Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

Own the recruiting process

October 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Off-Season

Making contact with coaches is YOUR responsibility!

Last week, I wrote three posts (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) that centered on the theme of how to
 choose a college.  In one, I mentioned that very few high school players 
are fortunate enough to have college recruiters come to them.  For some
 lucky studs, the recruiting process is as simple as sitting back and
 waiting for the college reps to arrive and try to woo them into
 attending their schools.  However, for most players, that is a very poor
 strategy to take.  Sitting back and just hoping a college coach will
 knock on their door will not get it done. 

The big message I tried to pass on to my players and their parents about 
the recruiting process was to take ownership of the process.  Call and 
email college coaches, attend their off-season camps to see how they run
 their programs and interact with players, and check out their websites
 to see what year (Fr, So, Jr, Sr) the players at your position are in.
  Talk to other players and parents who have been through this before to
 get advice and tips. 

If a coach or school doesn’t contact you, keep 
calling or emailing until you get your questions answered.  Talk to your 
school counselor and get their suggestions on schools that may be a good
 fit for you.  I guarantee there is a person in your vicinity who
 attended (and maybe even played baseball at) the school you are
 inquiring about.  Find them and contact them.  They will be happy to
 help.  I’m certain of it.

Remember, many people around you have either gone through this process 
before or have helped student-athletes through all this countless times.
  Tap into that expertise. 

Most importantly, TAKE ACTION!

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