Saturday, March 29th, 2025

Random tips for summer ball

June 24, 2014 by  
Filed under Misc

To me, there was nothing better than summer ball.  I woke up and other than some chores around the house, the day was just about baseball.  No school and no homework.  Just baseball.

Take good care of yourself and remember ... someone is always watching.

Take good care of yourself and remember … someone is always watching.


Although every level of summer ball was fun for me, it wasn’t always easy.  The heat and humidity along with multiple games a week can wear you down pretty quickly.  

We are about to turn the calendar to July and if you are still playing, here are some tips for you:

Drink plenty of water.  Don’t wait until you are thirsty and don’t wait until game time.  Drink throughout the day.

Eat healthy.  Your body needs more fuel this time of year.  Lots of fruit and vegetables.  MLB teams have lots of food brought in for them before and after games.  It’s all healthy stuff.  Limit the junk.  What you put into your body today will be what it has to work with tomorrow.

Keep lifting.  Complete one exercise per body part with 15-20 reps for each one.  Click HERE for a post I wrote in 2012 about In-Season Lifting.  An In-season program will help maintain your strength through July and August.  This is especially true for your hands as I mentioned in this post HERE.

Energy takes no talent.  Most kids start to take a little more time getting out to their position this time of year.  Don’t be that guy.  Keep your energy high.  Those are exactly the type of players coaches at the next level are looking for.

Remember, someone is always watching.  Always play as if someone important to your baseball career is watching you every minute on the field.  

Focus on mechanics.  The heat and humidity can tire you out fast and cause bad habits.  Off the field, make sure you are spending time on your own going through the mechanics of your positions and your hitting.  Do them slow and do them perfectly.  When it comes time to perform, even though you are tired, your body will repeat what you’ve taught it.

and the final tip from my good friend Coach Manero …

Carry your own stuff.  I don’t care how hot it is or how tired you are, ball players carry there own equipment.  They don’t drag it around and they don’t get mom or dad to do the heavy lifting.  It’s your stuff.  You carry it.

Tomorrow’s post:  Is it ok to take the top hand off the bat after the swing?  

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