Friday, March 28th, 2025

Parents after tryouts: This one’s for you

February 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Misc, Tryouts

Dear Parents/Guardians,
                This time of year brings mixed emotions to the baseball coaching staff at _____High School.  Although we are excited for the start of another season, we know that this time of year involves tryouts and the painful reality that not all the players can make the team.  The number of kids trying out provides the program with many talented athletes to choose from.  It also creates the problem of having to let players go, many of whom have some ability. 
                We keep the players that in our opinion have the best chance to succeed at the high school level now and/or in the future.  Just because a player has succeeded in the past does not automatically mean he will be successful at the high school level.  To get a better idea of what  we look for during tryouts, go to our team webpage and click on Tryouts: What we look for.
                After tryouts are completed, we are more than willing to schedule a time to sit down with any player to discuss where they fell short and how they can improve in those areas. Not making your high school baseball team can be very disappointing to young players, many of whom have played and succeeded at each level until now.  However, there are life lessons that can be taken from this disappointment.  We are firm believers in the saying “when one door closes, another opens.”  Not making a team, in many cases, frees players up to find new activities and interests in which they can excel.
                Like players, each parent reacts differently to the news that their son did not make the team.  Some take it in stride. Some saw it coming.  Some may be shocked. Some may be very upset and angry. Regardless of how a parent reacts, we ask that the following be considered:
  1. We will gladly speak to parents but only after speaking to the player.  Although it may be difficult for players to speak to a coach after tryouts, we realize that this is a life skill that should be practiced.  If parents jump in beforehand, the player loses this opportunity to learn this skill.  Please encourage the player to come speak to a coach.
  2. Stay positive and focus on the big picture.  Being openly negative about coaches, other players, and the baseball program does not help players move on in a positive way.  It shifts attention away from areas that the player needs to improve in and places the focus on external factors. 
  3. Encourage the player to continue with baseball.  Nowadays, there are many teams to play for outside of school.  Understand that growth rates and skill development are different for every player.  Some continue to improve and some peak early in their careers. Umpiring, coaching Little League, being a team manager, statistician, or assistant are all ways to continue their love for the game outside of playing.    
We would like to thank all the players for their effort during our workouts.  We wish all of them the best of luck in their academic and baseball careers.
The Baseball Coaching Staff

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