Tuesday, March 11th, 2025


Because basic baseball instruction should be available to all

Hi everyone and thanks for visiting the Videos page!  The videos below are a few I produced and/or presented for coaches, players, and parents who are looking for some basic instruction.  In each video introduction I provide a run down of what the video covers so if it fits your needs, go ahead and watch it.   

                                              – Coach McCreary


To access all the 100+ video tips (mostly 2-6 minutes), go to my YouTube page HERE !!


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Videos on this page:

  1. Five principles of coaching baseball
  2. Giving signs at third base:  Do’s and Don’ts
  3. Tag plays and Collisions at home plate
  4. An indoor / outdoor approach to developing outfielders
  5. Basic catching and throwing
  6. It all starts with defense – Part 1
  7. It all starts with defense – Part2
  8. Fundamentals of hitting: The swing from the bottom up
  9. Basic pitching mechanics – Part 1
  10. Basic pitching mechanics – Part 2
  11. Common coaching mistakes


Title:  Five principles of coaching baseball

Length:  18 minutes

Audience: Coaches – all levels

Summary:  This video touches on five core concepts that coaches at all levels should consider as the interact with their teams on and off the field.  It was presented as the keynote address for a Little League coaches clinic in January, 2015.


Title:  Giving signs at third base:  Do’s and Don’ts

Length: 9 minutes

Audience:  Coaches

Summary:  This video passes on some tips for coaches who are the ones in the third base coaching box giving signs to runners and batters during games.


Title:  Tag plays and Collisions at home plate

Length: 23 minutes

Audience:  Catchers and coaches/parents of catchers

Summary:  This important video shows catchers how to properly position themselves on plays at home plate to avoid injury.  Special attention is given to collisions at the plate and the do’s and don’ts to stay safe.


Title:  An indoor / Outdoor Approach to Developing Outfielders

Length: 43 minutes

Audience:  Youth coaches and high school coaches

Summary:  This was a seminar presented at the 2013 Greater Philadelphia Baseball Coaches Clinic in Malvern, PA.  It is designed to show that practicing indoors does not mean a coach has to neglect his outfielders.  10 drills are shown along with the mechanics coaches should expect in each.  These drills can also be expanded for outdoor work for outfielders as well.


Title:  Basic Catching and Throwing

Length: 14 minutes

Audience:  Youth coaches

Summary:  This was a seminar presented at the 2013 North Penn High School “Baseball for all” Coaches Clinic.  It is designed to pass on the skills that form the basic foundation of the catching and throwing process.


Title: It all starts with defense – Part 1

Length: 11 minutes

Audience: Youth coaches

Summary: This was a seminar presented at the 2013 North Penn High School “Baseball for all” Coaches Clinic.  It is designed to pass on the skills that form the basic foundation of playing the infield, outfield, and catching behind the plate.


Title: It all starts with defense – Part 2

Length: 7+ minutes

Audience: Youth coaches

Summary: This is Part 2 of a seminar presented at the 2013 North Penn High School “Baseball for all” Coaches Clinic.  It is designed to pass on the skills that form the basic foundation of playing the infield, outfield, and catching behind the plate.


Title: Fundamentals of hitting: The swing from the bottom up

Length: 14+ minutes

Audience: Youth coaches

Summary: This is a seminar presented at the 2013 North Penn High School “Baseball for all” Coaches Clinic.  It is designed to pass on the basics of the swing in hitting for youth players and coaches


Title: Basic Pitching Mechanics and Instruction (Part 1 and 2)

Length:  Part 1 = 20 minutes;  Part 2 = 17 minutes

Audience: Players, parents, and coaches of any age who are in need of a solid foundation for the       understanding of pitching mechanics.

Format:   Screenshot video with voice over.

Summary:  Part 1 covers the basics of the proper set up on the mound, the knee kick, the front side approach, and the landing.  Part 2 covers what I call the Two E’s (eyes and elbows), the full rotaion and the finish, common mistakes seen at the finish, and the most common mistake I see in young pitchers


Part 1:


Part 2:


Title:  Common coaching mistakes 

Length:  1 hour, 4 minutes

Audience:  This seminar was given live by Coach McCreary in February, 2012, to a group largely composed of high school coaches.  This video is a reproduction of that appearance.  Some of the concepts are a little advanced for younger players and their coaches but some information can be valuable for any age group.

Format:  Screenshot video with voice over

Summary: This seminar explains the mistakes made in “managing” and “coaching” teams, identifies specific things coaches can do to address those mistakes, explains the importance of modeling for players, and addresses the importance of the mental side of coaching.