Saturday, March 29th, 2025

Happy Birthday! … and a survey!

December 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Misc

Today is Baseball By The Yard’s first birthday!  On December 12, 2010, I launched the site with two posts: First Impressions and By The Yard.

Everyday since then (with the exception of a family vacation during the summer) I have tried to post something valuable for players, coaches, parents, and/or fans.  I hope you found them useful!

My goal from the start was to pass on some of the finer points of the game that I have picked up over the years.  I added interviews, a guest post from a good friend of mine, started to add video posts towards the end of the year, and even created a new logo. Your comments and emails along the way were very encouraging and challenged me to give you more.  Hopefully, I have provided content that is easily understood and relevant to all of you in some way.

I have a lot of plans for the future of Baseball By The Yard.  In order to produce the content I want to share, I will need to revamp the site since the current host (Blogger) does not support some of the things I want to do.  Changing things up will require some work and certainly time on my part.  I am hoping it will be finished by the start of the new year.

I will need to take a break from posting until the new site is finished so I can apply the necessary time to get that up and running.  I am hoping the readers will use the remainder of December as a “catch-up” period to go back and read through some of the 340+ posts on the site.

Along with catching up, could you also do me a favor?  

Below is a link that will take you to a survey designed to help me plan out some of the content in the future.  Ultimately, I want to produce information that you need and want.  I don’t want to assume I know what that is.  I would greatly appreciate if you could give a minute or two of your time to complete the survey.  Your feedback would be very helpful.

I hope all of you have a happy and relaxing holiday season.  As always, thank you for being a reader and shoot me an email if you need anything!

Click here for the survey

Coach McCreary

2 comments on “Happy Birthday! … and a survey!

  1. Congratulations….hope to have you on the radio soon…..

  2. Happy Birthday to BB by the Yard and its faithful blogger, Coach McCreary! This site is a credit to our community.

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