Saturday, March 29th, 2025

Myths about arms and elbows

March 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Hitting, Infield

Myth #1:  Extend both arms fully out in front of you when you field.

No matter what sport you play, there will never be a time when your arms are fully extended in front of you AND you’re in a powerful position.  It

Very popular ... but incorrect!

just doesn’t work that way.  The arms are quicker and more powerful when they are bent at the elbow a bit.  When kids are practicing fielding, I emphasize forming two triangles with their body (see my YouTube clip on this) but I don’t recommend extending both arms completely straight out.  Once the arms/elbows are straight and locked, everything slows down and performance will suffer.

Myth #2: Get your back elbow up!


Very much like Myth #1, anytime an athlete lifts one or both elbows up, their body is immediately in a weaker position.  To do anything quickly and powerfully with your arms, the elbows need to be relaxed and pointing down towards the side of the body.  Hitting is no exception.  At some point, every little kid who plays baseball has heard a coach or parent say, “Get the back elbow up!”  Unfortunately, it is completely unnecessary to do so and can actually cause more problems than it fixes.  

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