Friday, March 28th, 2025

Tilting the tee for better hitting drills

March 15, 2018 by  
Filed under Coaching, Hitting

I’m a gigantic fan of tee work.  So are a huge majority of major league hitters so I think I’m in good company.  It’s tough to improve upon something that has worked for so many generations but I may have found an exception.

An assistant on my son’s 11u travel team (who is also a scout and former D1 player and coach) incorporated something new into all their tee drills at practice.

He tilts the tee back a little.

Here is a standard tee position with it flat on the ground …

The tube placed on the tee represents the path of the pitch in this position.  It’s flat and not very realistic.  

But if you tilt the tee back a little like this next photo (I used a barbell weight underneath) …

… you’ll see that the tube better matches the plane of a real pitch.

It’s not a huge game-changer but that little visual difference for hitters can help them grasp the concept of matching the plane of the pitch with their swing.

Learn something new every day!



*To plan for the upcoming season, check out all the eBooks from Baseball By The Yard by clicking HERE!

*My Four-Week Guide to Developing Pitchers For Game #1 has been a big hit!  Get it HERE!  It’s less than 5 smackers which makes it a pretty ridiculous deal.

*Getting ready for indoor workouts?  Click HERE for a eBook to get the most out of them!  This one is FREE which is even more ridiculous!

*For practice templates, workout routines, and much more, go to the Resource page



One comment on “Tilting the tee for better hitting drills

  1. The flat tee’s have caused issues with my son. so I always used it to get him to keep eyes on the ball. The tilted tee appears to be a great invention for young kids too!

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