Saturday, March 29th, 2025

How to talk to reporters

May 6, 2014 by  
Filed under Coaching, Make Up

About a week ago I was flipping through the sports channels and came across a story about a AA closer who throws it up there around 100mph.  During the course of the interview he basically said the following:  (paraphrased, but not much)

“I don’t have to throw my hardest to put it past hitters.”

“When I add my slider, the hitters don’t really have a chance.”

His pitching coach was probably cringing when he heard those statements.

Clearly he didn’t pay close attention when watching this scene in Bull Durham (Warning: this is not censored. Couple F-words) …

Play and coach long enough and you will be misquoted several times.  You can’t do much about that but many times coaches and players voluntarily insert foot into mouth by what they say.

The game of baseball is hard enough.  The last thing you should be doing is handing over to opposing teams any bulletin board material for them to get amped up over.  To avoid this, follow these simple rules.

  • Always speak with respect towards the other team no matter how bad they are or how they played.
  • Never EVER blame a loss on an umpire or their bad calls.  Your losses are yours alone.  In fact, even mentioning a bad call or umpires makes you sound like a whiner.
  • Be humble because the 4-4 day you just had can and will turn into an 0-4 with 4 K’s faster than you can blink.
  • If asked to respond to another coach’s/player’s inappropriate comment directed at you or your team, don’t add to it.  Brush it off and take the high road.  You will ALWAYS come off looking better then the other guy.
  • Talk to the reporter when YOU are ready.  If you are still mad after a game, take the time you need to calm down and think straight before answering questions.

I could add more but I think you get it.  Always keep in mind that YOU ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE REPORTER when you speak, not the other way around.  Every time you answer a question you get a chance to send a positive image out to the world about you, your program, your school, your coaches, your parents, etc.  You and your players should never take that lightly. 

If you have not instructed your staff and players how to speak to reporters, you need to.

Tomorrow’s post:  Does your swing match your thinking?


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