Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

Off-season training: The two-day workout

November 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Off-Season

The link at the bottom of this post will provide you with a pdf of a two-day lifting routine for baseball players.  A few days ago I provided a beginners’ routine for middle-school players or anyone else who is just starting to get involved in weight lifting.  That post can be accessed HERE.  The post of basic weight lifting tips can be found HERE.

Tis the season!

The two-day routine is meant to be an upgraded version of the basic routine if players have learned the tips and techniques of basic weight lifting and are ready for a more challenging workout.  As you’ll see if you compare the beginners’ chart with the ones provided today, the two-day charts add more exercises overall and also give the lifter a couple exercises per body group as opposed to one in the beginner routine.  It also allows for three sets per exercise.  Filling out the chart is the same in that a player would record dates, weight, and reps for each exercise.  

Depending on the player’s schedule, he can also turn this two-day routine into a three-day or four day routine as follows:

Three-Day Routine
Day 1 Routine – Mon & Fri or Tues & Sat
Day 2 Routine – Wed or Thurs

Four-Day Routine
Day 1 Routine (upper body only) Monday
Day 1 Routine (legs only) Tuesday
Day 2 Routine (upper body only) Thursday
Day 2 Routine (legs only) Friday

Of course, none of these workout charts are written in stone.  Adjust the exercises, days, etc. to fit whatever needs you have.

Click here for the Two-Day Workout Charts

4 comments on “Off-season training: The two-day workout

  1. Suzie Thomas on said:

    This is great for someone who wants to stay in shape but may not have lots of time to devote each day to going to the gym or getting a core workout.

  2. Coach McCreary on said:

    You would be correct! For players at the middle school or high school levels, there really is no need to be too baseball specific with their workouts except for some shoulder/rotator cuff exercises. A basic total body workout is all they need. That's why it could work for anyone outside of baseball as well!
    Thanks for commenting!

  3. Bob Burg on said:

    How freaking awesome is this site??? My youngest son asked me for "baseball" workout suggestions…we just purchased a bench and weights. And within two clicks…BANG! I have routines and workout charts. AWESOME BABEEEE!

    This site is a treasure of information, a real gift to its readers.

    Thx Coach!

  4. Coach McCreary on said:

    Thank you very much! My goal with the site has always been to go beyond what is expected with regards to instruction. Thanks again and please spread the word! I wish your son the best of luck in his journey! Keep me posted on his progress!

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