You cannot develop a change-up in the bullpen

October 5, 2021 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains the only way a young pitcher can truly develop an effective change-up. Coach McCreary’s Bio Page: Coach McCreary’s YouTube Channel:…  Coach McCreary’s Resource page for Players and Coaches:…  Instructional eBooks and videos:

Who covers second base and switching it on the fly

September 28, 2021 by  
Filed under Infield, Second Base, Shortstop, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for second basemen and shortstops and it answers the basic question of who covers second base on the steal. More importantly, however, it explains when the middle infielders have to switch that up in the middle of a play. Enjoy! Coach McCreary’s Bio Page: Coach McCreary’s YouTube Channel:…  Coach McCreary’s Resource […]

Give your 3rd base coach a chance

September 14, 2021 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains another mental tip for base runners, this time at first base! If you liked this video, please share it with three people: one who will like it, one who needs to see it, and even someone who you think won’t like it! Thanks for watching! Coach McCreary’s Bio […]

Teach third basemen these two things on bunt plays

August 31, 2021 by  
Filed under Third Base, Video Posts

Handling bunts is one of the tougher jobs that a third basemen has to handle. Some bunt plays involve more moving parts than others and third basemen have to know how to react to each one. Bunts when there is a runner on second base is a great example. In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary […]

College and pro players don’t know this?

August 24, 2021 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

A couple years ago I conducted an informal survey of former professional players who now coach at the college or pro levels. I asked them one question and received back close to 100 responses. The questions was “what are two or three things that you can’t believe you have to teach your incoming players?” I […]

Bet your shortstops don’t know this relay!

August 17, 2021 by  
Filed under Infield, Shortstop, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is a more advanced one for shortstops when balls are hit down into the left field corner and a relay throw to home plate is needed. If you liked this post, please share it with three people: one who will like it, one who needs to see it, and even someone who […]

First-move steals and pickoffs – A tip for 1st basemen

January 3, 2019 by  
Filed under First Base, Video Posts

Happy New Year everyone! Today’s video tip is specifically for 1st basemen and explains what to do if they are holding the runner on and the runner steals on the pitcher’s first move.  If the first baseman does this correctly he can dramatically increase the odds of nailing the runner at second base.   Monday’s […]

Helping young hitters get to the load-up position

May 14, 2018 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is mostly for young hitters who struggle to get to a better load-up position. However, even older hitters can struggle getting there too. In any case, there is a simple tip that can help any hitter get to the proper load-up position in order to get the body into a more powerful […]

Throwing inside for effect and strikes

March 26, 2018 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for pitchers and catchers and involves one of the best pitch combinations in baseball. Unfortunately, It’s also one of the least used combinations as well.      *To plan for the upcoming season, check out all the eBooks from Baseball By The Yard by clicking HERE! *My Four-Week Guide to Developing […]

Catchers, you don’t need to know who is covering

March 19, 2018 by  
Filed under Catching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for catchers and it involved another pet-peeve of mine.     *To plan for the upcoming season, check out all the eBooks from Baseball By The Yard by clicking HERE! *My Four-Week Guide to Developing Pitchers For Game #1 has been a big hit!  Get it HERE!  It’s less than 5 […]

Seminar – Foundations of pitching

March 12, 2018 by  
Filed under Coaching, Pitching, Video Posts

The following presentation was given at the 2018 North Penn HS Parents and Coaches Baseball Clinic in Lansdale, PA.  The speaker is Coach Kevin Manero – head coach of the North Penn HS Varsity Baseball team.     *To plan for the upcoming season, check out all the eBooks from Baseball By The Yard by […]

A safety tip for covering first base

February 19, 2018 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for pitchers to help them be safer when they have to cover first base.  Defense starts with good footwork and therefore, making this play effectively and safely begins with the feet being at the right place at the right time.   *To plan for the upcoming season, check out all the […]

Five common pitching mistakes & how to correct them

February 12, 2018 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

One of my favorite things to do is to speak at coaches clinics.  Below is a video of my latest coaching clinic presentation that I gave a couple weeks ago for some little league level coaches outside of Philadelphia.  I hope you find it useful.  If you’d like me to speak to your area coaches, […]

Base runners – Know the pitch and watch the flight

February 5, 2018 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

The best base runners on a team are often NOT the fastest.  That’s because base running involves so much more than speed.  It’s about taking good angles and turns around the bases.  It’s knowing when to take a risk and when not to.  It’s also about anticipating the play before it even happens in order […]

Mastering the Stand-In Drill

January 29, 2018 by  
Filed under Hitting, Indoor, Video Posts

The Stand-In Drill is one of the best hitting drills batters can do during the off-season to get ready for game #1. Of course, that’s if they do it right. In today’s video tip, Coach McCreary explains what the Stand-In Drill is and how to do it correctly. *To plan for the upcoming season, check […]

When to throw two and four seam fastballs

January 22, 2018 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for pitchers and explains what the basic rules are for when to throw a two seam fastball as opposed to a four seam fastball. There are always exceptions to the rule (especially as kids get older) but today’s tips provide the basics for young pitchers who are starting to throw both. […]

Positive shin angle for base runners

January 8, 2018 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for base runners and even fielders who need to develop a better, more explosive first step quickness in order to steal bases or track down a ball. The tip involves a concept known as “positive shin angle.” Every player looking for a better jump must create a positive shin angle with […]

Exaggeration Drills for hitters

January 2, 2018 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Happy New Year everyone! Today’s video tip involves exaggerating some of the basic mechanics of hitting. Exaggerating these movements improves the feel of the proper mechanic and also helps a hitter’s confidence while at the plate.  Mix some into your everyday hitting routines!

Footwork & timing for advanced infielders

Today’s video tip is an advanced one for infielders.  It involves better timing of the footwork on ground balls. I start by showing how the human body functions when walking forward and backward and then apply that to fielding.  Fielding with this proper timing tends to improve gracefulness and smoothness through the baseball. Practicing indoors […]

The Fence Drill for hitters

November 16, 2017 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is a popular drill called the Fence Drill.  As I explain in the video, there are multiple ways to do a Fence Drill.  The video shows how I conduct the drill most of the time. Note: Although I do not mention it in the video, be careful that hitters do not cheat […]

Do pitchers lead with the hip or the foot?

October 9, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

There are many debates in baseball that still rage on today.  One of them involves whether it is better for a pitcher to lead with his front foot or whether he should lead with his hip when he starts his movement towards home plate.  The “foot leaders” camp are often described as advocating the “Drop […]

The Bunting Tee Drill

September 25, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

The batting tee is probably the most versatile tool for baseball players.  It can be used for drill work in almost every area of the game.  Today’s video tip shows how you can use a tee to practice two specific types of bunts. Written post for push bunting: Base hitt bunting footwork for left-handers: […]

A better leg kick for pitchers

September 5, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Young baseball players who are just starting to pitch typically need to focus on being very efficient and under control to help them throw more strikes.  However, as kids get older and the distances of their pitch increases, there is a need to develop more power in their mechanics.  A better leg kick is one […]

How to jump over runners on double plays

August 28, 2017 by  
Filed under Shortstop, Video Posts

Over the past several years, Major League Baseball has instituted some rule changes about sliding in order to better protect middle infielders on double plays.  However, as I state in today’s video, middle infielders no matter what the level should never assume the runner coming at them is going to follow the rules.  Proper footwork around […]

The mini wind-up for pitchers

August 17, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Learning how to pitch can be a difficult thing for young pitchers.  Bad balance, not staying on their line, and simply bad body control add contribute to young pitchers not being to consistently throw strikes.  Usually less movement is better when instructing young pitchers which is why many coaches recommend young pitchers throw from the […]

Snap your swings like a boxer

April 20, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip involves a phrase I have been using with my son recently in order to increase his bat speed.  The phrase is “snap your swings.”  As you will see, it is related to the sport of boxing.

A tip to keep the catcher back on sac bunts

March 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Base Running, Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is a higher level one for base runners. It involves a situation where the batter poorly bunts a pitch just in front of home plate.

A small tip for faster sprints

February 22, 2017 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

One big problem a lot of young sprinters have is that they cannot get out of their own way. They never allow their body to function at 100% because they use poor running skills that often lead to too much tension. Loosen up that body and the times will come down. Today’s video tip is […]

How to read a hitter’s swing

February 15, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

To play infield at the higher levels requires physical talent but also a lot of awareness.  Look around you and you’ll begin to notice a lot of information that you can use to become a better infielder even before the ball is hit.   Today’s video post involves analyzing a batter’s swing before he even […]

What does it mean when a hitter “leaks”?

February 6, 2017 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s post was inspired by a reader who emailed me about his son who is apparently “leaking.”  The reader wasn’t sure what the term meant.  The term is also something I have dealt with recently now that I have started to do some private hitting lessons. Note: if you live near Limerick, PA and have a need […]

How to practice Web Gems

I could watch ESPN’s Web Gems all day long.  Having been an infielder for most of my playing career, I have an enormous respect for what MLB infielders are able to do on seemingly impossible plays.  However, Web Gems are not just for major leaguers.  They can happen at any level and age group.  That […]

Managing the 1st and 3rd play: A tip for catchers

January 18, 2017 by  
Filed under Catching, Video Posts

One of the toughest plays for young teams is the 1st and 3rd play.  The runner on first base steals and if the catcher throws it to second, the runner on third scores.  If the catcher just holds it, you know have two runners in scoring position.  Add a rundown in there and all hell break […]

Get some safety glasses!

January 13, 2017 by  
Filed under Off-Season, Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video addresses an important safety warning and tip for baseball players.  I even threw in a blooper clip at the end!  Other related posts about armband exercises are below the video.    

Get your pitching grip early

January 6, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

There are tons of different pitching grips out there.  I highly recommend that pitchers tinker with as many as possible to see which ones work best for them.  However, once you find the ones that fit you, be sure to perfect the timing involves with regards to when the grip should be locked in.  Today’s […]

How to throw a safe curve ball

January 2, 2017 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Oh, boy. I can envision, with fingers shaking, people hitting the ALL-CAPS button to send off some hate-mail over the title of this one. Breeeeeeeeeeeeathe. Today’s video tip shows a type of curve ball that I was taught in high school that does not require the pitcher to do some of the things that can lead […]

Pickoffs: Inward turn vs Spin Move

December 12, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is a reply to a comment from someone who watched a previous video on the “Inward turn” pickoff move from pitchers.  Here was the comment … “just step off and snap throw, its faster and not a balk.” Both types of pickoff moves have value but each one only works in certain […]

The 2nd balance point for pitchers

October 14, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Ask most pitchers and coaches “What is a pitcher’s balance point?” and you typically will get back something like “it’s the point when a pitcher gets all his weight back on his rear leg before going forward to throw the pitch.”  And they would be correct. Next ask them “What is the pitcher’s 2nd balance point?” and […]

Wild Card game: Something you may have missed

In the top of the 4th inning of the Wild Card game between the Giants and the Mets, Giants outfielder Denard Span attempted to steal second base.  Replays seemed to clearly indicate that Span was safe on the play.  However, he was called out and after reviewing the replay, MLB officials in New York upheld […]

Should a batter keep his back elbow up?

September 22, 2016 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video is about the controversy over the back elbow of hitters.  It’s a longer video because there are multiple layers to this debate.  As you will see, I don’t believe the problem is with the elbow itself. Feel free to give me your thoughts in the comment section.

What is the proper arm path for pitchers?

September 15, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

I fully expect some criticism over this video because I think my views are in the minority.  So all you keyboard warriors get your fingers ready! Today’s video explains two things from my point of view: How most kids are taught a proper arm path. What I think a proper arm path should look like. […]

Another option for catchers when blocking

September 9, 2016 by  
Filed under Catching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is another option for catchers concerning what to do with their throwing hand/arm while blocking.  Getting hit on the throwing hand/arm on balls in the dirt are not much fun.  Typically, catchers are taught to hide the hand behind the glove to protect it. Here’s another option I am seeing more and […]

How to teach soft hands on defense

Having infielders who have nice, soft hands on ground balls can feel like a gift from heaven.  The question is, can you teach a player to have soft hands?  I’m sure there is a huge genetic component to all this but I believe there are things you can teach an infielder to help develop softer […]

Wherever it takes you

July 11, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Third Base, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for 3rd basemen and involves a popular phrase you will here coaches say when there are bases loaded or runners on 1st and 2nd.

Aggressive through the ball

Some phrases in baseball cover many different aspects of the game.  “Aggressive through the ball” is one of them.  Today’s video explains several ways it applies to baseball players.

How to keep a hitter’s front side from flying open

June 27, 2016 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

One of the biggest mistakes hitters make at all levels is opening the front side up too soon on the swing.  Here are several phrases, all of which describe basically the same thing: “stepping in the bucket” “flying off the ball” “pulling your hip out” “pulling your head off the ball” “rotating away from the […]

Go back before you go forward

June 20, 2016 by  
Filed under Hitting, Infield, Video Posts

There are a ton of great sayings in baseball.  Some are specific to one area of the game and some transfer to many/all areas of the baseball.  Today’s video explains one that benefits virtually every area of the game.

A base running drill I bet you never did

June 15, 2016 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

I’m a firm believer that if you expect players to do something in a game, you had better practice it beforehand.  If a player screws something up that we never practiced then I consider it my fault not his.   Today’s video tip is a drill I’d bet rarely ever gets practiced.  As you will see, […]

What’s the best thing I can do for my player?

… get him something to throw into!  A rebounder, a wall, or anything else you can buy/build. The screen in the video is from Burbank Sport Nets and is the best throwing screen you can buy.  Period.  Here is the link:  

Blow on the ball to break a slump

Slumps happen in all areas of the game.  Pitchers, fielders, and certainly hitters go through times where things just aren’t right.  It can be frustrating because, mechanically speaking, everything appears normal.  Slumps can definitely be mechanical but often it’s not.  Sometimes it just comes down to breathing. Today’s video tip explains how this can happen and […]

What does a pitcher do with his back foot?

April 26, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip explains what a pitcher should do with his back foot after throwing a pitch.  You will see lots of variations of this especially at the younger levels.  In the video, I demonstrate some of the common mistakes pitchers make and what pitchers should do to finish correctly in order to get the most […]

Pitchers: Don’t bend both knees at the same time

April 20, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for pitchers who want to better utilize the height that they have.  Taller pitchers have an advantage when they are on an elevated mound and throwing properly.  Today’s tip prevents a pitcher from “collapsing” on their back leg and allows them to more effectively throw on a downward plane to the batter. […]

Seminar – Foundations of Catching and Throwing

February 29, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Infield, Video Posts

The following is a seminar I recently gave on the basic movements associated with catching and throwing.  The audience was a group of little league coaches.   If you are in the Philadelphia area and would like me to appear at your coaching clinic, contact me at and I’ll see what I can do.

The Throwing X Drill

February 22, 2016 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

When I work with a young thrower (below high school), I usually focus a lot of attention on smoothing up the throwing path of their arm.  Watch a major leaguer throw on TV and it won’t look like they are putting a lot of effort into their throws.  When the radar screen says 95 mph, your mind […]

Getting hitters off their back foot

February 11, 2016 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is actually two versions of a drill that could be used to help hitters address a common mistake.  I see this more often in little kids but it doesn’t mean older players can’t benefit from it either.  The mistake involves never getting their weight off their back foot when they swing “Rotational” […]

Seminar: Game Charts – The ultimate teaching tool for baseball coaches

February 8, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Video Posts

I’m proud to announce my latest project called Game Charts: The ultimate teaching tool for baseball coaches!  If you are a subscriber, you had first access to this seminar all last week (I added a bonus for them also … that’s why you should be a member!). Here is the introduction to the seminar which […]

To the fence drill for outfielders (Part 2)

February 4, 2016 by  
Filed under Outfield, Video Posts

Part 1 of this topic was covered HERE.  I basically covered the concept of getting to the proper side of the ball before you touch it. In today’s video tip, I cover the process after picking the ball up.  Too often outfielders waste time trying to make a powerful throw back to the infield when […]

Pinching the middle for middle infielders – Part 2

January 21, 2016 by  
Filed under Second Base, Shortstop, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is Part 2 of the very important responsibility for middle infielders when there are runners on base.  To see Part 1, click HERE. Today’s tip focuses on a common mistake made AFTER this responsibility is over and how to correct it.

Pinching the middle for middle infielders – Part 1

January 19, 2016 by  
Filed under Second Base, Shortstop, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is about the VERY IMPORTANT and MANDATORY responsibility of both middle infielders whenever there are runners on base. It’s one of the many things a well-coached team will do without being told.

Are you tipping off your pitches?

December 16, 2015 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching, Video Posts

I saw the following photo on the other day and thought I would use it as a reminder of something I have talked about in the past.  Here is the photo. Ask experienced hitters at the major league level and I guarantee that they will say that every pitcher tips off their pitches in some […]

How to decoy runners on overthrows

Today’s video tip is for more advanced infielders.  It’s advanced because, as you will see, the player will have to fight their instincts and that is not something you learn to do overnight.

Make the throws easy for the pitcher

December 11, 2015 by  
Filed under Catching, Pitching, Video Posts

“Seriously?  You can’t make an accurate 50 foot throw to the pitcher?” I’ve never actually said that to a catcher … but I’ve darn well thought it!  And don’t lie.  I know you have too. As a coach, the last thing you want to be concerned about is will your catcher make good throws back […]

How to play catch – Sticking your catches

December 7, 2015 by  
Filed under Catching, Infield, Video Posts

Today’s video tip a another little thing that can go a long way in helping young players develop proper catching and throwing mechanics.  Sticking your catches promotes strong hands and helps to prevent a player from being at the mercy of the ball.  It’s great for young kids and even advanced catchers. HERE is the more […]

How to throw a better 2-strike breaking pitch

December 4, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

This is Part 2 of the “throwing more strikes with your breaking ball” series.  This one deals with throwing them when you have an 0-2 or 1-2 count.  If you did not see Part 1: How to throw more strikes with your breaking pitches, click HERE. Too often pitchers (and I mean all pitchers at all […]

How to throw more strikes with your breaking pitches

December 2, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

A big problem with pitchers as they get into the higher levels is an inability to throw strikes with their breaking pitches.  From Little League through even the high school level, pitchers can get away with not being very good at commanding their curveballs and sliders.  This is because the hitters are usually not that […]

To the Fence Drill for outfielders

November 23, 2015 by  
Filed under Outfield, Video Posts

After the holidays is usually the start to the indoor workout season for teams in the colder regions.  When that happens, it’s usually outfielder work that gets screwed over do to the limits on space.  But it doesn’t have to be that way. Today’s video tip is the outfielder’s footwork of approaching a ball that […]

Should you teach young outfielders to step back on all fly balls?

November 20, 2015 by  
Filed under Coaching, Outfield, Video Posts

As I explain in today’s video post, a lot of youth coaches teach their outfielders to take a step back every time a ball is hit in the air towards them.  The reason is a sound one – Prevent extra bases even if you have to give up a few more singles in exchange. As […]

How to throw the ball back to the pitcher

November 4, 2015 by  
Filed under Catching, Video Posts

Ever have catchers specifically do a drill that just requires them to throw the ball back to the pitcher correctly?  Probably not.  That’s because we just assume they should just know how to do it.   Most older kids just figure out how to get the ball back on their own through trial & error […]

How to quicken your tags as an infielder

October 28, 2015 by  
Filed under Infield, Video Posts

Baseball is a game of inches.  Anytime we can do something a few inches faster, we have a better chance of keeping up with the speed of the game. Today’s video tip is for infielders who want to quicken up their tags at the bases.

1-6-3 bagwork for shortstops

October 19, 2015 by  
Filed under Shortstop, Video Posts

Today’s video tip shows how a shortstop turns a double play at second base on 1-6-3 or 2-6-3 plays.  Because the feed from the pitcher or catcher is coming from a different angle than say, a second baseman or first baseman, his footwork at the bag needs to be different. Early in the video, a previous video […]

Another catching tip to get more strikes

June 18, 2015 by  
Filed under Catching, Video Posts

The primary job for any catcher is to help pitchers get more strikes.  A catcher who is terrific at receiving is pure joy to throw to every game.  Today’s video tip is one of many tricks good catchers use to help get more strikes for the guy on the bump.

Do shortstops open up on double play feeds?

Today’s video tip is the answer to a question I received from a reader.  He asked if shortstops should open up their left leg on double play feeds to better clear their hips.  Here is what I have to say about that …

How to move away from an outfielder when called off

June 1, 2015 by  
Filed under Infield, Outfield, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is another one of those little things that most people watching will never even notice.  It involves infielders and outfielders on short fly balls when both go for it.  We’ve all seen both players stop and the ball bounce between them.  Today’s tip is meant to prevent that mistake.

Video: Thumbs up, thumbs down

May 26, 2015 by  
Filed under Coaching, Video Posts

A few posts ago I wrote about the simple way to teach young players the proper catching and throwing procedure.  I received a request to turn it into a video.  Here it is!  To see the written explanation, click HERE.

1-6-3 footwork for shortstops

May 21, 2015 by  
Filed under Shortstop, Video Posts

There are some mistakes that you only see at the lower levels.  Other you see at every level from Little League on up to the major leagues.  Today’s video tip involves a mistake shortstops make at every level. On 1-6-3 and 2-6-3 double plays, shortstops have to keep the ball in front of them.  An explanation […]

How to throw more strikes – visual tips

March 20, 2015 by  
Filed under Catching, Pitching, Video Posts

Is there anything worse than watching a pitcher throw out of the strike zone over and over again?  Aside from yelling something stupid like “Throw strikes!“, are there any quick ways to get the kid back on track so that everyone can move on with their lives in less than three hours?  The answer is […]

How batters tip off that they are bunting

Today’s video tip shows two ways that batters will often unintentionally let you know that they are about to either sacrifice or base-hit bunt.  The tips are for primarily 1st and 3rd basemen since they are the ones who will be charging but it is also for anyone else (coaches, catchers, pitchers, etc.) on the […]

3-6-3 play: Inside or Outside?

Every coach has his pet-peeves.  I have mine.  On my list is when first basemen and/or shortstops yell “Inside!” or “Outside!” on throws to second base on a 3-6-3 double play. Today’s video tip explains what that means and why yelling anything is totally unnecessary.

Avoid the habit of the double-tap

February 24, 2015 by  
Filed under Infield, Video Posts

A bad habit many young infielders get into is the double-tap. I wrote about this habit a while back and thought I’d make a video of it too.  The consequences of the habit vary depending on the infield position played but all players should work to avoid it. Infielders should always practice the most efficient […]

Do you have a pickoff mindset?

February 20, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

As a former shortstop, I could never understand why pitchers were not interested in trying to pick runners off.  Here I am around second base with a runner that is drifting off the bag too much and the pitcher either ignored it or just stepped off the rubber when I broke to the bag.  I […]

Five principles of coaching baseball

February 9, 2015 by  
Filed under Coaching, Video Posts

The video below is a presentation I gave recently to a group of youth baseball coaches.  I was the keynote speaker of the event and therefore focused on some bigger, more general concepts within coaching baseball.  Other coaches during the event passed on the nuts and bolts of mechanics, drills, and practice organization. My part […]

Paying attention to the little things when indoors

January 26, 2015 by  
Filed under Infield, Shortstop, Video Posts

As I type this, the Northeast corridor of the U.S. is bracing for blizzard conditions.  Not exactly baseball weather.  At least outdoor baseball weather. Those of us in the colder states have grown accustomed to spending a lot of our practice time in gyms.  Organize them correctly and indoor workouts can be extremely productive.  A […]

Should an infielder drop a knee and block a base?

January 23, 2015 by  
Filed under Infield, Video Posts

I received this question a while back and decided to make today’s video tip to provide the answer.  The short answer is NO but there is more to it then just that as I explain.

The Chair Rotation Drill for pitchers

January 20, 2015 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

A big thank you to all of you who purchased my latest eBook which included at total of 95 drills for pitchers, outfielders, and base runners!  (If you want info, click HERE) A recent buyer emailed me to say thank you for the bundle and also asked a question.  When he looked at drill #12 (The […]

How to decoy base runners

January 12, 2015 by  
Filed under Infield, Second Base, Shortstop, Video Posts

When I was around 10 years old, my father showed me how major league infielders decoy base runners.  I was fascinated.  Knowing me, I’m sure I went right outside and starting practicing it.  Unfortunately, decoying runners is too often something that is not passed on to middle infielders until much later in their careers.  Some […]

Pros and cons of knee drills for pitchers

December 17, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Every baseball drill known to man has a set of pros and cons.  As I explain in today’s video tip, there is no perfect drill.  A frequently used knee drill for pitchers is a great example.

How NOT to throw a curveball

December 15, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for high school and above pitchers who have already had training on how to throw a curveball.  It is not for kids at the younger levels since I do not believe they should be throwing anything but a fastball and a change-up. This tip is actually two tips that can help […]

Third basemen: How to field bunts more easily

December 11, 2014 by  
Filed under Infield, Third Base, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for third basemen who want to make it easier for themselves when it comes to fielding bunts.  It’s a little thing you do not see taught very often but if it is done, it can make a world of difference in getting the out the offensive team is giving you.

How to round a base and improve your angles

December 9, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for base runners of any age who want a quick way to improve their angles around the bases.  Like so much in the game, little things can make a huge difference when it comes to separating the good players from the great ones.  Here is one of those little things that […]

Do NOT do this on a double play

December 5, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Second Base, Shortstop, Video Posts

Stick around long enough and you’ll hear some pretty bad things coming from people in the game.  One of them is brought out in today’s video tip.  It involves something middle infielders are told to do that not only makes it tougher to do their job, it’s unsafe as well.  Watch the video to see […]

How to steal bases: three options for jumps

December 4, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

Stealing bases is truly an art form and just like any artist, a base stealer is going to develop their own style.  This is why coaches should be reluctant to force every base stealer to take leads and get jumps the same way.  Ideally, players should learn as many options as possible and eventually pick […]

Video – Tips for an underhand toss

September 26, 2014 by  
Filed under Infield, Second Base, Shortstop, Video Posts

About three years ago I did a written post listing the fundamentals of an underhand toss.  For those visual learners, here is a video that covers what I think are the most important aspects of this basic play. Next post: A player’s Check Engine light

Pitchout tips for catchers

September 16, 2014 by  
Filed under Catching, Video Posts

Today’s video tips are for catchers who want/need to improve on pitchouts from the pitcher.  I don’t get into everything a catcher needs to be concerned about because that would have taken too much time.  In this segment I chose just a few things catchers should be aware of when performing the play. Tomorrow’s post: […]

The cross-over myth of base running

September 12, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

Virtually every player and coach I know (this includes me) was taught that the first movement on a steal attempt is to throw your entire left side towards second base and cross the left foot over the right one.  Any half-step or backwards step by the lead foot was considered a waste of time that […]

Tips and drills for getting the most out of your throwing arm

September 10, 2014 by  
Filed under Practice, Video Posts

I’ve done many years of instructing and in my opinion, reteaching a young player how to throw properly is by far the hardest thing to change.  Today’s video passes on some tips and drills that hopefully can result in more players learning the proper throwing motion.  Obviously, the sooner they address these throwing issues the better.  […]

The first-move steal play for first basemen

September 2, 2014 by  
Filed under First Base, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is again for first basemen.  It involves the play where a runner on first base breaks to steal on the first movement of the pitcher – usually a left hander.  Getting the ball quickly and creating the best angle possible in the goal. Tomorrow’s post:  Improve your practices with “Contextual Interference”

Footwork for holding runners at first base

September 1, 2014 by  
Filed under First Base, Video Posts

Happy Labor Day!  On that note … why don’t we have a “Capital Day” to commemorate all the entrepreneurs and business owners who risked their own capital to start businesses that turned into those jobs?  I’m just sayin’. Anyway … when you watch first basemen at the major league level, you are bound to see a […]

Square up to the thrower on double plays

Today’s video tip is for younger middle infielders who are just starting to learn how to turn a double play.  Older, more experienced middle infielders will need to make the play faster.  As a result, their fundamentals necessary to make the play are a little different and more advanced. The video makes it as basic […]

The double peek

There aren’t many non-negotiables in baseball.  Always hustling is one of them.  Respecting the game is another.  There is also one for middle infielders.  Here is the non-negotiable rule whenever there is a runner on first base… One every single pitch no matter how many outs there are, what the score is, or what inning […]

Assume the lead runner on a bunt play

August 25, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is for pitchers who would like to do a better job fielding bunts.  There are a bunch of little things that go into each type of bunt situation but if pitchers do the tip described in the video they will start with the proper mindset right from the beginning. Tomorrow’s post:  How to […]

Ankle weight drill for batters

August 21, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Every hitter in baseball struggles with at least one mechanical thing during their career.  For some it may be consistently keeping their hands inside the ball.  For others it may be consistently staying on top of the ball.  For me it was lunging.  Over my entire career I struggled with keeping my body back and […]

Should a catcher angle his body when receiving?

August 20, 2014 by  
Filed under Catching, Video Posts

The title of this post is a question I have received a couple times concerning catchers.  Today’s video tip is my answer. Tomorrow’s post:  Ankle weight drill for batters

Glove on the hip for safety and control

August 18, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

There is no one way to play the game of baseball.  Every hitter is going to be unique in some way with regards to stance, hand position, etc.  The same thing goes for pitching.  Arm angles, grips, and overall deliveries will vary a bit from pitcher to pitcher. That being said, there are some “non-negotiables” […]

Angle for third basemen on bunts

August 15, 2014 by  
Filed under Third Base, Video Posts

Probably the toughest thing about being a third baseman is dealing with bunt plays.  When there is a runner on first and the batter bunts, it’s pretty simple.  You and the pitcher go for the ball if it is bunted to the third base side and whoever doesn’t field it runs to cover third base. […]

Load and stride to the inside of your feet

August 14, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

One of the basic principles of baseball is that it is played “from the ground up.”  By that I mean that if your feet are not in the right position at the right time, your chances of success in the game are pretty slim. Many hitters think (or at least their swings indicate that) hitting […]

The importance of using more wrist when throwing

August 12, 2014 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

In yesterday’s post, I linked to a very important article containing some warnings and advice from Dr. James Andrews with regards to youth injuries. Today’s video tip expands on this idea by explaining why using your wrist more when you throw is so important for safety and performance and how to improve in this area […]

What does “palm up” mean when hitting?

August 8, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

There are so many cliches and slogans in the game of baseball that someone new to the sport, either as a fan or a coach, can often be overwhelmed and confused at what they hear.  I’ve written before that baseball coaches, instructors, and speakers often make the mistake of assuming their audience is on their […]

Video – Agility rings for baseball

August 5, 2014 by  
Filed under Infield, Practice, Video Posts

I’ve always said that if you want to become a better baseball player then you have to focus on improving your footwork.  It doesn’t matter what part of the game you are talking about – hitting, pitching, fielding, base running, etc. – if your feet are not in the right place at the right time, […]

Pitchers – Are you a head-snap or glove guy?

April 1, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Pitching, Video Posts

A huge part of being a great base stealer is being able to quickly recognize opportunities that increase your chances to be safe.  Examples include a catcher with a weak arm, middle infielders that are positioned too far from the bag, and a slow delivery to home plate.  Another big example involves what the pitcher […]

The Back Hip Tee Drill

March 25, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Today’s video tip is a drill I did quite a bit to help keep me back and prevent me from jumping or lunging at the pitch.  It’s also good for opposite field hitting. Tomorrow’s post:  Poor weather practices

Some Do’s and Don’ts of giving signs at third base

March 19, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Video Posts

All third base coaches are going to have their own methods for giving signs.  This post is not meant to tell anyone what their signs should and should not be.  That’s up to each and every coach.  This video post is meant to pass on some do’s and don’ts I either learned the hard way […]

The charging backhand play

March 13, 2014 by  
Filed under Infield, Video Posts

There are some videos that I make that are geared for players and coaches at the lower levels.  This is not one of them. Today’s video tip is for more advanced levels and involves one of the more difficult plays in all of baseball, especially for shortstops since after the catch they will most often […]

Carry the ball with you

When I work with older infielders (middle schoolers on up), the very first thing I often address is the need to get to the right of the ball on the approach.  I’ve done a few written posts and some videos that deal with that very concept but today I wanted to provide another reason why […]

Tag plays and collisions at home plate

March 7, 2014 by  
Filed under Catching, Video Posts

You are probably aware of the new MLB rule that attempts to ban collisions at home plate.  There has been a lot of discussion about the pros and cons of the rule and whether it will actually work.  I see validity on both sides but all things considered, I like the rule. My worry, however, […]

How to take a lead off second base

February 6, 2014 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

This video post is in response to a question sent to me by a reader who asked where his runners should be when they take leads off second base.  I may have done a written post on this a while back but I thought a video would help.  As you’ll see, where you take a […]

Catchers: Sway to the ball or reach?

February 4, 2014 by  
Filed under Catching, Video Posts

The primary job for all catchers is to get more strikes for their pitchers.  As a result, the technique involved in receiving pitches is something catchers cannot practice enough. One debate among catching people is whether or not a catcher should reach for the pitch or sway to the pitch.  In today’s video post I […]

Product review: The Three Piece Tee

January 30, 2014 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching, Practice, Reviews, Video Posts

Today’s video is a review of a device called the Three Piece Tee.  It’s a neat tool that can be used in a variety of ways. I came up with 18 drills that can be done for hitters, pitchers, and fielders.  You might think of some  others as well. Be sure to check out their […]

Never get picked off on a snap throw again

December 6, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

One of the Cardinal Sins of baseball is getting picked off after the pitch.  In today’s video tip you will learn the three things all runners should do so that they never get picked after a pitch.

Finish high and let it fly

December 4, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

The title of this post – “Finish high and let it fly” – is a popular phrase among hitters.  The thought is that why you finish with your hand(s) high after the swing, the batter will get more power.  I’m not so sure about that but if it works for someone, by all means do […]

Video: The Drop-Step Pitching Drill

November 26, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Today’s video tip was a request from a reader who asked about a post a few weeks back.  In the post, I showed a video of Peyton Manning teaching quarterbacks how to drop back and throw a pass.  As I mentioned, the drill is also good for pitchers with regards to staying on their line. […]

Leads and snap throws to third base

November 21, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, Catching, Video Posts

When you see a major league catcher attempt a snap throw pickoff  to any base, you can assume somebody saw something that led to the play.  The third baseman may have noticed the type of lead the runner on third took during the pitch.  Someone on the bench may have noticed something else.  Whatever the […]

Checking the runner at third base

November 19, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

For some reason, I screwed up this tip more times than I can remember.  I drove one of my pitching coaches nuts because I always forgot to do it.   Today’s video tip is a small detail but it can big consequences if you do it wrong.  Trust me.  I know. Tomorrow’s post:  Go minimalist! 

Pitchers – Glide, don’t fall towards the plate

November 15, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

If I had to make a list of the most important aspects of pitching mechanics, this video tip would probably be among the top five.  Mastering this part of pitching allows so many other aspects to the pitching process to correctly fall into place.   Balance, body control, getting to the proper release point at […]

Footwork on cutoffs for middle infielders

November 13, 2013 by  
Filed under Second Base, Shortstop, Video Posts

In yesterday’s post, I showed in a video how to make the footwork of 1st and 3rd basemen more efficient on cutoff plays to home plate.  Today, it’s the two middle infielders that are going to get my focus. Like 1st and 3rd basemen, shortstops and second basemen need to develop efficient footwork.  However,  also […]

Footwork for 1st and 3rd cutoffs

November 12, 2013 by  
Filed under First Base, Third Base, Video Posts

A cutoff play is one of those little things that is a thing of beauty when it is done well.  When it’s not, it’s pretty much a train wreck.  Very painful to watch.  Unfortunately, it is not often practiced and even when it is, the footwork involved is often under addressed.  Like most everything else […]

The slide step isn’t just for runners

November 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

In my opinion, the slide step is one of the most overused pitching strategies at the lower levels of baseball.  By lower levels I mean high school and below.  On top of that, when it is used at a proper time, the mechanics performed are often wrong and counterproductive. However, that does not mean the […]

A big tip for helping pitchers stay on their line

November 6, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

One of the quickest and easiest ways to improve a pitcher’s accuracy is to get him to stay on his line.  The line I am referring to is the imaginary line that runs from the middle of the pitcher’s back foot (when it is up against the front side of the pitching rubber) to the […]

A tip for fielding a bunt near the foul line

October 25, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

In most cases, fielding a bunt to the first base side is pretty standard.  The pitcher jumps off the mound, fields the bunt, and steps towards first base to make the throw.  With slow to average runners, the same procedure works fine on bunts fielded near the first base foul line.  The pitcher hustles to […]

Fielding the ground ball hit right at you

Ask any infielder and they will tell you that sometimes the hardest ball to field is the ball hit directly at you.  As I explain in this video, this phenomenon has a lot to do with the fielders vision.  I also provide two ways infielders can eleviate this problem if they don’t have enough time […]

Pickoff moves to first base: Part 2 – The proper footwork

October 22, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

In Part 1 of my tips for right handed pitchers when throwing to first base I talked about the negative aspects of the very popular spin-move pickoff to first base.  In Part 2, I show the footwork I teach pitchers and also explain why I feel it is an all-round better option for right handed […]

Pickoff moves to first base: Part 1 – The mistakes

October 21, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Most right handed pitchers at the levels below pro ball use a pickoff move to first base that involves a variation of the spin-move.  Although some pitchers are quite good at it, there are several problems with doing that type of pickoff move to fist base.  Today’s video tip shows and explains the problems with […]

How to round first base

August 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

It’s been a while since my last video tip but here’s the latest.  It involves the proper way to round first base depending on where the ball is hit.   Enjoy!

How to be still – The National Anthem

July 24, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Video Posts

The following video is all you need to know about what is expected during the National Anthem.  It’s also an example of a coach paying attention to the details.  The success at Vanderbilt is no accident. Tomorrow’s Post:  You have to be pretty darn good

Common mistakes on Double Relays

During a recent MLB game I was watching, a ball hit to deep right-center required a double-relay for a play at home plate.  The throw to home was never made because the cutoff was botched.  The announcers blamed it on a poor throw by the outfielder but in reality, the trailer on the double-relay team […]

Third Base Coach Positioning

May 29, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Video Posts

At the younger levels you don’t see coaches venture too far from the designated coaching boxes on both sides of the field.  The purpose of the boxes is to prevent coaches from getting too close to the field and interfere with the game.  Getting too close to the line before the pitch can allow a […]

Seminar – How to throw batting practice

April 15, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Video Posts

On Friday I posted a short video that gave a tip for throwing better batting practice.  The clip was part of a longer video I did that gives a number of tips for coaches of all ages who would like to become better at one of the most important skills of coaching baseball. I wasn’t […]

Figure eights for batting practice

April 12, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Video Posts

In my opinion, the toughest two things for most coaches to learn is how to be good at using a fungo bat and throwing batting practice.  Using a fungo bat will have to be another post. Throwing BP is one of the most essential skills for any baseball coach.  Unfortunately, many coaches just don’t have […]

Seminar – Outfield Drills

April 1, 2013 by  
Filed under Outfield, Video Posts

The following video is a 45 minute seminar I gave in February in Malvern, PA.  The link to it was sent out to my subscribers a week ago (that’s the benefit of subscribing!).  Now I’m making it available to everyone.  After today it will appear in the VIDEO section as well.  Because of its length, […]

The heel to heel flaw at first base

March 29, 2013 by  
Filed under Base Running, Video Posts

Here is a little tip for base runners who want a little more balance, quickness, and power when taking their lead off first base.

Feet position in the stretch

March 25, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Every single Little League game I go to I see at least one pitcher (often every one of them) make a very basic mistake with their feet when they pitch from the stretch.  It involves where the feet end up when they come set after getting the sign from the catcher.  It’s a very easy […]

Stride foot direction

March 21, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

There is a great saying in baseball that goes, “baseball is played from the ground up.”  What that means is that most everything in the game starts with good footwork.  Want to improve your throws?  Set your feet better.  Want to throw more strikes?  Improve your footwork on the mound.   In today’s video tip, […]

Keep your glove under the ball

March 20, 2013 by  
Filed under Infield, Video Posts

Today’s video tip involves one of those little mistakes that young infielders often make before they field the ball.  It may not seem like much but every little detail can help a fielder do his job more effectively.  I first show the bad habit and then demonstrate how and why fielders should always keep their […]

Glove work on a backhand

March 18, 2013 by  
Filed under Infield, Video Posts

Today’s tip is for infielders who want to develop better hands on the backhand play.  It’s a basic tip that I see kids of all levels mess up regularly.  Get the glove work down and backhands will become easier.

Catchers, please stay still

March 14, 2013 by  
Filed under Catching, Video Posts

At the major league level, it has become quite the fad to have catchers move to their location late into the pitcher’s delivery.  I can’t stand it.  I hated it as a pitcher and I hate it as a coach.  Although there may be more reason to do this at the higher levels, I still […]

Footwork when covering second base

March 13, 2013 by  
Filed under Second Base, Shortstop, Video Posts

A reader contacted me and asked about a video I made a while back about middle infield footwork around the bag on steal attempts to second base.  I looked everywhere on my site and could not find it.  Apparently, I put it on my YouTube Channel but not the website.  Here it is.  Sorry if […]

Goalie Drill for Infielders

March 11, 2013 by  
Filed under Video Posts

Today’s video tip is a good drill for younger players in need of a little competition during practice.  It also has many benefits on the fundamentals side as well for infielders looking to improve their reactions, glove work, and first step quickness.  It’s a good drill to wrap up a practice with and great for […]

Seminar – Hitting: Bottom up mechanics

March 5, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

This is the last of seven videos from a coaching clinic I participated in at North Penn High School in Lansdale, PA. The clinics were presented to mostly Little League coaches.  The purpose was to pass on a basic foundation of the game to all the coaches.   Today’s seminar is one that I gave […]

Seminar – Hitting: Hands, feet, and stance

March 4, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

This is the sixth of seven videos from a coaching clinic I participated in at North Penn High School in Lansdale, PA. The clinics were presented to mostly Little League coaches.  The purpose was to pass on a basic foundation of the game to all the coaches.  I am posting all of the seminars – […]

Seminar – It all starts with defense (Part 2)

March 1, 2013 by  
Filed under Catching, Infield, Outfield, Video Posts

This is the fifth of seven videos from a coaching clinic I participated in at North Penn High School in Lansdale, PA. The clinics were presented to mostly Little League coaches.  The purpose was to pass on a basic foundation of the game to all the coaches.  I am posting all of the seminars – […]

Seminar – It all starts with defense (Part 1)

February 28, 2013 by  
Filed under Infield, Outfield, Video Posts

This is the fourth of seven videos from a coaching clinic I participated in at North Penn High School in Lansdale, PA. The clinics were presented to mostly Little League coaches.  The purpose was to pass on a basic foundation of the game to all the coaches.  I am posting all of the seminars – […]

Seminar – Basics of Pitching (Part 2)

February 27, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

This is the third of seven videos from a coaching clinic I participated in at North Penn High School in Lansdale, PA. The clinics were presented to mostly Little League coaches.  The purpose was to pass on a basic foundation of the game to all the coaches.  I am posting all of the seminars – […]

Seminar – Basics of Pitching (Part 1)

February 26, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

This is the second of seven videos from a coaching clinic I participated in at North Penn High School in Lansdale, PA. The clinics were presented to mostly Little League coaches.  The purpose was to pass on a basic foundation of the game to all the coaches.  I am posting all of the seminars – […]

Seminar – Basics of Catching & throwing

February 25, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Infield, Video Posts

The next seven posts will be videos from a coaching clinic I participated in at North Penn High School in Lansdale, PA. The clinics were presented to mostly Little League coaches.  The purpose was to pass on a basic foundation of the game to all the coaches.  I am posting all of the seminars – […]

Just get it in the area

Recently I’ve done several videos on double play footwork and drills for both shortstops and second basemen.  Of course, the best footwork out there will not matter so much if the feed to the bag is a horrible one.  Neither second basemen nor shortstops enjoy bad feeds because not only does it make it tougher […]

Shaking off location

February 21, 2013 by  
Filed under Catching, Pitching, Video Posts

How many of you are sick and tired of the three hour baseball game?  I know I am.  There are many things that lengthen the game unnecessarily but one thing that irritates me more than others is all the trips to the mound by the catchers to go over pitch selection.  I mean how difficult […]

Spin move footwork

February 20, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

I must admit, spin move pickoffs were by far my favorite pick-off move as a pitcher.  To be honest, my move to first base was garbage but my move to second base was deadly.  I think more pitchers could increase their success at picking runners off second base if they wanted to and if they […]

Picking the ball up

February 18, 2013 by  
Filed under Infield, Outfield, Video Posts

You would think telling a player to pick the ball up would be easy.  However, during the course of a game, we’ve all seen a player screw up this very basic play.  Today’s video tip provides some simple tips for players of all positions who have to pick a ball up.

Receiving high and low pitches

February 14, 2013 by  
Filed under Catching, Video Posts

One of the most important jobs for a catcher is receiving the ball correctly so as to help get more strikes called for his pitcher.  Most catchers understand the concept of framing pitches at an early age.  Today’s video post teaches catchers another basic tip that, along with general framing techniques, can get more strike […]

The back knee on backhands

February 13, 2013 by  
Filed under Infield, Video Posts

Today’s video shows infielders a little tip that can go a long way in improving their ability to field a ground ball to the backhand side.  It involves the proper placement of their back knee.  Check out the video and see where the back knee should go and why it helps on backhands.

Inward turn pickoff move

February 12, 2013 by  
Filed under Video Posts

Pick-off moves are an under-utilized part of the game.  My feeling is that if I can get an out without having to throw a pitch, I’m going to take it.  Like everything else, though, pickoffs take a lot of practice so that infielders and pitchers get comfortable enough to put plays on themselves based on […]

Take your head to the ball

February 7, 2013 by  
Filed under Catching, Hitting, Infield, Pitching, Video Posts

Throughout baseball, many kids are taught to keep their heads as still as possible.  Unfortunately, when you watch good players play the game, they will often move their head quite a bit.  The concept of “keeping your head still” has more to do with keeping your eyes level and not keeping your head completely still. […]

Quicker pickoffs throws to first base

February 6, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

As pitchers get older, the ability to hold runners closely at first base becomes more important.  Like most other aspects of the game, success is usually found in the little details.  There is a lot going on during a pickoff move to first base.  Timing, footwork, balance, accuracy, and throwing quickness all play large roles […]

Arm-bat angle

February 5, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Over the years, I have worked with players from the Tee-Ball level all the way up to the professional levels.   No matter what the age or skill level of the player, often small adjustments go a long way.  Today’s video tip is one example of a small adjustment I look for early on when […]

Fielding options: scoop or funnel

January 31, 2013 by  
Filed under Infield, Video Posts

In case anyone is counting, today is my 600th post!  Hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have! As I say at the start of today’s video, I’ve started to see a number of programs teaching fielders to scoop the ball up instead of the traditional funneling-in method.  I’m partial to the funnel […]

Double Play Two-Tee Drill

January 29, 2013 by  
Filed under Shortstop, Video Posts

Today’s video post is Part 2 of another video post I did recently called the Double Play Tee Drill.  It is specifically for shortstops so they can practice a poorly thrown ball to second base to start a double play.  This is a drill I made up a long time ago after coming across the […]

Infield Knee Drill

January 28, 2013 by  
Filed under Infield, Video Posts

Today’s video blog shows a drill that was made famous by Ozzie Smith.  It’s easy and effective but it is often overlooked by coaches and players.  My favorite aspect of the drill is that all it takes is a ball, a wall, and a will to improve.

HATE this pitching drill

January 25, 2013 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

All day today I will be attending a coaching clinic in New Jersey that is one of the biggest of its kind in the country.  Many top names in the college and pro baseball coaching world come to give seminars to the several hundred coaches who attend.  I guarantee that I will hear the top […]

Drop step – Hop Step for Outfielders

January 24, 2013 by  
Filed under Infield, Outfield, Video Posts

To improve your range in any position, start by working on your first step quickness to the ball.  Very few plays in baseball will require a straight sprint for more than a couple seconds.  That makes your first step even more important so it is crucial that step one and step two are explosive and […]

Basic tip for outfielders’ hands

January 23, 2013 by  
Filed under Outfield, Video Posts

A post over a year ago included most of this information but I was recently asked to do a video for it so here it is!

Blocking v catching

January 21, 2013 by  
Filed under Catching, Video Posts

One of the more difficult things to teach young catchers to do is to “block” the pitch that goes into the dirt instead of trying to “catch” the ball in the dirt.  Today’s clip shows the difference between the two and why blocking is better than catching.

Protecting the bare hand of catchers

January 18, 2013 by  
Filed under Catching, Video Posts

If you are a catcher, sooner or later your bare hand is going to be hit with a foul ball.  When that happens, you will very quickly be reminded of how important it is to protect that bare hand when you are receiving pitches during a game.  In today’s video clip, I show a few […]

Double Play Tee Drill

January 17, 2013 by  
Filed under Shortstop, Video Posts

When I was writing for my previous website, I wrote a post called Batting tee drills … that don’t involve hitting.  The first drill I mentioned in the post is one that I love for shortstops. When turning double plays, the faster the shortstop can get to the ball the faster he can get rid […]

Paddle drills

A fielding paddle is a great piece of equipment to practice with for all ages.  Paddles are mostly used to promote good fielding mechanics like using two hands and developing soft hands as well. However, paddles don’t have to be just for fielding ground balls.  Paddle drills can also be done to help bunters, pitchers, […]

Throw at the height you caught it

January 15, 2013 by  
Filed under Infield, Video Posts

This is one of those tips that can help take a player to the next level.  When you get older, there are many players who are just as good and just as fast as you are.  So why do some move on and some do not?  Often the answer lies in the little things that […]

Tipping off your pitches

January 14, 2013 by  
Filed under Hitting, Pitching, Video Posts

Without knowing it, many pitchers, if you look hard enough, will tell you what they are going to throw.  It could be something they do with their glove and/or their delivery.  It could be a hundred other things as well.  At the higher levels, especially with video analysis, it becomes very hard to prevent the […]

Mix your DP turns at second base

January 11, 2013 by  
Filed under Second Base, Video Posts

As players get older, base runners are going to be more aggressive when they try to break up double plays.  In professional baseball, there will be no mercy shown towards that second baseman or shortstop.  If you are a middle infielder at the higher levels, you can be sure runners are going to come after […]

Chair drills for offense and defense

January 9, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting, Infield, Video Posts

For a variety of reasons, a chair can be a great tool for players and coaches to learn some basics of baseball.  The video that follows will show some of the ways players on the offensive and defensive side of the ball can use a chair during drill work.  If you are looking for an […]

Stop your glove at the center of your body

January 7, 2013 by  
Filed under Infield, Shortstop, Video Posts

This tip is one of those finer points on defense that might not seem like it would be that big of an issue for infielders.  However, when everyone is good at the higher levels, you need every fraction of a second in your favor or the game is going to pass you by.

Tip for backhand footwork

In a previous post, I described the basic footwork of the backhand play.  There I explained when a player would lead with their left foot forward and when they would lead with their right foot forward when backhanding a ground ball.  Today’s video post will show another key detail involved with the feet when a […]

Promote your program

December 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season, Video Posts

One overlooked area of many high school baseball programs is marketing.  It’s a fact and somewhat depressing as well that baseball is not as popular as it once was in America for young athletes.  That has caused many good athletes to go away from baseball and give some other sports a try like lacrosse and […]

Video bloopers

December 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Video Posts

In case any of you were interested in creating your own videos, I thought you’d like a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the videos I post on this site.  To say the least, it’s not always smooth sailing.   

2B Double Plays Part 4

November 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Infield, Second Base, Video Posts

Today is the last of the four part series on double plays for second basemen.  Often you will see MLB second basemen line up behind the bag on double plays.  This last part explains how they do it and more importantly, why many do it that way. I hope they were useful!   &nbsp

2B Double Plays Part 3

November 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Infield, Second Base, Video Posts

Happy Thanksgiving!! Today it’s backing off the bag and common mistakes second basemen make in the process.

2B Double Plays Part 2

November 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Infield, Second Base, Video Posts

2B Double Plays Part 1

November 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Infield, Second Base, Video Posts

Here is Part 1 of 4 videos on double plays for second baseman.  This part focusses on the footwork of coming across the bag to turn the double play.   NOTE: Coming across the bag is a good option for second basemen when the feeds are coming from a farther distance – deep shortstop and […]

Track the ball all the way

August 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

Here is the video form of a post I first wrote about and explained HERE.

“Ball to the ear” myth

August 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Catching, Video Posts

Part 2: Pitching tip to get the ball out

August 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Part 1: Pitching tip to get the ball out

August 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Pitching, Video Posts

Video: The best bunting drill

August 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

This drill for bunting was another one done in written form previously.  I received some requests for a video so here it is.

Outfielders: Step in to catch

August 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Outfield, Video Posts

This video post was also explained in written form a while back.

Hands inside the baseball

August 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Video Posts

I believe the concept of “keeping your hands inside the ball” is one of the most important aspects of successful hitting.  In this video I explain what it means and provide four reasons why it’s so important.

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