Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

Goals for the new year

January 2, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Off-Season

Now is the time many people reflect on the previous year and start planning for the next.  When it comes to goal setting, being specific is very important.  Just saying “I want to get better” isn’t good enough.  In what specific areas?  Once you figure that out, what is your specific plan to address those areas of need?

To do this requires players and coaches to really assess their strengths and needs thoroughly, honestly, and accurately.  Below are links that will take you to a couple activities I created that can help.  

Coaching Wheel Assessment:  This one is an assessment for coaches to determine what areas of the game they are strong in and which ones need work.  If you are a player, you could always complete the activity by tweaking the categories to meet your needs from a player’s perspective.  If you are an older subscriber to Baseball By The Yard, you may have already received this assessment.

Skills Ranking Chart:  This activity is a chart where players can rank themselves in all areas of the game.  For a different perspective (highly recommended!), make copies and give it to your coaches to see how they rank you.  This chart was provided in a post a long time ago so many new readers may not have seen this one either.

When these activities are completed, be sure to address your needs but don’t neglect your strengths either.  Your strengths are what make you unique as a player.  Expand on that area as much as possible because that is where most of your value comes from.  As an example, if you can run fast, work very hard on being the best base runner on the team.  Master your jumps.  Be the best at reading pitchers’ deliveries and times.  Become the best on your team at stealing third base. “Best” always has value.  

The year is already one day over.  Get to work!

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