Thursday, March 27th, 2025

It rains on elite players too

March 25, 2022 by  
Filed under Mental Side

A couple weeks ago I spoke to a high school team at their “First Dinner” event to kick off their season.  One of the themes of my talk was about the need to be different in your behaviors and mindset if you want to be elite.  

As I write this post in Pennsylvania, it is 42 degrees and raining.  Not exactly great weather to start a baseball season.  That being said, understand that it rains on good players too.

I posted the meme above on social media a week or so ago.  It obviously is another way of saying that in order to reach the next level (whatever that level is), you have to stop thinking like most people.  Most people are average.  Most people don’t make it to the next level.  If you want to be elite and keep playing at the higher levels, you have to develop a higher-level mindset NOW.  Wanting to be elite while having an average mindset won’t work.

When it’s 42 degrees and raining, most players don’t want to be on the field, let alone have to hit, pitch, or throw.  Good players do.  Players at the next level do.  “Next level” players have the mindset that external factors like weather, temperature, field conditions, fans, friends, family, umpires, and dozens of other things have no influence over whether they play well or not.  

Have to practice in the gym or not at all?  So what.  Have to take grounders on a parking lot because the field is a mess?  So what.  Have to wear three layers?  So what.20 mph winds today?  So what.
Good players figure out a way because to them, there just is no other option.

The same adversities that affect all other players affect good players too.  The difference is that good players don’t react to them the same way.

You may have no control over external events but never forget that you have 100% control over how you react.

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